This topic describes the common client and server error codes.
Client error codes
Error code | Error message | HTTP status code | Description |
UnknownError | The request processing has failed due to some unknown error. | 400 | The error message returned because an unknown error that is not caused by a server-side issue occurred on the client. |
MissingParameter | The input parameter {name} should be specified. | 400 | The error message returned because an input parameter is missing. name indicates the parameter name. |
One of the input parameters {names} should be specified. | 400 | The error message returned because an input parameter is missing. You must specify one of the input parameters in the names list. | |
The input parameter {name} should be specified, {reason}. | 400 | The error message returned because an input parameter is missing. name indicates the parameter name. reason indicates the cause. | |
InvalidParameter | The specified parameter {name} is invalid. | 400 | The error message returned because a parameter is invalid. name indicates the parameter name. |
The specified parameter {name} is invalid, {reason}. | 400 | The error message returned because a parameter is invalid. name indicates the parameter name. reason indicates the cause. | |
MultipleParameter | Only one of the input parameters {names} can be specified. | 400 | The error message returned because the number of parameters exceeds the limit. You can specify only one of the parameters in the names list. |
InvalidIdempotenceParameter | The specified parameters are different from before. | 400 | The error message returned because the tokens that are used to ensure the idempotence are the same, but the parameters are different. |
LastTokenProcessing | The last token request is processing. | 400 | The error message returned because the last token request is being processed. Try again later. |
Invalid | Data supplied was not valid: {reason}. | 400 | The error message returned because the value is invalid. reason indicates the cause. |
InvalidValue | {reason}. | 400 | The error message returned because the value is invalid. reason indicates the cause. |
RequestLimitExceeded | Request limit exceeded: {reason}. | 400 | The error message returned because the request contains content that exceeds the limit. reason indicates the cause. You can adjust the quotas to change the limits. |
NotSupported | {feature} is not supported. | 400 | The error message returned because a feature is not supported. feature indicates the specific feature or operation. |
MismatchNextToken | {name} mismatches next token. | 400 | The error message returned because a parameter does not match the next token. name indicates the parameter name. |
AssumeRoleFailure | Fail to assume role {name}: {reason} | 400 | The error message returned because Resource Orchestration Service (ROS) failed to obtain a temporary identity to assume the specified RAM role. name indicates the RAM role name. reason indicates the cause. |
Forbidden | You are not authorized to complete this action. | 403 | The error message returned because you are not authorized to complete this action. |
A required authorization for the specified action {api} is not supplied. Code: {code} RequestId: {request_id} | 403 | The error message returned because you have not authorized ROS to call the operation. api indicates the name of the operation. code indicates the error code. request_id indicates the ID of the request. | |
AccountTypeNotSupported | Account type not supported. | 403 | The error message returned because the account type is not supported. |
NotFound | {reason}. | 404 | The error message returned because the request contains content that does not exist. reason indicates the cause. |
TerraformStackNotSupported | Terraform stack does not support {feature}. | 400 | The error message returned because a feature is not supported by the Terraform stack. feature indicates the feature name. |
Terraform stack template does not support {feature}. | 400 | The error message returned because a feature is not supported by the Terraform stack template. feature indicates the feature name. | |
Terraform stack is not supported. | 400 | The error message returned because the Terraform stack feature is not available. | |
TokenResultReturnedInLastRequest | The result for token is an error, and was returned in the last request: {response}. | 400 | The error message returned because the request result has been returned in the last request that has the same ClientToken as this request. The result is a 5XX error. response indicates the error message that is displayed in JSON format. response contains the Code, Message, and HttpStatusCode fields. After the 5XX error that is cached by using ClientToken is returned once or twice, TokenResultReturnedInLastRequest is returned. |
InvalidResourceType | Invalid resource type {name}. | 400 | The error message returned because the resource type is invalid. name indicates the type name. |
Invalid resource type {name} of parameter {path}. | 400 | The error message returned because the resource type is invalid. name indicates the type name, and path indicates the parameter path. | |
Invalid {entity_type} ({name}). | 400 | The error message returned because the resource type is invalid. entity_type indicates the entity type and name indicates the type name. | |
Invalid version {version} of {entity_type} ({name}). | 400 | The error message returned because the resource type is invalid. version indicates the version ID, entity_type indicates the entity type, and name indicates the type name. | |
ResourceTypeBeingProcessed | {entity_type} ({name}) is being processed, retry later. | 400 | The error message returned because the specified resource type has an action in progress. Try again later. entity_type indicates the entity type and name indicates the type name. |
Server error codes
Error code | Error message | HTTP status code | Description |
InternalError | Server error. | 500 | The error message returned because an internal error occurs. |
ServiceUnavailable | The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server. | 503 | The error message returned because a server error occurred. Try again later. If the issue persists, submit a ticket. |