This topic describes the data structure of a resource change event and provides examples.
Data structure
Structure of a resource change event
Field | Type | Description |
messageType | String | The message type. Valid values:
resourceChangeType | String | The configuration change type. Valid values:
changeId | String | The unique ID of the configuration change. |
accountId | String | The ID of the account to which the resource belongs. |
regionId | String | The region ID of the resource. |
resourceType | String | The type of the resource. |
resourceId | String | The ID of the resource. |
resourceSnapshot | JSON | The snapshot of the resource. For more information, see Structure of the resourceSnapshot field. |
resourceDiff | JSON | The comparison between the configurations before the change and the configurations after the change. For more information, see Structure of the resourceDiff field. |
version | String | The version number. |
Structure of the resourceSnapshot field
Category | Field | Type | Description |
Common properties | accountId | String | The ID of the account to which the resource belongs. |
regionId | String | The region ID of the resource. | |
resourceType | String | The type of the resource. | |
resourceId | String | The ID of the resource. | |
resourceGroupId | String | The ID of the resource group to which the replication pair belongs. | |
resourceName | String | The name of the resource. | |
resourceStatus | String | The status of the resource. | |
zoneId | String | The zone ID of the resource. | |
createTime | String | The time when the resource was created. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard and is in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ or yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. | |
expireTime | String | The time when the resource expires. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard and is in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ or yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. | |
tags | Array | The tags added to the resource. | |
ipAddresses | Array | The IP addresses. | |
ipAddressAttributes | Array | The properties of the IP addresses. | |
vpcId | String | The ID of the virtual private cloud (VPC). | |
vSwitchId | String | The ID of the vSwitch. | |
Resource properties | configuration | JSON | The properties of the resource. |
Structure of the resourceDiff field
Field | Type | Description |
changeType | String | The event type. Valid values:
Note The changedProperties field is returned only if the event type is UPDATE. |
changedProperties | Map | The details of the changed properties. |
previousValue | String | The value before the change. |
updatedValue | String | The value after the change. |
Example 1: If the size of a resource change event is less than or equal to 1 MB, you can view the data of the event in Simple Log Service.
"resourceChangeType": "ResourceUpdate",
"accountId": "152435078218****",
"resourceId": "eip-bp18kiogaerql42yy****",
"messageType": "ResourceChange",
"regionId": "cn-hangzhou",
"resourceSnapshot": "{\"accountId\":\"152435078218****\",\"configuration\":{\"HDMonitorStatus\":\"OFF\",\"Description\":\"\",\"AvailableRegions\":{\"AvailableRegion\":[\"cn-hangzhou\"]},\"ServiceManaged\":0,\"ResourceGroupId\":\"rg-acfmzdlidtf****\",\"AllocationId\":\"eip-bp18kiogaerql42yy****\",\"SecondLimited\":false,\"BusinessStatus\":\"Normal\",\"Name\":\"zx\",\"SegmentInstanceId\":\"\",\"InstanceRegionId\":\"cn-hangzhou\",\"Bandwidth\":\"200\",\"ExpiredTime\":\"\",\"BandwidthPackageId\":\"\",\"InstanceType\":\"EcsInstance\",\"Tags\":{\"Tag\":[{\"Value\":\"v1\",\"Key\":\"k1\"},{\"Value\":\"v2\",\"Key\":\"k2\"}]},\"Status\":\"InUse\",\"InstanceId\":\"i-bp11x4htqo2akm97****\",\"ISP\":\"BGP\",\"HasReservationData\":false,\"BizType\":\"Default\",\"DeletionProtection\":false,\"BandwidthPackageType\":\"\",\"BandwidthPackageBandwidth\":\"\",\"InternetChargeType\":\"PayByTraffic\",\"AllocationTime\":\"2023-07-19T06:30:43Z\",\"VpcId\":\"\",\"Netmode\":\"public\",\"ChargeType\":\"PostPaid\",\"IpAddress\":\"47.111.XX.XX\",\"RegionId\":\"cn-hangzhou\"},\"createTime\":\"2023-07-19T06:30:43Z\",\"ipAddresses\":[\"47.111.XX.XX\"],\"regionId\":\"cn-hangzhou\",\"resourceGroupId\":\"rg-acfmzdlidtf****\",\"resourceId\":\"eip-bp18kiogaerql42yy****\",\"resourceName\":\"zx\",\"resourceType\":\"ACS::EIP::EipAddress\",\"tags\":[{\"key\":\"k1\",\"value\":\"v1\"},{\"key\":\"k2\",\"value\":\"v2\"}]}",
"changeId": "sc-c23b2d3543218ba730fb208a74be****",
"resourceDiff": "{\"changedProperties\":{\"Tags.Tag\":{\"previousValue\":[{\"Value\":\"v1\",\"Key\":\"k1\"}],\"updatedValue\":[{\"Value\":\"v1\",\"Key\":\"k1\"},{\"Value\":\"v2\",\"Key\":\"k2\"}]}}}",
"version": "171108694741****",
"resourceType": "ACS::EIP::EipAddress"
Example 2: If the size of a resource change event exceeds 1 MB and the large-file delivery feature is enabled, you can view the basic information about the event in Simple Log Service. Then, view the details of the event in OSS based on the value of ossObjectPath
Data in Simple Log Service
"accountId": "152435078218****",
"resourceId": "eip-t4nj1xwqjdmkmz9gg****",
"ossObjectPath": "oss://resourcecenter-test/152435078218****/ResourceCenter/dc-s104ld1k****_CHANGE_DELIVERY/2024/03/19/152435078218****_ACS::EIP::EipAddress_ap-southeast-1_eip-t4nj1xwqjdmkmz9gg****_171083883919****_rc_resource_oversize_change.json",
"messageType": "OversizedResourceChange",
"regionId": "ap-southeast-1",
"changeId": "sc-4141c854-568d-473b-a944-08c5f4b5****",
"version": "171083883919****",
"resourceType": "ACS::EIP::EipAddress"
Data in OSS
"accountId": "152435078218****",
"changeId": "sc-4141c854-568d-473b-a944-08c5f4b5****",
"messageType": "ResourceChange",
"regionId": "ap-southeast-1",
"resourceChangeType": "ResourceUpdate",
"resourceDiff": {
"changeType": "UPDATE",
"changedProperties": {
"BusinessStatus": {
"previousValue": "Unactivated",
"updatedValue": "Normal"
"resourceId": "eip-t4nj1xwqjdmkmz9gg****",
"resourceSnapshot": {
"accountId": "152435078218****",
"configuration": {
"HDMonitorStatus": "OFF",
"Description": "CREATE_BY_ALB.alb-xj6tlyo36sipt9****",
"AvailableRegions": {
"AvailableRegion": ["ap-southeast-1"]
"ServiceManaged": 1,
"ResourceGroupId": "rg-acfmzdlidtf****",
"AllocationId": "eip-t4nj1xwqjdmkmz9gg****",
"SecondLimited": false,
"BusinessStatus": "Normal",
"Name": "CREATE_BY_ALB.alb-xj6tlyo36sipt9****",
"SegmentInstanceId": "",
"InstanceRegionId": "ap-southeast-1",
"Bandwidth": "200",
"ExpiredTime": "",
"BandwidthPackageId": "",
"InstanceType": "NetworkInterface",
"Status": "InUse",
"InstanceId": "eni-t4n6664mrebxp15u****",
"ISP": "BGP",
"HasReservationData": false,
"BizType": "Default",
"DeletionProtection": false,
"BandwidthPackageType": "",
"BandwidthPackageBandwidth": "",
"InternetChargeType": "PayByTraffic",
"AllocationTime": "2024-03-19T09:00:14Z",
"VpcId": "",
"Netmode": "public",
"ChargeType": "PostPaid",
"IpAddress": "47.236.XX.XX",
"RegionId": "ap-southeast-1"
"createTime": "2024-03-19T09:00:14Z",
"ipAddresses": ["47.236.XX.XX"],
"regionId": "ap-southeast-1",
"resourceGroupId": "rg-acfmzdlidtf****",
"resourceId": "eip-t4nj1xwqjdmkmz9gg****",
"resourceName": "CREATE_BY_ALB.alb-xj6tlyo36sipt9****",
"resourceType": "ACS::EIP::EipAddress"
"resourceType": "ACS::EIP::EipAddress",
"version": "171083883919****"