Queries the result of a member deletion check.
Usage notes
After you call the CheckAccountDelete operation to perform a member deletion check, you can call the GetAccountDeletionCheckResult operation to query the check result. If the check result shows that the member meets deletion requirements, you can delete the member. Otherwise, you need to first modify the items that do not meet requirements.
This topic provides an example on how to call the API operation to query the result
of the deletion check for the member whose ID is 179855839641****
. The response shows that the member does not meet deletion requirements.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | GetAccountDeletionCheckResult |
The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to GetAccountDeletionCheckResult. |
AccountId | String | Yes | 179855839641**** |
The ID of the member that you want to delete. |
For more information about common request parameters, see Common parameters.
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
RequestId | String | 54AC391D-4F7F-5F08-B8D3-0AECDE6EC5BD |
The ID of the request. |
AccountDeletionCheckResultInfo | Object |
The result of the deletion check for the member. |
Status | String | PreCheckComplete |
The status of the check. Valid values:
AllowDelete | String | false |
Indicates whether the member can be deleted. Valid values:
NotAllowReason | Array of reason |
The reasons why the member cannot be deleted. Note This parameter is returned only if the value of AllowDelete is false.
Description | String | This account is an Enterprise Finance associated account. Please remove the financial association of this account before deleting it. |
The description of the check item. |
CheckId | String | NON_SP_efc |
The ID of the check item. |
CheckName | String | Enterprise finance |
The name of the cloud service to which the check item belongs. |
AbandonableChecks | Array of check |
The check items that you can choose to ignore for the member deletion. Note This parameter may be returned if the value of AllowDelete is true.
Description | String | An instance of a cloud service is running within the member. Submit a ticket to contact Alibaba Cloud technical support. |
The description of the check item. |
CheckId | String | NON_SP_cs |
The ID of the check item. |
CheckName | String | Container Service for Kubernetes |
The name of the cloud service to which the check item belongs. |
Sample requests
&<Common request parameters>
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<Description>instance number:1</Description>
<Description>This account is an Enterprise Finance associated account. Please remove the financial association of this account before deleting it.</Description>
<CheckName>Enterprise finance</CheckName>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"AccountDeletionCheckResultInfo" : {
"Status" : "PreCheckComplete",
"AbandonableChecks" : [ ],
"NotAllowReason" : [ {
"Description" : "instance number:1",
"CheckName" : "eip_pre",
"CheckId" : "SP_eip_eip_pre"
}, {
"Description" : "This account is an Enterprise Finance associated account. Please remove the financial association of this account before deleting it.",
"CheckName" : "Enterprise finance",
"CheckId" : "NON_SP_efc"
} ],
"AllowDelete" : false
"RequestId" : "54AC391D-4F7F-5F08-B8D3-0AECDE6EC5BD"
Error codes
HTTP status code | Error code | Error message | Description |
400 | MissingParameter.AccountId | You must specify AccountId. | The error message returned because the AccountId parameter is not configured. |
400 | InvalidParameter.AccountId | The AccountId is invalid. | The error message returned because the value of the AccountId parameter is invalid. Specify a 16-digit ID. |
404 | EntityNotExists.Account | This resource directory account does not exist. | The error message returned because the member does not exist. Create such a member first. |
404 | EntityNotExists.ResourceDirectory | The resource directory for the account is not enabled. We recommend that you first enable the resource directory for the account. | The error message returned because the current account has not been used to enable a resource directory. Use the account to enable a resource directory first. |
409 | AccountTypeOrStatusMismatch | You cannot perform the action on the member account. | The error message returned because you cannot perform this operation on the member. |
409 | EntityNotExists.CheckAccount | There is no check task for this account | The error message returned because no deletion check is performed for the current account. |
409 | UnknownError.Account | The deletion failed. An unknown error occurred. Please try again later. | The error message returned because an unknown error has occurred and the member fails to be deleted. Try again later. |
For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.