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Resource Access Management:SAML response for role-based SSO

Last Updated:Mar 18, 2024

This topic describes the syntax of a Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) response for role-based single sign-on (SSO). This topic also describes the elements of a SAML assertion in a SAML response.

Background information

During SAML 2.0-based SSO, after the identity of a user is verified, the identity provider (IdP) generates an authentication response and sends this response to Alibaba Cloud by using a browser or a program. This response contains a SAML assertion that complies with the specifications of the HTTP POST binding in SAML 2.0. Alibaba Cloud uses the SAML assertion to determine the logon status and identity of the user. Therefore, the SAML assertion must contain the elements that are required by Alibaba Cloud. If the SAML assertion does not contain the required elements, SSO fails.

SAML response

Make sure that each SAML response that is sent by your IdP to Alibaba Cloud contains the following elements. Otherwise, SSO fails.

            <saml2:Attribute Name="">
            <saml2:Attribute Name="">

Elements in a SAML assertion

  • Common elements in SAML 2.0

    For more information about SAML 2.0, see SAML 2.0.




    The value of the Issuer element must match EntityID in the metadata file that you upload for the IdP in the Alibaba Cloud Management Console.


    The SAML assertion must be signed. The Signature element must contain information such as the signature value and signature algorithm. The signature is used to verify that the signed SAML assertion is not modified after the signature is generated.


    The Subject element must contain the following sub-elements:

    • Only one NameID sub-element. You must specify the value of NameID based on SAML 2.0. However, Alibaba Cloud does not determine a logon identity based on the value of NameID.

    • Only one SubjectConfirmation sub-element that contains a SubjectConfirmationData sub-element. The SubjectConfirmationData sub-element must contain the following attributes:

      • NotOnOrAfter: the validity period of a SAML assertion.

      • Recipient: the recipient of the SAML assertion. Alibaba Cloud checks the recipient of the SAML assertion based on the value of this attribute. Therefore, you must set this attribute to

      The following script provides an example of the Subject element:

        <NameID Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent">administrator</NameID>        
        <SubjectConfirmation Method="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:cm:bearer">   
          <SubjectConfirmationData NotOnOrAfter="2019-01-01T00:01:00.000Z" Recipient=""/>    


    The Conditions element must contain an AudienceRestriction sub-element. The AudienceRestriction sub-element can contain one or more Audience sub-elements. The value of an Audience sub-element must be urn:alibaba:cloudcomputing:international.

    The following script provides an example of the Conditions element:

  • Custom elements required by Alibaba Cloud

    Alibaba Cloud requires that the AttributeStatement element in a SAML assertion contains the following Attribute sub-elements:

    • Role attribute: an Attribute element with the Name attribute set to

      This sub-element is required and contains one or more AttributeValue sub-elements. AttributeValue lists the roles that can be assumed by a user in your IdP. The value of the AttributeValue sub-element is a comma-delimited pair of the Alibaba Cloud Resource Name (ARN) of the role and the ARN of the IdP. You can view the ARN of the role and the ARN of the IdP in the RAM console.

      • To view the ARN of the role, go to the Roles page and click the name of the RAM role. On the page that appears, you can view the ARN of the role in the Basic Information section.

      • To view the ARN of the IdP, go to the SSO page. On the Role-based SSO tab, click the name of the IdP. You can view the ARN of the IdP in the IdP Information section.


      If a role attribute contains multiple AttributeValue sub-elements, the user must select which role to assume when the user logs on to the Alibaba Cloud Management Console.

      The following script provides an example of the Role attribute:

      <Attribute Name="">      

      The value of $account_id is the ID of the Alibaba Cloud account that defines the RAM role and IdP.

    • Role attribute: an Attribute element with the Name attribute set to

      This sub-element is required and contains only one AttributeValue sub-element that specifies the user information to be displayed in the RAM console and ActionTrail logs. If you want multiple users to assume the same role, specify different values of the RoleSessionName attribute for the users. Each value uniquely identifies a user. For example, you can set the value to an employee ID or email address.

      The value in the AttributeValue sub-element must be 2 to 64 characters in length, and can contain only letters, digits, and the following special characters: - _ . @ =

      The following script provides an example of the RoleSessionName attribute:

      <Attribute Name="">
    • SessionDuration attribute: an Attribute sub-element with the Name attribute set to

      This element is optional and contains only one AttributeValue sub-element that specifies the maximum duration of each session. The value of this sub-element is an integer, in seconds. The value cannot exceed the maximum session duration that is specified for the Role attribute. The minimum value is 900 seconds.

      The following script provides an example of the SessionDuration attribute:

      <Attribute Name="">
  • Maximum role session duration

    If you use the console to assume a role, the maximum session duration for the role is the value of the SessionDuration attribute that is specified in a SAML assertion. If the SessionNotOnOrAfter attribute of the AuthnStatement element is also specified, the maximum session duration is the smaller value between SessionDuration and SessionNotOnOrAfter. If neither SessionDuration nor SessionNotOnOrAfter is specified, the maximum session duration is the smaller value between the Maximum Session Duration parameter of the role and the Logon Session Valid For parameter. For more information, see Manage security settings of RAM users and Specify the maximum session duration for a RAM role.

    If you have specified the DurationSeconds parameter when you call the AssumeRoleWithSAML operation and defined the SessionNotOnOrAfter attribute in the AuthnStatement element, the maximum session duration is the smaller value between DurationSeconds and SessionNotOnOrAfter. For more information, see AssumeRoleWithSAML. If neither SessionDuration nor SessionNotOnOrAfter is specified, the maximum session duration is 3,600 seconds by default.


How do I view a SAML response in Google Chrome?