This topic describes the ST_RegForeignTables function. This function is used to register a table in a data source as a foreign table.
cstring ST_RegForeignTables(cstring source,
cstring server_name default '',
cstring driver default '',
cstring config_option default '',
cstring open_option default '',
cstring[] tables default NULL,
cstring prefix default '' );
Parameter | Description |
source | The data source that contains the table. For more information, see Object storage paths. |
driver | The driver that is used to access the data source. For more information, see ST_FDWDrivers. If you do not specify this parameter, the default driver is used. |
server_name | The name of the foreign server. The name is automatically created. Default value: |
config_option | The environment variables that you want to configure. |
open_option | The options based on which the data source is accessed. |
tables | The name of the table that you want to register as a foreign table. You can use the ST_ForeignTables function to query table names. |
prefix | The prefix in the name of the foreign table. |
You can use this function to register a table in a data source as a foreign table. You can specify the server name and the data source. You can obtain the information that you need by using the information_schema.foreign_tables
Specify only the Object Storage Service (OSS) endpoint.
SELECT ST_RegForeignTables('OSS://<access_id>:<secrect_key>@[<Endpoint>]/<bucket>/path_to/file'); -------------- Create server 'ganos_fdw_server' successfully
Specify the server_name parameter.
SELECT ST_RegForeignTables('OSS://<access_id>:<secrect_key>@[<Endpoint>]/<bucket>/path_to/file', 'my_server'); ------------- Create server 'my_server' successfully
Specify the open_option parameter.
SELECT ST_RegForeignTables('OSS://<access_id>:<secrect_key>@[<Endpoint>]/<bucket>/path_to/file', 'myserver', 'ESRI Shapefile', '', 'SHAPE_ENCODING=LATIN1'); ------------- Create server 'myserver' successfully
Specify the table that you want to register as a foreign table.
SELECT ST_RegForeignTables('OSS://<access_id>:<secrect_key>@[<Endpoint>]/<bucket>/path_to/file', 'myserver', 'ESRI Shapefile', '', 'SHAPE_ENCODING=LATIN1', ARRAY['point', 'roads']::cstring[]); ------------- Create server 'myserver' successfully
Specify the prefix in the name of the foreign table.
SELECT ST_RegForeignTables('OSS://<access_id>:<secrect_key>@[<Endpoint>]/<bucket>/path_to/file', 'myserver', 'ESRI Shapefile', '', 'SHAPE_ENCODING=LATIN1', ARRAY['point', 'roads']::cstring[], 'myprefix'); ------------- Create server 'myserver' successfully