You can call the DescribeDedicatedHosts operation to query the information about one or more hosts in a dedicated cluster.
Dedicated clusters allow you to manage a number of instances at a time. You can create multiple dedicated clusters in a single region. Each dedicated cluster consists of multiple hosts. You can create multiple instances on each host. For more information, see What is ApsaraDB MyBase?
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | Query hosts in dedicated cluster |
The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeDedicatedHosts. |
DedicatedHostGroupId | String | Yes | dhg-7a9xxxxxxxx |
The ID of the dedicated cluster. You can call the DescribeDedicatedHostGroups operation to query the IDs of dedicated clusters. |
RegionId | String | No | cn-hangzhou |
The region ID of the hosts. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the most recent region list. |
OrderId | Long | No | 102565235 |
The ID of the order. |
HostType | String | No | dhg_cloud_ssd |
The type of storage media that is used for the hosts. Valid values:
HostStatus | String | No | 1 |
The status of the hosts. Valid values:
AllocationStatus | String | No | 1 |
Specifies whether to query the hosts on which you can create instances or those on which you cannot create instances. Valid values:
ZoneId | String | No | cn-hangzhou-i |
The zone ID of the hosts. |
DedicatedHostId | String | No | ch-t4nn100ddxxxxxxxx |
The ID of the host. |
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
DedicatedHostGroupId | String | dhg-7a9xxxxxxxx |
The ID of the dedicated cluster. |
DedicatedHosts | Array of DedicatedHosts |
An array that consists of hosts returned. |
DedicatedHosts | |||
AccountName | String | test123 |
The account of the host. You can call the CreateDedicatedHostAccount operation to create a host account. |
AllocationStatus | String | 1 |
Indicates whether the system allows you to create instances on the host. Valid values:
BastionInstanceId | String | bastionhost-cn-m7xxxxxxxx |
The ID of the bastion host. |
CPUAllocationRatio | String | 200 |
The core overcommitment ratio of the dedicated cluster. Unit: %. For more information about the core overcommitment ratio, see Manage a dedicated cluster. |
CpuUsed | String | 4 |
The number of used cores on the host. |
CreatedTime | String | 2021-03-25 17:29:06.0 |
The time when the host was created. |
DedicatedHostGroupId | String | dhg-7a9xxxxxxxx |
The ID of the dedicated cluster. |
DedicatedHostId | String | i-bpxxxxxxx |
The ID of the host. |
DiskAllocationRatio | String | 200 |
The disk overcommitment ratio of the dedicated cluster. Unit: %. For more information about the disk overcommitment ratio, see Manage a dedicated cluster. |
EndTime | String | 2021-04-25T16:00:00Z |
The time when the host expires. |
Engine | String | mysql |
The database engine of instances that are created on the host. |
HostCPU | String | 8 |
The total number of cores that are configured for the host. |
HostClass | String | ecs.i2.16xlarge |
The specifications of the host. |
HostMem | String | 32238 |
The total memory space of the host. Unit: MB. |
HostName | String | testHost1 |
The name of the host. |
HostStatus | String | 1 |
The status of the host. Valid values:
HostStorage | String | 2097152 |
The storage capacity of the host. Unit: MB. |
HostType | String | dhg_cloud_ssd |
The type of storage media that is used for the host. Valid values:
IPAddress | String | 192.xx.xx.xx |
The internal IP address of the host. |
ImageCategory | String | WindowsWithMssqlStdLicense |
The image of the host. This parameter is returned only when the Engine parameter is set to mssql. Valid values:
InstanceNumber | String | 4 |
The total number of instances that are created on the host. |
MemAllocationRatio | String | 90 |
The maximum memory usage per host in the dedicated cluster. |
MemoryUsed | String | 16384 |
The amount of used memory space on the host. Unit: MB. |
OpenPermission | String | 3 |
Indicates whether the operating system permissions of the host can be granted. Valid values:
StorageUsed | String | 0 |
The amount of used storage space on the host. |
VPCId | String | vpc-bpxxxxxxx |
The ID of the virtual private cloud (VPC) to which the host belongs. |
VSwitchId | String | vsw-bpxxxxxxx |
The ID of the vSwitch associated with the specified VPC. |
ZoneId | String | cn-hangzhou-i |
The zone ID of the host. |
RequestId | String | C860658E-68A6-46C1-AF6E-3AE7C4D3CACF |
The ID of the request. |
Sample requests
&<Common request parameters>
Sample success responses
<CreatedTime>2021-03-25 17:29:06.0</CreatedTime>
<CreatedTime>2021-03-25 17:29:06.0</CreatedTime>
"DedicatedHosts": {
"DedicatedHosts": [{
"CPUAllocationRatio": "200",
"DiskAllocationRatio": "200",
"DedicatedHostId": "i-bpxxxxxxx",
"InstanceNumber": "4",
"CreatedTime": "2021-03-25 17:29:06.0",
"EndTime": "2021-04-25T16:00:00Z",
"DedicatedHostGroupId": "dhg-7a9xxxxxxxx",
"BastionInstanceId": "bastionhost-cn-m7xxxxxxxx",
"ImageCategory": "WindowsWithMssqlStdLicense",
"HostStorage": "2097152",
"OpenPermission": "3",
"HostType": "dhg_cloud_ssd",
"HostMem": "32238",
"MemoryUsed": "16384",
"HostStatus": "1",
"CpuUsed": "4",
"Engine": "mysql",
"HostName": "testHost1",
"AllocationStatus": "1",
"ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-i",
"MemAllocationRatio": "90",
"VPCId": "vpc-bpxxxxxxx",
"VSwitchId": "vsw-bpxxxxxxx",
"StorageUsed": "0",
"HostClass": "ecs.i2.16xlarge",
"HostCPU": "8",
"IPAddress": "192.xx.xx.xx",
"AccountName": "test123"
"RequestId": "C860658E-68A6-46C1-AF6E-3AE7C4D3CACF",
"DedicatedHostGroupId": "dhg-7a9xxxxxxxx"
Error codes
For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.