This topic describes the performance metrics for a PolarDB cluster.
Performance metrics for a PolarDB for MySQL cluster
Performance metric | Submetric | Data type | Unit | Description |
PolarDBDiskUsage | mean_data_size | double | MB | The storage space occupied by data. |
mean_log_size | double | MB | The storage space occupied by logs. | |
mean_sys_dir_size | double | MB | The storage space occupied by the system. | |
mean_tmp_dir_size | double | MB | The storage space occupied by temporary files. | |
mean_redolog_size | double | MB | The storage space occupied by redo logs. | |
mean_binlog_size | double | MB | The storage space occupied by binary logs. | |
mean_other_log_size | double | MB | The storage space occupied by other logs. | |
mean_undolog_size | double | MB | The storage space occupied by undo logs. | |
PolarDBQPSTPS | mean_qps | double | N/A | The number of requests per second. |
mean_tps | double | N/A | The number of transactions per second. | |
mean_mps | double | N/A | The number of operations per second. | |
PolarDBCPU | cpu_ratio | double | Percentage | The CPU utilization (%). |
PolarDBMemory | mem_ratio | double | Percentage | The memory usage (%). |
PolarDBConnections | mean_active_session | double | N/A | The number of active connections. |
thread_pool_running_threads | double | N/A | The number of threads that are being executed in the thread pool. | |
mean_total_session | double | N/A | The total number of current connections. | |
tp_thread_count | double | N/A | The total number of threads in the thread pool. | |
PolarDBNetworkTraffic | mean_input_traffic | double | KB/s | The amount of inbound network traffic per second. |
mean_output_traffic | double | KB/s | The amount of outbound network traffic per second. | |
PolarDBInnoDBBufferRatio | mean_innodb_buffer_dirty_ratio | double | Percentage | The dirty ratio (%) of the buffer pool. |
mean_innodb_buffer_read_hit | double | Percentage | The read hit ratio (%) of the buffer pool. | |
mean_innodb_buffer_use_ratio | double | Percentage | The utilization (%) of the buffer pool. | |
PolarDBInnoDBDataReadWrite | mean_innodb_data_read | double | Byte | The amount of data that is read from the storage engine per second. |
mean_innodb_data_written | double | Byte | The amount of data that is written to the storage engine per second. | |
PolarDBInnoDBBufferRequests | mean_innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests | double | N/A | The number of reads from the buffer pool per second. |
mean_innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests | double | N/A | The number of writes to the buffer pool per second. | |
PolarDBInnoDBLogWrites | mean_innodb_log_write_requests | double | N/A | The number of physical writes to the log per second. |
mean_innodb_os_log_fsyncs | double | N/A | The number of synchronizations per second. | |
PolarDBCreatedTempDiskTable | mean_created_tmp_disk_tables | double | N/A | The number of temporary tables created per second. |
PolarDBCOMDML | mean_com_delete | double | N/A | The number of DELETE statements executed per second. |
mean_com_delete_multi | double | N/A | The number of Multi-DELETE statements executed per second. | |
mean_com_insert | double | N/A | The number of INSERT statements executed per second. | |
mean_com_insert_select | double | N/A | The number of INSERT_SELECT statements executed per second. | |
mean_com_replace | double | N/A | The number of REPLACE statements executed per second. | |
mean_com_replace_select | double | N/A | The number of REPLACE_SELECT statements executed per second. | |
mean_com_select | double | N/A | The number of SELECT statements executed per second. | |
mean_com_update | double | N/A | The number of UPDATE statements executed per second. | |
mean_com_update_multi | double | N/A | The number of Multi-UPDATE statements executed per second. | |
PolarDBRowDML | mean_innodb_rows_deleted | double | N/A | The number of rows deleted per second. |
mean_innodb_rows_inserted | double | N/A | The number of rows inserted per second. | |
mean_innodb_rows_read | double | N/A | The number of rows read per second. | |
mean_innodb_rows_updated | double | N/A | The number of rows updated per second. | |
PolarDBIOSTAT | mean_iops_r | double | N/A | The read IOPS. |
mean_iops_w | double | N/A | The write IOPS. | |
mean_iops | double | N/A | The total IOPS. | |
mean_io_throughput_r | double | MB | The read I/O throughput. | |
mean_io_throughput_w | double | MB | The write I/O throughput. | |
mean_io_throughput | double | MB | The total I/O throughput. | |
PolarDBReplicaLag | mean_replication_delay | double | Seconds | The replication delay. |
PolarDBReplicaLagMs | mean_replication_delay_ms | double | Millisecond | The replication latency. Note This metric is applicable to clusters that run one of the following versions:
PolarDBPCU | PolarDBPCU | double | N/A | The number of PolarDB Capacity Units (PCUs) allocated to a serverless database instance. The metric can be queried together with other metrics. |
Second_PolarDBPCU | double | N/A | The number of PCUs allocated to a serverless database instance per second. The metric cannot be queried together with other metrics. |
Performance metrics for PolarProxy
Performance metric | Submetric | Data type | Unit | Description |
PolarProxy_CpuUsage | docker_container_cpu | double | Percentage | The CPU utilization on PolarProxy. |
PolarProxy_Cps | service_connections_ps | double | N/A | The number of new connections per second on PolarProxy. |
PolarProxy_CurrentConns | service_current_connections | double | N/A | The number of current connections on PolarProxy. |
PolarProxy_UpFlows | service_upstream_netflow | double | KB/s | The amount of inbound network traffic per second on PolarProxy. |
PolarProxy_DownFlows | service_downstream_netflow | double | KB/s | The amount of outbound network traffic per second on PolarProxy. |
PolarProxy_Qps | service_queries | double | N/A | The number of requests per second on PolarProxy. |