This topic describes how to call the QueryUserOmsData operation to query Object Storage Service (OSS) billing data generated on an hourly basis.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | QueryUserOmsData | The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to QueryUserOmsData. |
DataType | String | Yes | Hour | The unit in which billing data is generated. Set the value to Hour. |
Table | String | Yes | OSS | The type of report that contains billable items. Valid values:
StartTime | String | Yes | 2022-12-01T09:12:43Z | The beginning of the time range to query. The time must be in UTC. |
EndTime | String | Yes | 2022-12-01T09:13:46Z | The end of the time range to query. The time must be in UTC. |
Marker | String | No | test | Specifies that billing data that is alphabetically after the value of Marker is returned. By default, if this parameter is not specified, all billing data is returned. |
PageSize | Integer | No | 50 | The number of entries to return on each page. Valid values: 1 to 200. Default value: 100 |
For more information about common request parameters involved in the operation, see Common Parameters.
Response parameters
Response parameters for basic billable items
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
HostId | String | intl | The site to which the user belongs. Valid value: intl. |
Marker | string | NextToken | Specifies that the query operation starts from the value of the Marker parameter until all data on all pages is queried. If the value of the Marker parameter is empty, all data is returned. |
ProviderId | String | 26888 | The ID of the product provider. Valid value: 26888. |
UserId | String | 148562088256**** | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account. |
LessthanMonthDatasize | Integer | 180 | The billed storage usage of Infrequent Access (IA) and Archive objects that are stored for less than the minimum storage duration. Unit: bytes.
ChargedDatasize | Integer | 200 | The billed storage usage of IA LRS and Archive LRS objects. Unit: bytes. |
RetrievalData | Integer | 200 | The retrieval of IA and Archive objects.
RetrievalDataArchiveDirect | Integer | 200 | The retrieval of Archive objects in real time. When you access Archive objects without restoring the objects, you are charged Archive data retrieval fees based on the size of the retrieved Archive objects. |
ChargedDatasizeCA | Integer | 100 | The billed storage usage of Cold Archive LRS objects. You are charged storage fees for Cold Archive LRS objects based on the total size and storage duration of the objects. Important Cold Archive LRS objects have a minimum billable size of 64 KB. Objects that are smaller than 64 KB are charged for 64 KB of storage usage. Objects that are greater than or equal to 64 KB are charged based on their actual sizes. |
EarlyDeletionCA | Integer | 100 | The billed storage usage of Cold Archive objects that are stored for less than the minimum storage duration. If a Cold Archive object is overwritten or deleted when it is stored for less than 180 days (4,320 hours), you are charged for the remainder (4,320 hours - Actual storage duration) of the minimum storage duration. |
Bucket | String | examplebucket | The name of the bucket. |
NetworkIn | Integer | 2000 | The traffic generated by data transmission from the client to OSS over the Internet within the specified time range. Unit: bytes. |
NetworkOut | Integer | 2000 | The traffic generated by data transmission from OSS to the client over the Internet within the specified time range. Unit: bytes. |
PutRequest | Integer | 1000 | The number of PUT requests initiated by calling OSS API operations. This is a billable item for API operation fees. |
GetRequest | Integer | 2000 | The number of GET requests initiated by calling OSS API operations. This is a billable item for API operation fees. |
ProcessImgSize | Integer | 200 | The size of processed images. You are charged image processing fees based on the size of the source images. Unit: bytes. |
AdvImageProcLow | Integer | 200 | The number of times you use the advanced image compression feature to generate compressed images with a resolution smaller than 800 × 600 pixels. |
AdvImageProcMed | Integer | 200 | The number of times you use the advanced image compression feature to generate compressed images with a resolution smaller than 1600 × 1200 pixels. |
Storage | Integer | 2000 | The billed storage usage of objects in a storage class specified by StorageType. Unit: bytes. Note
StorageType | String | standard | The storage class of objects. Values:
For more information, see Overview. |
CAStdRetrievalData | Integer | 65536 | The amount of Cold Archive data that is restored using the standard priority (within 2 to 5 hours). Unit: bytes. |
CABulkRetrievalData | Integer | 65536 | The amount of Cold Archive data that is restored using the bulk priority (within 5 to 12 hours). Unit: bytes. |
CAHighPriorRetrievalData | Integer | 65536 | The amount of Cold Archive data that is restored using the expedited priority (within 1 hour). Unit: bytes. |
DeepCAStdRetrievalData | Integer | 65536 | The amount of Deep Cold Archive data that is restored using the standard priority (within 48 hours). Unit: bytes. |
DeepCAHighPriorRetrievalData | Integer | 65536 | The amount of Deep Cold Archive data that is restored using the expedited priority (within 12 hours). Unit: bytes. |
CAStdRetrievalRequest | Integer | 10000 | The number of requests initiated to restore Cold Archive data based on the standard priority. |
CABulkRetrievalRequest | Integer | 10000 | The number of requests initiated to restore Cold Archive data based on the bulk priority. |
CAHighPriorRetrievalRequest | Integer | 10000 | The number of requests initiated to restore Cold Archive data based on the expedited priority. |
DeepCAStdRetrievalRequest | Integer | 10000 | The number of requests initiated to restore Deep Cold Archive data based on the standard priority. |
DeepCAHighPriorRetrievalRequest | Integer | 10000 | The number of requests initiated to restore Deep Cold Archive data based on the expedited priority. |
CdnIn | Integer | 500 | The inbound traffic generated when you access data by using Alibaba Cloud CDN. Unit: bytes. |
CdnOut | Integer | 500 | The outbound traffic generated when you access data by using Alibaba Cloud CDN. The outbound traffic is also the origin traffic. Unit: bytes. |
ProcessI | Integer | 50 | The number of images captured by using video snapshots. You are charged based on the number of images. |
StorageZRS | Integer | 100 | The billed storage usage of Standard ZRS objects. You are charged storage fees for Standard ZRS objects based on the total size and storage duration of the objects. |
ChargedDatasizeZRS | Integer | 65536 | The billed storage usage of IA ZRS objects. You are charged storage fees for IA ZRS objects based on the total size and storage duration of the objects. IA ZRS objects have a minimum billable size of 64 KB. Objects that are smaller than 64 KB are charged for 64 KB of storage usage. Objects that are greater than or equal to 64 KB are charged based on their actual sizes. |
LessthanMonthDatasizeZRS | Integer | 700 | The billed storage usage of IA ZRS objects that are stored for less than the minimum storage duration. If an IA ZRS object is overwritten or deleted when it is stored for less than 30 days (720 hours), you are charged for the remainder (720 hours - Actual storage duration) of the minimum storage duration. |
AccM2MIn | Integer | 500 | The traffic generated when your transfer acceleration endpoint is used to upload data between regions inside the Chinese mainland. Unit: bytes. |
AccM2MOut | Integer | 500 | The traffic generated when your acceleration endpoint is used to download data between regions inside the Chinese mainland. Unit: bytes. |
AccM2OIn | Integer | 500 | The traffic generated when your acceleration endpoint is used to upload data from regions inside the Chinese mainland to regions outside the Chinese mainland. Unit: bytes. |
AccM2OOut | Integer | 500 | The traffic generated when your acceleration endpoint is used to download data from regions outside the Chinese mainland to regions inside the Chinese mainland. Unit: bytes. |
AccO2MIn | Integer | 500 | The traffic generated when your acceleration endpoint is used to upload data from regions outside the Chinese mainland to regions inside the Chinese mainland. Unit: bytes. |
AccO2MOut | Integer | 500 | The traffic generated when your acceleration endpoint is used to download data from regions inside the Chinese mainland to regions outside the Chinese mainland. Unit: bytes. |
AccO2OIn | Integer | 500 | The traffic generated when your acceleration endpoint is used to upload data between regions outside the Chinese mainland. Unit: bytes. |
AccO2OOut | Integer | 500 | The traffic generated when your acceleration endpoint is used to download data between regions outside the Chinese mainland. Unit: bytes. |
TempStorageCAStd | Integer | 500 | The temporary storage usage of Standard LRS replica objects that are created for temporary access when you restore Cold Archive and Deep Cold Archive objects. You are charged for the temporary storage of the replicas until the restored Cold Archive or Deep Cold Archive objects return to the frozen state. The replicas are automatically deleted after the Cold Archive or Deep Cold Archive objects return to the frozen state. |
SelectScanSize | Integer | 300 | The size of objects scanned by calling the SelectObject operation. This is a billable item for data processing fees. |
TagCount | Integer | 100 | The number of object tags in a bucket. You are charged for object tagging based on the number of tags. |
StartTime | String | 2022-12-01T09:12:43Z | The start time of the billing data. The time is in UTC. |
EndTime | String | 2022-12-01T09:13:46Z | The end time of the billing data. The time is in UTC. |
Response parameters in the OssDeepColdArchive billing report
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
HostId | String | cn | The site to which the user belongs. Valid value: intl. |
Marker | string | NextToken | Specifies that the query operation starts from the value of the Marker parameter until all data on all pages is queried. If the value of the Marker parameter is empty, all data is returned. |
ProviderId | String | 26842 | The ID of the product provider. Valid value: 26888. |
UserId | String | 148562088256**** | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account. |
ChargedDatasizeDeepCA | Integer | 100 | The billed storage usage of Deep Cold Archive LRS objects. You are charged storage fees for Deep Cold Archive LRS objects based on the total size and storage duration of the objects. Important Deep Cold Archive objects have a minimum billable size of 64 KB. Objects that are smaller than 64 KB are charged for 64 KB of storage usage. Objects that are greater than or equal to 64 KB are charged based on their actual sizes. |
EarlyDeletionDeepCA | Integer | 100 | The billed storage usage of Deep Cold Archive objects that are stored for less than the minimum storage duration. If a Deep Cold Archive object is overwritten or deleted after it is stored for less than 180 days (4,320 hours), you are charged for the remainder (4,320 hours - Actual storage duration) of the minimum storage duration. |
StartTime | String | 2022-12-01T09:12:43Z | The start time of the billing data. The time is in UTC. |
EndTime | String | 2022-12-01T09:13:46Z | The end time of the billing data. The time is in UTC. |
Response parameters in the OssDataReplication billing report
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
HostId | String | cn | The site to which the user belongs. Valid value: intl. |
Marker | string | NextToken | Specifies that the query operation starts from the value of the Marker parameter until all data on all pages is queried. If the value of the Marker parameter is empty, all data is returned. |
ProviderId | String | 26842 | The ID of the product provider. Valid value: 26888. |
UserId | String | 148562088256**** | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account. |
SourceRegion | String | oss-cn-hangzhou | The region in which the source bucket is located when CRR is used. |
DestRegion | String | oss-us-west-1 | The region in which the destination bucket is located when CRR is used. |
SourceBucket | String | srcbucket | The name of the source bucket. |
DestBucket | String | destbucket | The name of the destination bucket. |
ReplicationDatasize | Integer | 1000 | The size of the data replicated from the source bucket to the destination bucket. Unit: bytes. |
RtcDatasize | Integer | 1000 | The data replication traffic generated by data replication tasks for which Replication Time Control (RTC) is enabled. Unit: bytes. |
StartTime | String | 2022-12-01T09:12:43Z | The start time of the billing data. The time is in UTC. |
EndTime | String | 2022-12-01T09:13:46Z | The end time of the billing data. The time is in UTC. |
Response parameters in the OssSec billing report
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
HostId | String | cn | The site to which the user belongs. Valid value: intl. |
Marker | string | NextToken | Specifies that the query operation starts from the value of the Marker parameter until all data on all pages is queried. If the value of the Marker parameter is empty, all data is returned. |
ProviderId | String | 26842 | The ID of the product provider. Valid value: 26888. |
UserId | String | 148562088256**** | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account. |
Bucket | String | examplebucket | The name of the bucket for which Anti-DDoS Proxy is enabled. |
StartTime | String | 2022-12-01T09:12:43Z | The start time of the billing data. The time is in UTC. |
EndTime | String | 2022-12-01T09:13:46Z | The end time of the billing data. The time is in UTC. |
SecReserved | Integer | 5 | The number of Anti-DDoS Proxy instances. You are charged based on the number of Anti-DDoS Proxy instances that you purchase and the usage duration of the instances. |
SecEarlyReleased | Integer | 100 | The fees for Anti-DDoS Proxy instances that are stored for less than the minimum usage duration. If an Anti-DDoS Proxy instance is released within seven days after the instance is created, you are charged for the remainder (7 days × 24 hours - Actual usage duration) of the minimum usage duration. |
SecFlow | Integer | 2000 | The outbound traffic and inbound traffic that are generated over the Internet when the buckets that are attached to the purchased Anti-DDoS Proxy instance are accessed. You are charged for the generated outbound traffic and inbound traffic. The fees are calculated based on the maximum outbound or inbound traffic. |
SecRequest | Integer | 10000 | The number of requests initiated to access buckets that are attached to the purchased Anti-DDoS Proxy instances. You are charged for the API requests. The fees are calculated based on the number of API requests. Note You are charged for both successful and failed requests. |
Response parameters in the OssSddpScan billing report
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
HostId | String | cn | The site to which the user belongs. Valid value: intl. |
Marker | string | NextToken | Specifies that the query operation starts from the value of the Marker parameter until all data on all pages is queried. If the value of the Marker parameter is empty, all data is returned. |
ProviderId | String | 26842 | The ID of the product provider. Valid value: 26888. |
UserId | String | 148562088256**** | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account. |
Bucket | String | examplebucket | The name of the bucket in which sensitive data is stored. |
StartTime | String | 2022-12-01T09:12:43Z | The start time of the billing data. The time is in UTC. |
EndTime | String | 2022-12-01T09:13:46Z | The end time of the billing data. The time is in UTC. |
SddpScanSize | Integer | 1000 | The size of data on which Data Security Center (DSC) is authorized to perform full or incremental scanning. Unit: bytes. |
Sample request &DataType=Hour &EndTime=2022-12-01T09:13:46Z &StartTime=2022-12-01T09:12:43Z &Table=oss &<Common request parameters>
Sample response
{ "Data": { "Marker": "NextToken", "OmsData": [ { "LessthanMonthDatasize": "180", "RetrievalData": "200", "RetrievalDataArchiveDirect": "200", "ChargedDatasize": "200", "Bucket": "examplebucket", "NetworkIn": "2000", "PutRequest": "1000", "NetworkOut": "2000", "GetRequest": "2000", "ProcessImgSize": "200", "Storage": "2000", "Region": "cn-hangzhou", "ProviderId": "26842", "CdnIn": "500", "EndTime": "2022-12-01T09:13:46Z", "StartTime": "2022-12-01T09:12:43Z", "StorageType": "standard", "ProcessI": "50", "CdnOut": "500" } ], "HostId": "cn" }, "Message": "Successful!", "RequestId": "4C489CA2-5036-4B06-95A9-34AF55FDE1B2", "Success": true, "Code": "Success" }