This topic is written based on Object Storage Service (OSS) SDK for Android 2.9.19.
OSS does not support the Flutter SDK.
Basic Information
SDK name | OSS SDK for Android |
Developer | Alibaba Cloud Computing Co., Ltd. |
Version | 2.9.21 |
Package name | |
Updated on | 2024.11.29 |
Size | 312 KB |
MD5 hash | e994864f851204b01e0346ff731f4172 |
Download URL | oss-android-sdk-2.9.21.aar |
Version description
Before you download OSS SDK for Android, select a version based on your business requirements. OSS manages download links for the source code of OSS SDK for Android by using a Maven repository and provides the source code on GitHub for your reference.
Source | Description |
MVNRepository | The path where you can download the source code of OSS SDK for Android. You can obtain the version of dependencies to be injected into OSS SDK for Android for your Gradle project from the Maven repository. Note We recommend that you obtain the latest version of OSS SDK for Android for debugging to prevent errors. For more information, see Alibaba Cloud OSS SDK for Android. |
GitHub | GitHub provides the source code of OSS SDKs and records tag information about the releases of OSS SDKs. You can view the source code and sample code that you can use in various scenarios on GitHub. For more information, see Alibaba Cloud OSS SDK Releases for Android. |
OSS SDK for Android is backward compatible.
Source code
For more information about the source code of OSS SDK for Android, visit GitHub.
Sample code
OSS SDK for Android provides various sample code files for your reference or use.
The following table lists the sample code files provided by OSS SDK for Android.
Sample code file | Content | | Initialization | | | | Simple upload, Append upload, Upload callbacks, Delete an object, and Progress bar | | Multipart upload | | Resumable upload | | Overview | | Determine whether an object exists, Query the ACL of an object, Copy an object, List objects, Delete an object, Specify Content-Type for an object, and Query object metadata | | Restore objects | | Manage symbolic links | | Data verification | | Sign a URL and Access authorization | | IMG |