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Object Storage Service:API-level commands

Last Updated:Jul 31, 2024

API-level commands provide direct access to Object Storage Service (OSS) API operations.

An OSS API request contains the API operation name and the following parameters: the bucket name, object key, header parameters, query parameters, and body parameters.

  • API operation names

    Each API operation corresponds to a command in ossutil, with the API name in lowercase and individual words connected by the hyphen (-).

    For example, the equivalent ossutil command of the PutBucketAcl operation is put-bucket-acl. For more information about OSS API operations, see List of operations by function.

  • API operation parameters

    API operation parameter



    Bucket name

    --bucket string

    The name of the bucket.

    Object key

    --key string

    The object key.

    Header parameters

    --acl string

    Each header parameter in an OSS API request corresponds to an option in ossutil.

    The option is the lowercase form of the header parameter without the x-oss prefix.

    For example, the equivalent option of the x-oss-acl header parameter is --acl.

    Query parameters

    --inventory-id string

    Each query parameter corresponds to an option in ossutil.

    If the query parameter is in lower camel case, the equivalent option is the lowercase form with the hyphen (-) connecting individual words.

    For example, the equivalent option of the inventoryId parameter is --inventory-id.

    Body parameters

    --cors-configuration string

    The parameters in the body of an API request are contained in a single option.

    • The option is the lowercase and hyphenated form of the XML root node name.

    • The option takes a string as its value. A value that starts with file:// indicates the path to the parameter configuration file.

    • The option value can be in the XML or JSON format.