Query syntax

Updated at: 2024-02-28 02:21

Turing SQL supports the query and kvpair clauses. A query clause is used to write the SQL query statement. A kvpair clause is used to specify the parameters. You can manually construct an HTTP request by using your own tool.

The SQL query path is /sql. The OpenSearch Retrieval Engine Edition V3.0 query path is /.

Run queries

If you have the service IP address and port of the OpenSearch Retrieval Engine Edition V3.0 QRS, you can also run the curl command to manually call a query operation.

curl "ip:port/sql?query=SELECT brand, COUNT(*) FROM phone GROUP BY (brand)&&kvpair=trace:INFO;formatType:json"

  • Spaces cannot be specified between kvpair and && or between kvpair clauses. If a space exists between kvpair and && or between kvpair parameters, the query fails to be resolved.

  • On this page (1, O)
  • Run queries
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