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Microservices Engine:Configure HTTP-to-Dubbo conversion

Last Updated:Jun 19, 2024

In distributed microservice scenarios, backend services call each other based on the remote procedure call (RPC) framework. Dubbo is a common RPC framework. For scenarios where a Dubbo service is exposed by calling a RESTful API operation, cloud-native gateways provide the HTTP-to-Dubbo conversion feature. This topic describes how to initiate HTTP requests to access Dubbo services by configuring HTTP-to-Dubbo conversion.


Only Java applications that are developed based on Dubbo are supported.


  1. Log on to the MSE console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Cloud-native Gateway > Gateways. In the top navigation bar, select a region.

  3. On the Gateways page, find your gateway and click Route Settings in the Actions column. In the upper-right corner of the page that appears, click Previous Version.

  4. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Routes > Route Settings. In the upper-left corner of the page that appears, click Add Route. In the Add Route panel, configure the parameters.

    1. In the Request Information step, specify Route Name and Domain Name, select Prefix Match as the path matching rule, and then click Next.

    2. In the Destination Service step, select Single Service and select the destination service from the Service drop-down list. Then, specify the protocol conversion parameters that are displayed, and click Save and Release.

      Protocol conversion parameters



      Dubbo Service Name

      The full name of the Dubbo service.

      Service Version

      The version of the Dubbo service. If no version is configured for the backend service, this parameter is set to 0.0.0 by default.

      Service Group

      The group of the Dubbo service. You can leave the parameter empty if no group is configured for the backend service.

      Method Mapping


      The mapping rules of a Dubbo method. You can click +Method Mapping to configure multiple method mapping rules. The Method Mapping parameter contains the following configuration items:

      Dubbo Method Name

      The full name of the Dubbo method.

      HTTP Method

      The Method parameter in the HTTP request.

      Method Match Path

      The match path parameter. You must specify this parameter based on the path that you specified for prefix match. For example, if the prefix match path in the Request Information step is /dubboDemo, you need to enter the method match path based on the /dubboDemo path, such as /dubboDemo/hello.

      Header Pass-through Type

      Specifies whether to pass through HTTP request headers as implicit parameters to the backend Dubbo service based on the Attachment mechanism. Valid values:

      • Pass-through of All Headers

      • No Pass-through

      • Pass-through of Specific Headers:

        Separate multiple header keys with commas (,). Example: content-length,content-type.

      Parameter Mapping

      The parameter mapping rule of the Dubbo method. The parameters of the Dubbo method are extracted from the HTTP request. The extracted parameters are in the key-value format. You can click + Parameter Mapping to add multiple parameter mapping rules.

      • Input Parameter Location: the location from which the parameters are extracted in an HTTP request. Valid values:

        • Request Parameter: extracted from the Query parameter in the HTTP request.

        • Request Header: extracted from the HTTP request header.

        • Request Path: extracted from the path in the HTTP request.

        • Request Body: extracted from the body of the HTTP request.

      • Extract Key: the key of the current parameter.

      • Backend Parameter Type: the full type name of the current parameter. The following Java types are supported based on specifications:

        • java.lang.String

        • java.lang.Long

        • java.lang.Double

        • java.lang.Boolean

        • java.util.List

        • java.util.Map

        • Custom types, such as org.apache.dubbo.samples.basic.api.DubboTest


      Parameters of the java.util.List, java.util.Map, or a custom type can be extracted only from request bodies.


This section provides configuration examples to describe how to initiate HTTP requests to access Dubbo services by using HTTP-to-Dubbo conversion.

Dubbo service interface

The following sample code shows the configuration of an interface of the backend Dubbo service.

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public interface DemoService {
    String sayHello(String name);
    String echoList(List<String> input);
    String echoMap(Map<String, String> map);
    String echoPerson(Person p);

Person is a custom type. The following code shows the definition of Person.

public class Person implements Serializable {
    public String name;
    public String second_name;
    public int age;

Example 1: Extract the values of backend parameters of the java.lang.String type from request parameters



Dubbo Service Name

Service Version


Method Mapping

Dubbo Method Name


HTTP Method


Method Match Path


Header Pass-through Type

Pass-through of All Headers

Parameter Mapping

Input Parameter Location: Request Parameter

Extract Key: param1

Backend Parameter Type: java.lang.String

Run the following curl command in the terminal to initiate an HTTP request to verify the result:

curl ""

Example 2: Extract the values of backend parameters of the java.lang.String type from request headers



Dubbo Service Name

Service Version


Method Mapping

Dubbo Method Name


HTTP Method


Method Match Path


Header Pass-through Type

Pass-through of All Headers

Parameter Mapping

Input Parameter Location: Request Header

Extract Key: param1

Backend Parameter Type: java.lang.String

Run the following curl command in the terminal to initiate an HTTP request to verify the result:

curl "" -H "param1: abcd"

Example 3: Extract the values of backend parameters of the java.lang.String type from request paths


If Input Parameter Location is set to Request Path, you must specify the path in the Method Match Path field.



Dubbo Service Name

Service Version


Method Mapping

Dubbo Method Name


HTTP Method


Method Match Path


Header Pass-through Type

Pass-through of All Headers

Parameter Mapping

Input Parameter Location: Request Path

Extract Key: param1

Backend Parameter Type: java.lang.String

Run the following curl command in the terminal to initiate an HTTP request to verify the result:

curl ""

Example 4: Extract the values of backend parameters of the java.lang.String type from request bodies



Dubbo Service Name

Service Version


Method Mapping

Dubbo Method Name


HTTP Method


Method Match Path


Header Pass-through Type

Pass-through of All Headers

Parameter Mapping

Input Parameter Location: Request Body

Extract Key: param1

Backend Parameter Type: java.lang.String

Run the following curl command in the terminal to initiate an HTTP request to verify the result:

curl "" -X POST -d '{"param1": "abcd"}'

Example 5: Extract the values of backend parameters of the java.util.List type from request bodies


Parameters of the java.util.List type can be extracted only from request bodies.



Dubbo Service Name

Service Version


Method Mapping

Dubbo Method Name


HTTP Method


Method Match Path


Header Pass-through Type

Pass-through of All Headers

Parameter Mapping

Input Parameter Location: Request Body

Extract Key: param1

Backend Parameter Type: java.util.List

Run the following curl command in the terminal to initiate an HTTP request to verify the result:

curl "" -X POST -d '{"param1": ["abc", "def", "ghi"]}'

Example 6: Extract the values of backend parameters of the java.util.Map type from request bodies


Parameters of the java.util.Map type can be extracted only from request bodies.



Dubbo Service Name

Service Version


Method Mapping

Dubbo Method Name


HTTP Method


Method Match Path


Header Pass-through Type

Pass-through of All Headers

Parameter Mapping

Input Parameter Location: Request Body

Extract Key: param1

Backend Parameter Type: java.util.Map

Run the following curl command in the terminal to initiate an HTTP request to verify the result:

curl "" -X POST -d '{"param1": {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2", "key3": "value3"}}'

Example 7: Extract the values of backend parameters of a custom type from request bodies


Parameters of a custom type can be extracted only from request bodies.



Dubbo Service Name

Service Version


Method Mapping

Dubbo Method Name


HTTP Method


Method Match Path


Header Pass-through Type

Pass-through of All Headers

Parameter Mapping

Input Parameter Location: Request Body

Extract Key: param1

Backend Parameter Type:

Run the following curl command in the terminal to initiate an HTTP request to verify the result:

curl "" -X POST -d '{"param1": {"name": "Tom", "second_name": "John", "age": 21}}'