This topic describes the error codes of ApsaraDB for MongoDB.
Description | Code | Message | HTTP Status Code |
The error message returned because unauthorized users call the operation. | Forbidden.RAM | User not authorized to operate on the specified resource, or this API doesn’t support RAM. | 403 |
The error message returned because this operation is not available for RAM users. | Forbedden.NotSupportRAM | This action does not support accessed by RAM mode. | 403 |
The error message returned because an exception or error occurs on the server. | ServiceUnavailable | The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server. | 503 |
The error message returned because the instance status that you specified does not exist. | InvalidStatus.NotFound | The Status provided does not exist in our records. | 404 |
The error message returned because the specified value of the parameter is invalid. | InvalidParameter | The specified parameter "InstanceName" is not valid. | 400 |
The error message returned because a normal user other than an administrator calls the management operation. | Forbidden.NotAdminUser | User not authorized to operate on the specified API as you are not the administrator. | 403 |
The error message returned because the parameter is missing. | MissingParameter | Specified parameter is missing. | 400 |
The error message returned because neither the InstanceName nor NewPassword parameter is specified. | MissingParameter | InstanceName/NewPassword at least one is mandatory for this action. | 400 |
The error message returned because the OwnerId parameter is not specified. | MissingParameter | The input parameter OwnerId,OwnerAccount that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied. | 403 |
The error message returned because the specified Token parameter is invalid. | InvalidToken.Malformed | The Specified parameter \"Token\" is not valid. | 400 |
The error message returned because the specified InstanceName parameter is invalid. | InvalidInstanceName.Malformed | The Specified parameter \"InstanceName\" is not valid. | 400 |
The error message returned because the specified Password parameter is invalid. | InvalidPassword.Malformed | The Specified parameter \"Password\" is not valid. | 400 |
The error message returned because the specified Instances parameter is invalid. | InvalidInstances.Malformed | The Specified parameter \"Instances\" is not valid. | 400 |
The error message returned because the specified StartTime parameter is invalid. | InvalidStartTime.Malformed | The Specified parameter \"StartTime\" is not valid. | 400 |
The error message returned because the specified EndTime parameter is invalid. | InvalidEndTime.Malformed | The Specified parameter \"EndTime\" is not valid. | 400 |
The error message returned because the specified InstanceIds parameter is invalid. | InvalidInstanceIds.Malformed | The Specified parameter \"InstanceIds\" is not valid. | 400 |
The error message returned because the balance is insufficient. | InsufficientBalance | Your account does not have enough balance. | 400 |
The error message returned because your account fails to pass the real-name authentication. | RealNameAuthenticationError | Your account has not passed the real-name authentication yet. | 403 |
The error message returned because your instance quota has been reached. | QuotaExceed | Living afterpay instances quota exceeded. | 400 |
The error message returned because the capacity configuration is invalid. | InvalidCapacity.NotFound | The Capacity provided does not exist in our records. | 400 |
The error message returned because the two specified requests use the same client token. | IdempotentParameterMismatch | Request uses a client token in a previous request but is not identical to that request. | 400 |
The error message returned because the inventory of instances in the specified zone is insufficient. | QuotaNotEnough | Quota not enough in this zone. | 400 |
The error message returned because you are not authorized to call the order-class API. | Forbidden.SubUser | The specified action is not available for you. | 403 |
The error message returned because the Apsara Stack risk control system denies this access request. | Forbidden.RiskControl | This operation is forbidden by Aliyun Risk Control system. | 403 |
The error message returned because the specified region does not exist. | InvalidRegion.NotFound | The RegionId or ZoneId provided does not exist in our records. | 404 |
The error message returned because the specified ZoneId parameter is invalid. | InvalidZoneId.NotFound | The ZoneId provided is invalid. | 400 |
The error message returned because the specified instance ID does not exist. | InvalidInstanceId.NotFound | The InstanceId provided does not exist in our records. | 404 |
The error message returned because the password is incorrect. | IncorrectPassword | The Password provided is not correct. | 400 |
The error message returned because the specified service is not available. | ServiceNotSupported | The specified service is not supported. | 400 |
The error message returned because a renewal and configuration change order has not taken effect. | HasRenewChangeOrder | This instance has a renewChange order. | 400 |
The error message returned because an internal error occurred. | InternalError | The request processing has failed due to some unknown error. | 500 |
The error message returned because the backup time is invalid. | InvalidPreferredBackupTime | Specified preferred backup time is not valid. | 400 |
The error message returned because the specified backup type is invalid. | InvalidBackupType.Format | Specified backup type is not valid. | 400 |
The error message returned because the specified backup method is invalid. | InvalidBackupMethod.Format | Specified backup method is not valid. | 400 |
The error message returned because the specified instance already has a backup task. | BackupJobExists | A backup job already exists in the specified DB instance. | 400 |
The error message returned because the backup times exceed the upper limit. | BackupTimesExceeded | Exceeding the daily backup times of this DB instance. | 400 |
The error message returned because at least one parameter must be specified. | ParameterLeastAssociate | Must input at least one optional parameter. | 400 |
The error message returned because the specified backup cycle is invalid. | InvalidBackupRetentionPeriod.Malformed | Specified backup retention period is not valid. | 400 |
The error message returned because the specified next backup time is invalid. | InvalidPreferredBackupTime.Format | Specified preferred backup time is not valid. | 400 |
The error message returned because the specified backup cycle is invalid. | InvalidPreferredBackupPeriod.Malformed | Specified backup period is not valid. | 400 |
The error message returned because the current instance type does not support this operation. | IncorrectDBInstanceType | Current DB instance type does not support this operation. | 400 |
The error message returned because the specified key is invalid. | InvalidKey.Malformed | Specified key is not valid. | 400 |
The error message returned because the nonce signature is used and cannot be used again. | SignatureNonceUsed | Specified signature nonce was used already. | 400 |
The error message returned because no available virtual IP addresses can be allocated. | AllocateVpcIp.NotEnough | Ip resource is not enough. | 400 |
The error message returned because instances of the specified type cannot be created in the zone. | Zone.NotSupport | Specified zone does not support creating with instance class. | 400 |
The error message returned because the code for the instance type is invalid. | MissingClassCode | Capacity or InstanceClass is mandatory for this action. | 400 |
The error message returned because the specified instance type is not supported. | InvalidDBInstanceClass.NotFound | Specified DB instance class is not found. | 404 |
The error message returned because the specified instance has been locked. | IncorrectDBInstanceLockMode | Current DB instance lock mode does not support this operation. | 400 |
The error message returned because the specified backup set ID does not exist. | InvalidBackupSetID.NotFound | Specified backup set ID does not exist. | 400 |
The error message returned because the operation is not supported while the instance is in the current state. | IncorrectDBInstanceState | Current DB instance state does not support this operation. | 400 |
The error message returned because the available resource capacity in the specified instance is insufficient. | InsufficientResourceCapacity | There is insufficient capacity available for the requested instance. | 400 |
The error message returned because the specified end time is invalid. | InvalidEndTime.Format | Specified end time is not valid. | 400 |
The error message returned because the specified retention period of the classic network endpoint is invalid. | InvalidClassicExpiredDays.Format | The specified classicExpiredDays format is not valid. | 400 |
The error message returned because the operation is not supported while the backup set is in the current state. | IncorrectBackupSetState | Current backup set state does not support operations. | 400 |
The error message returned because the specified whitelist is not correct in format. | InvalidSecurityIPList.Format | Specified security IP list format is not valid. | 400 |