
Updated at: 2023-07-21 07:47

AUToast is the page pop-up indicator, and the AUProgressDialog is a progress indicator.

When the Toast methods of BaseFragmentActivity and BaseActivity are used, the mPaaS framework modifies the pop-ups in a unified manner.

For activity developed based on BaseFragmentActivity and BaseActivity, the system uses AUToast by default.


See Quick start.

API description

     * Instantiate Toast.
     * @param context       The context. Use activities on the current page.
     * @param drawableId    Image resources.
     * @param tipSrcId      The text prompt ID.
     * @param duration      Display duration Toast.Long/Toast.Short.
     * @return Toast
    public static Toast makeToast(Context context, int drawableId, int tipSrcId, int duration) {
        CharSequence tipSrc = context.getResources().getText(tipSrcId);
        return makeToast(context, drawableId, tipSrc, duration);

     * Create Toast.
     * @param context   The context. Use activities on the current page.
     * @param tipSrcId  The prompt information.
     * @param duration  The duration.
     * @return toast
    public static Toast makeToast(Context context, int tipSrcId, int duration) {
        CharSequence tipSrc = context.getResources().getText(tipSrcId);
        return makeToast(context, 0, tipSrc, duration);

     * Make a toast that just contains a image view and a text view.
     * @param context       The context. Use activities on the current page.
     * @param drawableId    The image resourceid.
     * @param tipSrc        The text to show.  Can be formatted text.
     * @param duration      How long to display the message.  Either  or
     * @return
    public static Toast makeToast(Context context, int drawableId, CharSequence tipSrc, int duration)

Code sample

    // Success.
        AUToast.makeToast(ToastActivity.this,, "Success prompt", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    // Failure.
        AUToast.makeToast(ToastActivity.this,, "Failure prompt", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    // Warning.
        AUToast.makeToast(ToastActivity.this,, "Warning prompt", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    // Text.
        AUToast.showToastWithSuper(ToastActivity.this, 0, "The text contains up to 14 words", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);

    // Loading.
    AUProgressDialog dialog = new AUProgressDialog(this);

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