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Key Management Service:Getting started with Cloud Hardware Security Module

Last Updated:Sep 13, 2024

This topic describes how to quickly get started with Cloud Hardware Security Module.


If you want to create a hardware security module (HSM) cluster for Key Management Service (KMS) instances of the hardware key management type, see Configure an HSM cluster for a KMS instance of the hardware key management type.


  • An HSM is purchased and enabled. For more information, see Purchase and enable an HSM.

    • To ensure the data security of HSMs, we recommend that you do not use test keys in production environments.

    • You need to enable the master HSM. You do not need to enable non-master HSMs.

  • An ECS instance that runs a CentOS 8 or an Alibaba Cloud Linux operating system is purchased. The ECS instance and the HSM reside in the same VPC. For more information, see Get started with Linux instances.


    The ECS instance is used to install the HSM management tool, not to serve as a business server.

Step 1: Create and activate an HSM cluster

An HSM cluster includes one master HSM and multiple non-master HSMs. In a cluster, HSMs that reside in the same zone use the same VPC subnet.

  1. On the Instances page, find an HSM that you want to use as the master HSM and click Create Cluster in the Actions column.

  2. In the Create and Activate Cluster panel, complete the Create Cluster step and click Next.



    Cluster Name

    The name of the cluster. The name must be unique and cannot exceed 24 characters in length.

    Configure Whitelist

    The range of the IP addresses that are allowed to access the cluster. If you do not configure a whitelist, all IP addresses are allowed to access the cluster. If you configure a whitelist, only the IP addresses in the whitelist are allowed to access the cluster.

    IP addresses and CIDR blocks are supported. You can specify one IP address or one CIDR block in each row. You can specify up to 10 rows in total.

    • The whitelist of a cluster has a higher priority than the whitelist of an HSM in the cluster. For example, if you add to the whitelist of an HSM and add to the whitelist of the cluster that includes the HSM, you can access the HSM only from

    • The whitelist configuration of is not supported. If you enter, requests from all IP addresses are allowed.

      For security reasons, we recommend that you do not allow requests from all IP addresses. If you need to allow requests from all IP addresses, do not configure the whitelist.

    Specify vSwitches

    The vSwitches that you need to select based on your business requirements.

    In an HSM cluster, you must configure at least two vSwitches to create and activate the cluster.

  3. In the Create and Activate Cluster panel, complete the Activate Cluster step.

    1. Import a cluster certificate.

      1. In the Upload Cluster Certificate section, click Cluster CSR Certificate to download a certificate signing request (CSR) file. Then, upload the CSR file to the ECS instance. In this example, the CSR file is named cluster.csr.

      2. Create a private key and configure a password for the private key as prompted. In this example, the private key and the password are saved in the issuerCA.key file.

        openssl genrsa -aes256 -out issuerCA.key 2048
      3. Create a self-signed certificate. In this example, the self-signed certificate is saved in the issuerCA.crt file.

        openssl req -new -x509 -days 3652 -key issuerCA.key -out issuerCA.crt
      4. Sign the CSR and save the issued certificate in the cluster.crt file.


        In this step, the cluster.csr, issuerCA.key, and issuerCA.crt files are used.

        openssl x509 -req -in cluster.csr -days 3652 -CA issuerCA.crt -CAkey issuerCA.key -set_serial 01 -out cluster.crt
      5. Go to the Activate Cluster step in the Cloud Hardware Security Module console, import the cluster certificate, and then click Submit.

        • In the Enter the issuer certificate in the PEM format section, enter the content of the issuerCA.crt file.

        • In the Enter the issued cluster certificate in the PEM format section, enter the content of the cluster.crt file.

    2. Initialize the master HSM.



      Step 1: Download the HSM management tool.


      You can install the HSM management tool only in Linux operating systems.

      • CentOS

        • Method 1: Click here to download the HSM management tool.

        • Method 2: Run the following command to download the HSM management tool. This operation requires the ECS instance to be connected to the Internet.

          wget -O hsm-client-v2.03.15.10-1.x86_64.rpm ''
        • Method 3: On the Instances page, find the master HSM and click the image icon in the Specifications column.

        • Method 4: On the Activate Cluster page, click Download HSM Management Tool.

      • Debian

        Visit hsm-client- to download the HSM management tool.

      Step 2: Install the HSM management tool.

      Run the following command to install the program and client configuration file in the /opt/hsm directory:

      • CentOS

        sudo yum install -y hsm-client-v2.03.15.10-1.x86_64.rpm
      • Debian

        sudo dpkg -i hsm-client-

      Step 3: Modify the client configuration file.

      Modify the configuration items in servers in the /opt/hsm/etc/hsm_mgmt_tool.cfg file.

      • name and hostname: Replace the values with the private IP address of the master HSM.

      • owner_cert_path: Replace the value with the path to the issuerCA.crt file.

      Example of the hsm_mgmt_tool.cfg file


      "servers": [


      "name" : "172.16.XX.XX",

      "hostname" : "172.16.XX.XX",

      "port" : 2225,

      "certificate": "/opt/hsm/etc/client.crt",

      "pkey": "/opt/hsm/etc/client.key",

      "CAfile": "",

      "CApath": "/opt/hsm/etc/certs",

      "ssl_ciphers": "",

      "server_ssl" : "yes",

      "enable" : "yes",

      "owner_cert_path":"<issuerCA.crt file path>"


      "scard": {

      "enable": "no",

      "port": 2225,

      "ssl": "no",

      "ssl_ciphers": "",

      "certificate": "cert-sc",

      "pkey": "pkey-sc"



      Step 4: Log on to the master HSM and query a list of users.

      1. Run the following command to log on to the master HSM:

        /opt/hsm/bin/hsm_mgmt_tool /opt/hsm/etc/hsm_mgmt_tool.cfg
      2. Run the listUsers command to query users.

        Users on server 0(172.16.XX.XX):
        Number of users found:2
            User Id            User Type          User Name                     MofnPubKey       LoginFailureCnt            2FA
                 1             PRECO          admin                                       NO               0                     NO
                 2             AU             app_user                                    NO               0                     NO

      Step 5: Change a precrypto officer (PRECO) to a crypto officer (CO).

      1. Run the loginHSM command to log on to the master HSM as a PRECO.

        cloudmgmt>loginHSM PRECO admin password
        loginHSM success
      2. Run the changePswd command to change the password of the PRECO. After you change the password, the PRECO changes to a CO.

        cloudmgmt>changePswd PRECO admin <NewPassword>
        This is a CRITICAL operation, should be done on all nodes in the
        cluster. Cav server does NOT synchronize these changes with the
        nodes on which this operation is not executed or failed, please
        ensure this operation is executed on all nodes in the cluster.
        Do you want to continue(y/n)?y
        Changing password for admin(PRECO) on 1 nodes
      3. Run the listUsers command to query users and check whether the PRECO changes to a CO.

        Users on server 0(172.16.XX.XX):
        Number of users found:2
            User Id            User Type          User Name                     MofnPubKey       LoginFailureCnt            2FA
                 1             CO             admin                                       NO               0                     NO
                 2             AU             app_user                                    NO               0                     NO

      Step 6: Create a crypto user (CU).


      Before you add non-master HSMs to a cluster, you must create a CU. Otherwise, the CU information cannot be synchronized to the non-master HSMs.

      1. Run the createUser command to create a CU.

        The username and password of a CU can contain ASCII characters. The username can be up to 20 characters in length. The password can be 8 to 32 characters in length.

        In this example, the username is crypto_user. You can specify the username based on your business requirements. If you configure an HSM cluster for an instance of the hardware key management type, you can specify kmsuser as the username.

        createUser CU crypto_user <enter password>
      2. Run the listUsers command to check whether the CU is created.

        Expected output:

        Users on server 0(172.16.XX.XX):
        Number of users found:3
            User Id         User Type       User Name                  MofnPubKey    LoginFailureCnt         2FA
                 1          CO          admin                                    NO               0               NO
                 2          AU          app_user                                 NO               0               NO
                 3          CU          crypto_user                              NO               0               NO

      Step 7: Check the status of the master HSM.

      In the Activate Cluster step, click the update icon to refresh the status of the master HSM. Then, click Next.

  4. In the Add HSM step, add the non-master HSM to the cluster as prompted and click Complete.

    You can purchase additional HSMs and add the HSMs to the cluster based on your business requirements.

Step 2: Start the hsm_proxy HSM client

  1. Modify the configuration file of the HSM client.

    In the installation directory of the HSM management tool, find the /opt/hsm/etc/hsm_proxy.cfg file, change server.hostname to the IP address of the VPC to which the current HSM belongs, and change client.e2e_owner_crt_path to the path of the issuerCA.crt file.


    issuerCA.crt is the self-signed certificate that is created when you activate the cluster. For more information, see Step 1: Create and activate an HSM cluster.

        "ssl": {
            "certificate": "/opt/hsm/etc/client.crt",
            "pkey": "/opt/hsm/etc/client.key",
            "CApath": "/opt/hsm/etc/certs",
            "server_ssl": "yes",
            "server_ch_ssl_ciphers": "default"
        "client": {
            "socket_type" : "UNIXSOCKET",
            "tcp_port" : 1111,
            "zoneid" : 0,
            "workers" : 1,
            "daemon_id" : 1,
            "reconnect_attempts": -1,
            "reconnect_interval": 1,
            "log_level": "INFO",
            "sslreneg": 0,
            "CriticalAlertScript": "",
            "e2e_owner_crt_path" : "<issuerCA.crt file path>",
            "create_object_minimum_nodes" : 1,
            "logfiles_location" : ""
        "loadbalance" : {
            "enable" : "yes",
            "prefer_same_zone": "no",
            "success_rate_weight" : 1,
            "relative_idleness_weight" : 1
        "dualfactor": {
            "enable" : "no",
            "port" : 2225,
            "certificate" : "certificate.crt",
            "pkey" : "pkey.pem",
            "dualfactor_ssl": "yes",
            "dualfactor_ch_ssl_ciphers": "default"
        "server": {
            "hostname": "<instance ip>",
            "port": 2224
  2. Start the HSM client and specify a log file path.

    In this example, logs are saved in the liquidSecurity.1.WKCrty.log file.

    /opt/hsm/bin/hsm_proxy /opt/hsm/etc/hsm_proxy.cfg
    logfiles_location is not specified, logs will be available in current directory
    Logs will be available in liquidSecurity.1.WKCrty.log file
  3. Check whether the HSM client is connected.

    Run the tail command to obtain the log file of the HSM client and check whether the HSM client is connected. For example, run the tail liquidSecurity.1.WKCrty.log command. If e2e_handle_client_request:HSM FIPS STATE 2 is returned in the response, the connection is successful.

    tail liquidSecurity.1.WKCrty.log
    2023-10-28T13:33:05Z liquidSecurity INF: check_preferred_srv_status_noclock: New preferred server node id:0
    2023-10-28T13:33:05Z liquidSecurity INF: do_e2e_encryption_handshake: Trying to login to server as new server connection is established
    2023-10-28T13:33:05Z liquidSecurity INF: e2e_handle_client_request:  Got Authorize session response
    2023-10-28T13:33:05Z liquidSecurity INF: get_partition_info: Get pHSM Info using e2e mgmtch
    2023-10-28T13:33:05Z liquidSecurity INF: e2e_handle_client_request: Authorize session SUCCESS
    2023-10-28T13:33:05Z liquidSecurity INF: e2e_handle_client_request: Got Partition Info
    2023-10-28T13:33:05Z liquidSecurity INF: e2e_handle_client_request: GetPartitionInfo success 0 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
    2023-10-28T13:33:05Z liquidSecurity INF: e2e_handle_client_request: HSM FIPS STATE 2
    2023-10-28T13:33:06Z liquidSecurity INF: libevmulti_init: Initializing events
    2023-10-28T13:33:06Z liquidSecurity INF: libevmulti_init: Ready !

Step 3: (Optional) Create a key


If you configure an HSM cluster for a KMS instance of the hardware key management type, skip this step.

  1. Start the key_mgmt_tool command line tool.

  2. Run the loginHSM command to log on to the master HSM as a CU.

    Command:  loginHSM -u CU -s crypto_user -p <enter password>
            Cfm3LoginHSM returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
            Cluster Status:
            Node id 0 status: 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
  3. Run the genSymKey command to generate a symmetric key.

    Command:  genSymKey -l testkey -t 31 -s 32
            Cfm3GenerateSymmetricKey returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
            Symmetric Key Created.  Key Handle: 6
            Cluster Status:
            Node id 0 status: 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
  4. Run the findKey command to query the created key.

    Command:  findKey
            Total number of keys present: 1
            Number of matching keys from start index 0::0
            Handles of matching keys:
            Cluster Status:
            Node id 0 status: 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
            Cfm3FindKey returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
  5. Run the exit command to exit the key_mgmt_tool command line tool.

    Command:  exit

Step 4: (Optional) Encrypt and decrypt data by using the HSM cluster

To use an HSM cluster, you can use OpenSSL Dynamic Engine, the JCE provider, or the PKCS#11 library. For more information, see OpenSSL Dynamic Engine, JCE provider, or Install the PKCS #11 library.


Create a NIST FIPS-validated GVSM cluster