Intelligent Media Services (IMS) provides various built-in special effects. You can use the special effects during online editing based on your business requirements. This topic allows you to preview different types of special effects.
Basic effects
Opening SubType: open |
Closing SubType: close |
Horizontal blur SubType: h_blur |
Vertical blur SubType: v_blur |
Blur SubType: blur |
Slight shake SubType: slightshake |
Zoom in SubType: zoominout |
Slim down SubType: movie |
Slight close-in SubType: zoomslight |
Color dissolve SubType: color_difference |
Circle open SubType: withcircleopen |
Circle close SubType: withcircleclose |
Spotlight shake SubType: withcircleshake |
Flashlight SubType: withcircleflashlight |
Wipe SubType: disappear |
Shock SubType: shock |
Blur open SubType: bluropen |
Blue close SubType: blurclose |
Click SubType: photograph |
Fade SubType: black |
Circle blur SubType: blurring |
Black and white fade in SubType: color_to_grey |
Black and white fade out SubType: grey_to_color |
Square open SubType: slightrectshow |
Slowly fade in SubType: slightshow |
Four box wipe SubType: wipecross |
White open SubType: whiteshow |
Image in image SubType:image_in_image |
Rainbow speed line SubType: colorfulradial |
Starry sky SubType: colorfulstarry |
Firefly SubType: flyfire |
Heart shape fireworks SubType: heartfireworks |
Meteor shower SubType: meteorshower |
Star and moon SubType: moons_and_stars |
Star spike SubType: sparklestarfield |
Spot falling SubType: spotfall |
Star bomb SubType: starexplosion |
Starlight SubType: starry |
White flash SubType: white |
Negative flicker SubType: minus_glitter |
Jitter SubType: jitter |
Shadow flicker SubType: soulout |
Scan line SubType: scanlight |
Swing SubType: swing |
Heartbeat SubType: heartbeat |
Flash screen SubType: flashingscreen |
Illusion SubType: illusion |
Video split SubType: segmentation |
Neon light SubType: neolighting |
Rolling SubType: curl |
Flashing SubType: shine |
Small jitter SubType: smalljitter |
Flashlight SubType: flashinglight |
Blur wipe SubType: windowblur |
Blur grid SubType: windowblur2 |
Kaleidoscope SubType: kaleidoscope |
Light effects
Moon crop SubType: moon_projection |
Star crop SubType: star_projection |
Heart shape crop SubType: heart_projection |
Grid crop SubType: sunset_projection |
Rolling grid SubType: carwindow_projection |
Twinkling star SubType: shinningstar_light |
Halo SubType: anglelight |
Aurora SubType: darknight_rainbow |
Moving circle SubType: fallingcircle |
Ellipse light SubType: lightcenter |
Sunshine SubType: lightsweep |
Eclipse SubType: moon |
Roaming spotlight SubType: rotationspotlight |
Television noise SubType: blackwhitetv |
Light scan SubType: edgescan |
Static noise SubType: oldtv |
TV flicker SubType: oldtvshine |
Night vision SubType: nightvision |
TV show SubType: tvshow |
Colorful sun SubType: colorfulsun |
Big sun SubType: bigsun |
Heart shape rain SubType: fallingheart |
Colorful fireworks SubType: colorfulfireworks |
Heart shot SubType: heartshot |
Twinkling stars SubType: starfieldshinee |
Shining stars SubType: starfieldshinee2 |
Fireworks SubType: fireworks |
Circling heart SubType: heartsurround |
Rising heart SubType: risingheartbubble |
Star shot SubType: starfield |
Colorful ripples SubType: colorfulripples |
Colorful bubbles SubType: colorfulbubbles |
Twinkling hearts SubType: heartbubbleshinee |
Sparkling stars SubType: starsparkle |
Drizzle SubType: rainy |
Ripple SubType: waterripple |
Snowy SubType: snow |
Foggy SubType: foggy |
Rainy SubType: meteor |
Lightning SubType: stormlaser |
Immerse SubType: simpleripple |
Black shadow fade SubType: fadeshadow |
Split screen
Marquee SubType: marquee |
Dynamic split screen SubType: livesplit |
2x split screen SubType: splitstill2 |
3x split screen SubType: splitstill3 |
4x split screen SubType: splitstill4 |
9x split screen SubType: splitstill9 |
6x split screen SubType: splitstill6 |
Black and white split SubType: blackwhitesplit |
Blur split SubType: blurthreesplit |
Colorful SubType: colorful |
Black shade SubType: blackfade |
Rainbow filter SubType: rainbowfilter |
Moving rainbow SubType: movingrainbow |
disco SubType: discolights |
Fish eye SubType: fisheye |
Mosaic SubType: mosaic_rect |
Glass SubType: glass |
Panorama SubType: planet |