Graph Compute provides instances of Exclusive types in the public preview phase, including the computer type, the storage type, and the common type.
Create a Graph Compute instance
1. Log on to the Graph Compute console.
2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Instances. On the Instance page, click Create. Then, the buy page appears. Only the subscription billing method is supported.

3. Configure the parameters. The following table describes the parameters.
Parameter | Description |
Region and Zone | The region in which you want to create the Graph Compute instance. You cannot change the region after the instance is created. To maximize access speed, we recommend that you select a region that is close to the geographic location in which the users of the instance reside. To enable connections over an internal network, make sure that the Graph Compute instance is deployed in the same region as the business instances that need to access the Graph Compute instance. Otherwise, these business instances access the Graph Compute instance only over the Internet, and you cannot take full advantage of the Graph Compute instance.
Network Type | |
VPC | The VPC in which you want to create the instance. If no VPCs are available, create one. For more information, see Create and manage a VPC. |
vSwitch | The vSwitch to which you want to connect the instance in the VPC. If no vSwitches are created in the VPC in the selected zone, create one. For more information, see Create and manage a vSwitch. |
Number of Shards | The number of shards for the instance. Data is distributed across the data shards in the instance. |
Number of Replicas | The number of replicas. The instance of the Exclusive type is of the Cluster Edition. By default, the value is 2. You can increase the value based on your business requirements. |
Shard Specifications | The specifications of the shard. Each specification has the corresponding memory settings, CPU settings, and disk size. |
Username | The username that is used to access the iGraph engine. You need to specify the username and password for Graph Compute SDKs to verify permissions. |
Password | The password that is used to access the iGraph engine. You can set the password after you complete other configurations of the Graph Compute instance. You can modify the password on the details page of the instance. |
Instance Name | The name of the instance, which is used to identify and manage the instance. |
Subscription Duration | The subscription duration of the instance. If you select the subscription billing method, you also need to specify the duration and auto-renewal settings. |
Manage Graph Compute instances