This topic describes service-related commands in Function Compute Command Line Interface (fcli).


In the folder where the executable file is located, run the fcli shell command to enter the interactive mode.

Create a service (mks)

  • -d string or --description string: the description of a service.
  • -p string or --log-project string: the log project corresponding to a service.
  • -l string or --log-store string: the Logstore corresponding to a service.
  • -r string or --role string: the role corresponding to a service.
>>> mks myService //Creates a service without any advanced settings.
>>> mks myService -d 'my description' -p my-log-project -l my-log-store -r acs:ram::myID:role/myRoleName //Creates a service, in which the description is my description, the log project is my-log-project, the Logstore is my-log-store, and the role is myRoleName.                    

Update a service (ups)

Parameters in this command are the same as those in the mks command.

  • -d string or --description string: the description of a service.
  • -p string or --log-project string: the log project corresponding to a service.
  • -l string or --log-store string: the Logstore corresponding to a service.
  • -r string or --role string: the role corresponding to a service.
>>> ups myService -d 'my description' -p my-log-project -l my-log-store -r acs:ram::myID:role/myRoleName //Updates the service, in which the description is my description, the log project is my-log-project, the Logstore is my-log-store, and the role is myRoleName.                   
