This topic describes function-related commands in Function Compute Command Line Interface (fcli).


In the folder where the executable file is located, run the fcli shell command to enter the interactive mode.

Create a function (mkf)

  • -b string or --code-bucket string: specifies the Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket where the code is located.
  • -o string or --code-object string: specifies the object key in the bucket where the code is located.
  • -d string or --code-dir string: specifies the directory where the code is located.
  • -f string or --code-file string: specifies the compressed code file.
  • -h string or --handler string: specifies the function handler, which is in the format "file name. function name". For example, hello_world.handler specifies that the handler is the handler function in the hello_world.js file.
  • -e int32 or --initializationTimeout int32: specifies the timeout period of the initializer function. Default value: 30s.
  • -i string or --initializer string: specifies the initializer function.
  • -m int32 or --memory int32: specifies the memory size for function execution.
  • -t string or --runtime string: specifies the runtime environment.
  • --timeout int32: specifies the function timeout period. Default value: 30s.
// In the corresponding service directory
>>> mkf myFunction -t nodejs6 -h myFunction.handler -b ossBucketName -o objectKey //Saves code to an OSS bucket. In the command, -t specifies that the runtime is Node.js6, -h specifies the handler, -b specifies the OSS bucket where the code is located, and -o specifies the object key in the bucket where the code is located.
>>> mkf myFunction -t nodejs6 -h myFunction.handler -d codeDir/myFunction -m 512 //Saves code to a local directory. In the command, -d specifies the directory where the code is stored and -m specifies the memory size for function execution.
>>> mkf myFunction -h myFunction.handler -f -t nodejs6 //Saves code to the local file.

Update a function (upf)

  • -b string or --code-bucket string: specifies the Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket where the code is located.
  • -o string or --code-object string: specifies the object key in the bucket where the code is located.
  • -d string or --code-dir string: specifies the directory where the code is located.
  • -f string or --code-file string: specifies the compressed code file.
  • -h string or --handler string: specifies the function handler, which is in the format "file name. function name". For example, hello_world.handler specifies that the handler is the handler function in the hello_world.js file.
  • -m int32 or --memory int32: specifies the memory size for function execution.
  • -t string or --runtime string: specifies the runtime environment.
// In the corresponding service directory
>>> upf myFunction -t nodejs6 -h myFunction.handler -b ossBucketName -o objectKey //Saves code to an OSS bucket. In the command, -t specifies that the runtime is Node.js6, -b specifies the OSS bucket where the code is located, and -o specifies the object key in the bucket where the code is located.
>>> upf myFunction -t nodejs6 -h myFunction.handler -d codeDir/myFunction -m 512 //Saves code to a local directory. In the command, -d specifies the directory where the code is stored and -m specifies the memory size for function execution.
>>> upf myFunction -h myFunction.handler -f -t nodejs6 //Saves code to the local file.
>>> upf myFunction -t nodejs6 -i myFunction.newInitializer -e 30  -b ossBucketName -o objectKey //Updates the initializer function from myFunction.initializer to myFunction.newInitializer. The code is stored in an OSS bucket and contains the initializer function. In the command, -t specifies the runtime, -i specifies the initializer handler, -e specifies the initializer function timeout period, -b specifies the OSS bucket where the code is stored, and -o specifies the object key in the bucket where the code is stored.
>>> upf myFunction -t nodejs6  -i  "" -b ossBucketName -o objectKey //Updates the initializer function from myFunction.newInitializer to empty to disable the initializer function.
>>> upf myFunction -t nodejs6 -i  myFunction.newInitializer -e 30 -b ossBucketName -o objectKey //Updates an empty initializer function to myFunction.newInitializer.

Execute a function (invk)

  • -e or --encode: encodes the return value of a function in Base64.
  • -f string or --event-file string: reads the event content from the file.
  • -s string or --event-str string: reads the event content from the string.
  • -o string or --output-file string: specifies the name of the file to which the result is written.
  • -t string or --type string: specifies the trigger type. Valid values:
    • Sync: synchronously triggered (default value)
    • Async: asynchronously triggered
invk myFunction //Invokes the function if no input parameters are required and no events need to be triggered.
>>> invk myFunction -e //Encodes the return value of a function in Base64.
>>> invk myFunction -s 'hello,world'//Reads the event content from a string.
>>> invk myFunction -f event.json //Reads the event content from a file.
>>> invk myFunction -o code/result.txt //Writes the result to the result.txt file.
>>> invk myFunction -t Async //Sets the trigger type to Async.
