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Realtime Compute for Apache Flink:Top-N

Last Updated:Aug 08, 2024

This topic describes the compatibility between a job and the state data used to start the job after you modify Top-N queries for the job.

Compatible modifications

  • Fully compatible: Modify the sequence of partition keys.

    -- Original SQL statement:
    select a, b, c from (
      select *,
       row_number() over (partition by a, b order by c) as rk
       from MyTable)
    where rk < 3;
    -- Fully compatible: Modify the sequence of partition keys. 
    select a, b, c from (
      select *,
       row_number() over (partition by b, a order by c) as rk
       from MyTable)
    where rk < 3;
  • Fully compatible: Include or exclude the field that specifies the ranking position from the query result.

    -- Original SQL statement: 
    select a, b, c from (
      select *,
       row_number() over (partition by a order by c) as rk
       from MyTable)
    where rk < 3;
    -- Fully compatible: Include the rk field in the query result. 
    select a, b, c, rk from (
      select *,
       row_number() over (partition by a order by c) as rk
       from MyTable)
    where rk < 3;

Incompatible modifications

  • Use the UpdateFastRank algorithm for ranking and change the upstream upsert key.

  • Add, delete, or modify the partition keys or modify the computation logic of the fields included in the partition keys.

    -- Original SQL statements: 
    select a, b, c from (
      select *,
       row_number() over (partition by a order by c) as rk
       from MyTable)
    where rk < 3;
    -- Incompatible: Add d as a partition key. 
    select a, b, c from (
      select *,
       row_number() over (partition by a, d order by c) as rk
       from MyTable)
    where rk < 3;
    -- Incompatible: Delete a from the partition keys. 
    select a, b, c from (
      select *,
       row_number() over (order by c) as rk
       from MyTable)
    where rk < 3;
    -- Incompatible: Change the partition key from a to a + 1. 
    select a, b, c from (
      select *,
       row_number() over (partition by a order by c) as rk
       from (select a + 1 as a, b, c from MyTable))
    where rk < 3;
  • Modify the fields or order specified in the order by clause.

    -- Original SQL statements: 
    select a, b, c from (
      select *,
       row_number() over (partition by a order by c) as rk
       from MyTable)
    where rk < 3;
    -- Incompatible: Change the field used for sorting from c to b. 
    select a, b, c from (
      select *,
       row_number() over (partition by a order by b) as rk
       from MyTable)
    where rk < 3;
    -- Incompatible: Change the field used for sorting from c to substring(c, 1, 5). 
    select a, b, c from (
      select *,
       row_number() over (partition by a order by c) as rk
       from (select a, b, substring(c, 1, 5) as c from MyTable))
    where rk < 3;
    -- Incompatible: Change the sorting order from ascending to descending. 
    select a, b, c from (
      select *,
       row_number() over (partition by a order by c desc) as rk
       from MyTable)
    where rk < 3;
  • Modify the value of N. In a Top-N query, N specifies the number of top-ranked results to return.

    -- Original SQL statements: 
    select a, b, c from (
      select *,
       row_number() over (partition by a order by c) as rk
       from MyTable)
    where rk < 3;
    -- Incompatible: Change the value of N from 3 to 5. 
    select a, b, c from (
      select *,
       row_number() over (partition by a order by c) as rk
       from MyTable)
    where rk < 5;
  • Add, delete, or modify the selected fields for the Top-N query.

    -- Original SQL statements: 
    select a, b, c from (
      select *,
       row_number() over (partition by a order by c) as rk
       from MyTable)
    where rk < 3;
    -- Incompatible: Add d to the selected fields. 
    select a, b, c, d from (
      select *,
       row_number() over (partition by a order by c) as rk
       from MyTable)
    where rk < 3;
    -- Incompatible: Delete b from the selected fields. 
    select a, c from (
      select *,
       row_number() over (partition by a order by c) as rk
       from MyTable)
    where rk < 3;
    -- Incompatible: Change a selected field from b to b + 1. 
    select a, b, c from (
      select *,
       row_number() over (partition by a order by c) as rk
       from (select a, b + 1 as b, c from MyTable))
    where rk < 3;