Low-cost cross-border data transfer

Updated at: 2024-02-02 05:32

This topic describes how to use acceleration endpoints of Object Storage Service (OSS) together with Function Compute and CloudFlow to quickly build a cost-effective cross-border object synchronization and transmission system.


  • Cross-border transfer of objects is required.

  • The cost of cross-border data transfer must be strictly controlled.

  • Your applications are latency insensitive, and you can accept the synchronization latency caused by network jitters.

  • The system that is used to transfer data is elastic and can be scaled to handle large-scale file writes.

Solution overview

The following figure shows the architecture of the solution.


Process description:

  1. Elastic Compute Service (ECS) simulates applications to access OSS buckets in the China (Shanghai) and US (Silicon Valley) regions to produce and upload data.

  2. The data is uploaded to OSS buckets in China (Shanghai) by using an internal same-region endpoint.

  3. When an object is uploaded to OSS, Function Compute calls CloudFlow. Each workflow uploads an object to ensure that the object is quickly synchronized through the OSS acceleration domain name in Silicon Valley.

  4. ECS simulates local users in US (Silicon Valley) to read OSS objects and check whether the data is correct.


  • Low O&M costs: Developers can focus on code logic.

  • Low network costs: Compared with Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) and Express Connect mode, the network cost is reduced.

  • Low deployment costs: After an object is uploaded to OSS, Function Compute automatically calls CloudFlow on demand and you do not need to prepare ECS resources.

  • High elasticity and efficiency: One object synchronization task triggers a CloudFlow task. Resources can be fully utilized and data synchronization can be efficiently performed.

  • On this page (1, T)
  • Scenarios
  • Solution overview
  • Benefits