Creates an event stream.
Operation description
You can call this API operation to create an event stream.
Authorization information
The following table shows the authorization information corresponding to the API. The authorization information can be used in the Action
policy element to grant a RAM user or RAM role the permissions to call this API operation. Description:
- Operation: the value that you can use in the Action element to specify the operation on a resource.
- Access level: the access level of each operation. The levels are read, write, and list.
- Resource type: the type of the resource on which you can authorize the RAM user or the RAM role to perform the operation. Take note of the following items:
- The required resource types are displayed in bold characters.
- If the permissions cannot be granted at the resource level,
All Resources
is used in the Resource type column of the operation.
- Condition Key: the condition key that is defined by the cloud service.
- Associated operation: other operations that the RAM user or the RAM role must have permissions to perform to complete the operation. To complete the operation, the RAM user or the RAM role must have the permissions to perform the associated operations.
Operation | Access level | Resource type | Condition key | Associated operation |
Operation | Access level | Resource type | Condition key | Associated operation |
eventbridge:CreateEventStreaming | create | *All Resources * |
| none |
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
EventStreamingName | string | Yes | The name of the event stream. | myeventstreaming |
Description | string | No | The description of the event stream. | rocketmq2mns |
FilterPattern | string | Yes | The rule that is used to filter events. If you leave this parameter empty, all events are matched. | |
Source | object | Yes | The event provider, which is also known as the event source. You must and can specify only one event source. | |
SourceMNSParameters | object | No | The parameters that are configured if you specify Message Service (MNS) as the event source. | |
RegionId | string | No | The ID of the region where the MNS queue resides. | cn-beijing |
QueueName | string | No | The queue name. | queue_api_1642474203601 |
IsBase64Decode | boolean | No | Specifies whether to enable Base64 encoding. Default value: true. | true |
SourceRabbitMQParameters | object | No | The parameters that are configured if you specify ApsaraMQ for RabbitMQ as the event source. | |
RegionId | string | No | The ID of the region where the ApsaraMQ for RabbitMQ instance resides. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the most recent region list. | cn-hangzhou |
InstanceId | string | No | The ID of the ApsaraMQ for RabbitMQ instance. | gtm-cn-k2c2yfgzt02 |
VirtualHostName | string | No | The name of the vhost to which the ApsaraMQ for RabbitMQ instance belongs. | eb-connect |
QueueName | string | No | The name of the queue on the ApsaraMQ for RabbitMQ instance. | demo |
SourceKafkaParameters | object | No | The parameters that are configured if you specify ApsaraMQ for Kafka as the event source. | |
RegionId | string | No | The ID of the region where the ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance resides. | cn-hangzhou |
InstanceId | string | No | The ID of the ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance. | r-8vb64581862cd814 |
Topic | string | No | The name of the topic on the ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance. | popvip_center_robot_order |
ConsumerGroup | string | No | The group ID of the consumer that subscribes to the topic. | DEFAULT_GROUP |
OffsetReset | string | No | The offset from which messages are consumed. | latest |
Network | string | No | The network type. Default value: Default. The value PublicNetwork specifies a virtual private cloud (VPC). | Default |
VpcId | string | No | The ID of the VPC to which the ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance belongs. | vpc-8vblalsi0vbhizr77cbhu |
VSwitchIds | string | No | The ID of the vSwitch with which the ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance is associated. | vsw-bp179l3llg3jjxwrq72hh |
SecurityGroupId | string | No | The ID of the security group to which the ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance belongs. | sg-bp1iv19sp1msc7zot4wr |
SourceRocketMQParameters | object | No | The parameters that are configured if you specify ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ as the event source. | |
RegionId | string | No | The ID of the region where the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance resides. | cn-qingdao |
InstanceId | string | No | The ID of the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance. | default_C56C360261515 |
Topic | string | No | The name of the topic on the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance. | Topic_publicRule_api_1667273421288 |
Tag | string | No | The tag that you want to use to filter messages. | test |
Offset | string | No | The offset from which messages are consumed. Valid values:
GroupID | string | No | The ID of the consumer group on the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance. | GID_group1 |
Timestamp | long | No | The timestamp that indicates the time from which messages are consumed. This parameter is valid only if you set Offset to CONSUME_FROM_TIMESTAMP. | 1670656652009 |
InstanceType | string | No | The type of the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance. | 2 |
InstanceEndpoint | string | No | The endpoint that you want to use to access the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance. | |
InstanceUsername | string | No | The username that you want to use to access the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance. | admin |
InstancePassword | string | No | The password that you want to use to access the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance. | admin |
Network | string | No | The network type. Valid values: PublicNetwork and PrivateNetwork. | PrivateNetwork |
FilterType | string | No | The method that you want to use to filter messages. | Tag |
FilterSql | string | No | The SQL statement that you want to use to filter messages. | index > 10 |
AuthType | string | No | The authentication method. | ACL |
VpcId | string | No | The VPC ID of the cross-border task. | vpc-m5e3sv4b123456789 |
VSwitchIds | string | No | The vSwitch ID of the cross-border task. | vsw-m5ev8asdc6h123456789 |
SecurityGroupId | string | No | The security group ID of the cross-border task. | sg-m5edtu24f123456789 |
InstanceVpcId | string | No | The ID of the VPC to which the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance belongs. | vpc-m5e3sv4b123456789 |
InstanceVSwitchIds | string | No | The ID of the vSwitch with which the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance is associated. | vsw-m5ev8asdc6h123456789 |
InstanceSecurityGroupId | string | No | The ID of the security group to which the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance belongs. | sg-m5edtu24f123456789 |
InstanceNetwork | string | No | The network type. Valid values:
| PublicNetwork |
SourceMQTTParameters | object | No | The parameters that are configured if you specify ApsaraMQ for MQTT as the event source. | |
RegionId | string | No | The ID of the region where the ApsaraMQ for MQTT instance resides. | cn-shenzhen |
InstanceId | string | No | The ID of the ApsaraMQ for MQTT instance. | r-bp1b5ncun5lqerzg4r |
Topic | string | No | The topic from which messages are sent. | CANAL_VICUTU_UAT |
SourceDTSParameters | object | No | The parameters that are configured if you specify Data Transmission Service (DTS) as the event source. | |
TaskId | string | No | The task ID. | f86e5814-b223-482c-b768-3b873297dade |
BrokerUrl | string | No | The URL and port number of the change tracking instance. | |
Topic | string | No | The name of the tracked topic of the change tracking instance. | LTC_CACHE_PRD |
Sid | string | No | The consumer group ID. | HD3 |
Username | string | No | The consumer group username. | admin |
Password | string | No | The consumer group password. | admin |
InitCheckPoint | long | No | The UNIX timestamp that is generated when the SDK client consumes the first data record. | 1620962769 |
SourceSLSParameters | object | No | The parameters that are configured if you specify Simple Log Service as the event source. | |
Project | string | No | The Simple Log Service project. | test |
LogStore | string | No | The Simple Log Service Logstore. | sas-log |
ConsumePosition | string | No | The consumer offset. The value begin specifies the earliest offset. The value end specifies the latest offset. You can also specify a time in seconds to start consumption. | end |
RoleName | string | No | The role name. If you want to authorize EventBridge to use this role to read logs in Simple Log Service, you must select Alibaba Cloud Service for Selected Trusted Entity and EventBridge for Select Trusted Service when you create the role in the Resource Access Management (RAM) console. | testRole |
SourcePrometheusParameters | object | No | Parameters that are configured if you specify Managed Service for Prometheus as the event source. | |
ClusterId | string | No | The cluster ID. | c83555068b6******ad213f565f209 |
DataType | string | No | The data type. | json |
Labels | string | No | The labels. | __name__=.* |
Sink | object | Yes | The event target. You must and can specify only one event target. | |
SinkMNSParameters | object | No | The parameters that are configured if you specify MNS as the event target. | |
QueueName | object | No | The name of the MNS queue. | |
Value | string | No | The name of the MNS queue. | MyQueue |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
Body | object | No | The message content. | |
Value | string | No | The value before transformation. | { "key": "value" } |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. | TEMPLATE |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
IsBase64Encode | object | No | Specifies whether to enable Base64 encoding. | |
Value | string | No | Specifies whether to enable Base64 encoding. | true |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
SinkRabbitMQParameters | object | No | The parameters that are configured if you specify ApsaraMQ for RabbitMQ as the event target. | |
InstanceId | object | No | The ID of the ApsaraMQ for RabbitMQ instance. | |
Value | string | No | The ID of the ApsaraMQ for RabbitMQ instance. | a5ff91ad4f3f24947887fe184fc20d07 |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
VirtualHostName | object | No | The name of the vhost to which the ApsaraMQ for RabbitMQ instance belongs. | |
Value | string | No | The name of the vhost to which the ApsaraMQ for RabbitMQ instance belongs. | rabbit-host |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
TargetType | object | No | The type of the resource to which you want to deliver events. | |
Value | string | No | The type of the resource to which you want to deliver events. Valid values:
| Exchange/Queue |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
Exchange | object | No | The exchange mode. This parameter is required only if you set TargetType to Exchange. | |
Value | string | No | The name of the exchange on the ApsaraMQ for RabbitMQ instance. | a_exchange |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
RoutingKey | object | No | The rule that you want to use to route messages. This parameter is required only if you set TargetType to Exchange. | |
Value | string | No | The rule that you want to use to route messages. | housekeeping |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
QueueName | object | No | The queue mode. This parameter is required only if you set TargetType to Queue. | |
Value | string | No | The name of the queue on the ApsaraMQ for RabbitMQ instance. | MyQueue |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
Body | object | No | The message content. | |
Value | string | No | The value before transformation. | { "key": "value" } |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. | TEMPLATE |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
MessageId | object | No | The message ID. | |
Value | string | No | The value before transformation. | { "key": "value" } |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. | TEMPLATE |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
Properties | object | No | The properties that you want to use to filter messages. | |
Value | string | No | The value before transformation. | { "key": "value" } |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. | TEMPLATE |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
SinkKafkaParameters | object | No | The parameters that are configured if you specify ApsaraMQ for Kafka as the event target. | |
InstanceId | object | No | The ID of the ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance. | |
Value | string | No | The ID of the ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance. | Defaut_1283278472_sadkj |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
Topic | object | No | The name of the topic on the ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance. | |
Value | string | No | The name of the topic on the ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance. | test |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
Acks | object | No | The acknowledgment (ACK) mode.
| |
Value | string | No | The ACK mode.
| 1 |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
Key | object | No | The message key. | |
Value | string | No | The message key. | key |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
Value | object | No | The message body. | |
Value | string | No | The value before transformation. | { "key": "value" } |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. | TEMPLATE |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
SinkFcParameters | object | No | The parameters that are configured if you specify Function Compute as the event target. | |
ServiceName | object | No | The service name. | |
Value | string | No | The service name. | myService |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
FunctionName | object | No | The function name. | |
Value | string | No | The function name. | myFunction |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
Concurrency | object | No | The delivery concurrency. Minimum value: 1. | |
Value | string | No | The delivery concurrency. Minimum value: 1. | 1 |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | None |
Qualifier | object | No | The service version. | |
Value | string | No | The service version. | LATEST |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
InvocationType | object | No | The invocation mode. Valid values: Sync and Async. | |
Value | string | No | The invocation mode. Valid values: Sync and Async. | Async |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
Body | object | No | The message body that you want to deliver to Function Compute. | |
Value | string | No | The value before transformation. | { "key": "value" } |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. | TEMPLATE |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
SinkRocketMQParameters | object | No | The parameters that are configured if you specify ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ as the event target. | |
InstanceId | object | No | The ID of the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance. | |
Value | string | No | The ID of the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance. | MQ_INST_164901546557****_BAAN**** |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
Topic | object | No | The name of the topic on the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance. | |
Value | string | No | The name of the topic on the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance. | Mytopic |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
Body | object | No | The message content. | |
Value | string | No | The value before transformation. | { "key": "value" } |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. | TEMPLATE |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
Properties | object | No | The properties that you want to use to filter messages. | |
Value | string | No | The value before transformation. | { "key": "value" } |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. | TEMPLATE |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
Keys | object | No | The keys that you want to use to filter messages. | |
Value | string | No | The value before transformation. | { "key": "value" } |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. | TEMPLATE |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
Tags | object | No | The tags that you want to use to filter messages. | |
Value | string | No | The value before transformation. | { "key": "value" } |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. | TEMPLATE |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
InstanceType | object | No | The type of the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance. | |
Value | string | No | The type of the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance. | 2 |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | None. | |
InstanceEndpoint | object | No | The endpoint that you want to use to access the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance. | |
Value | string | No | The endpoint that you want to use to access the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance. | vbr-8vbsvkkbpf3vb0zefs7ex |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | None. | |
InstanceUsername | object | No | The username that you want to use to access the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance. | |
Value | string | No | The username that you want to use to access the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance. | admin |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | None. | |
InstancePassword | object | No | The password that you want to use to access the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance. | |
Value | string | No | The password that you want to use to access the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance. | admin |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | None. | |
VpcId | object | No | The ID of the VPC to which the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance belongs. | |
Value | string | No | The ID of the VPC to which the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance belongs. | vbr-8vb835n3zf9shwlvbwlmp |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | None. | |
VSwitchIds | object | No | The ID of the vSwitch with which the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance is associated. | |
Value | string | No | The ID of the vSwitch with which the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance is associated. | vbr-8vb835n3zf9shwlvbwlmp |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | None. | |
SecurityGroupId | object | No | The ID of the security group to which the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance belongs. | |
Value | string | No | The ID of the security group to which the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance belongs. | b4bf375515f6440f942e3a20c33d5b9c |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | None. | |
Network | object | No | The network type.
| |
Value | string | No | The network type.
| PublicNetwork |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | None. | |
SinkSLSParameters | object | No | The parameters that are configured if you specify Simple Log Service as the event target. | |
Project | object | No | The Simple Log Service project. | |
Value | string | No | The Simple Log Service project. | test-project |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | None. | |
LogStore | object | No | The Simple Log Service Logstore. | |
Value | string | No | The Simple Log Service Logstore. | test-logstore |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | None. | |
Topic | object | No | The topic that you want to use to store logs. This parameter corresponds to the reserved field topic in Simple Log Service. | |
Value | string | No | The topic that you want to use to store logs. This parameter corresponds to the reserved field topic in Simple Log Service. | testTopic |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | None. | |
Body | object | No | The message body that you want to deliver to Simple Log Service. | |
Value | string | No | The value before transformation. | { "key": "value" } |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. | TEMPLATE |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | The value of ${key} is ${value}! |
RoleName | object | No | The role name. If you want to authorize EventBridge to use this role to read logs in Simple Log Service, you must select Alibaba Cloud Service for Selected Trusted Entity and EventBridge for Select Trusted Service when you create the role in the RAM console. | |
Value | string | No | The role name. If you want to authorize EventBridge to use this role to read logs in Simple Log Service, you must select Alibaba Cloud Service for Selected Trusted Entity and EventBridge for Select Trusted Service when you create the role in the RAM console. | testRole |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | None. | |
SinkDataHubParameters | object | No | The parameters that are configured if you specify DataHub as the event target. | |
Project | object | No | The name of the DataHub project. | |
Value | string | No | The name of the DataHub project. | demo-project |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | None. | |
Topic | object | No | The name of the DataHub topic. | |
Value | string | No | The name of the DataHub topic. | demo-topic |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | None. | |
TopicType | object | No | The topic type. Valid values:
| |
Value | string | No | The topic type. Valid values:
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | None. | |
TopicSchema | object | No | The TUBLE topic. | |
Value | string | No | The TUBLE topic. | {"k1":"value1","k2":"value2"} |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. | TEMPLATE |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | {"k1":"${k1}","k2":"${k2}"} |
Body | object | No | The BLOB topic. | |
Value | string | No | The BLOB topic. | |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. | ORIGINAL |
Template | string | No | None. | |
RoleName | object | No | The role name. | |
Value | string | No | The role name. | test-role |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | None. | |
SinkFnfParameters | object | No | The parameters that are configured if you specify CloudFlow as the event target. | |
FlowName | object | No | The flow name. | |
Value | string | No | The flow name. | test-streaming-fnf |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | |
ExecutionName | object | No | The execution name. | |
Value | string | No | The execution name. | 123 |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | |
Input | object | No | The input information of the execution. | |
Value | string | No | The input information of the execution. | 123 |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | |
RoleName | object | No | The role name. | |
Value | string | No | The role name. | Al****FNF-x**** |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | |
SinkPrometheusParameters | object | No | The parameters that are configured if you specify Managed Service for Prometheus as the event target. | |
URL | object | No | The URL for the remote write configuration item of the Managed Service for Prometheus instance. | |
Value | string | No | The URL for the remote write configuration item of the Managed Service for Prometheus instance. |****/c5b7faeb2e8994641*****d5c559f/cn-hangzhou/api/v3/write |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | None. | |
AuthorizationType | object | No | The authentication method. | |
Value | string | No | The authentication method. | BASIC_AUTH |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | None. | |
Username | object | No | The username. | |
Value | string | No | The username. | ****admin |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | None. | |
Password | object | No | The password. | |
Value | string | No | The password. | ***** |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | None. | |
Data | object | No | The metric data. | |
Value | string | No | The metric data. | $.data |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: JSAONPATH. | JSAONPATH |
Template | string | No | The template based on which you want to transform events. | |
NetworkType | object | No | The network type. | |
Value | string | No | The network type. | PrivateNetwork |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | None. | |
VpcId | object | No | The ID of the VPC to which the Managed Service for Prometheus instance belongs. | |
Value | string | No | The ID of the VPC to which the Managed Service for Prometheus instance belongs. | i-2ze7u5i17mbqtx1p**** |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | None. | |
VSwitchId | object | No | The ID of the vSwitch with which the Managed Service for Prometheus instance is associated. | |
Value | string | No | The ID of the vSwitch with which the Managed Service for Prometheus instance is associated. | vsw-dwaafds**** |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | None. | |
SecurityGroupId | object | No | The ID of the security group to which the Managed Service for Prometheus instance belongs. | |
Value | string | No | The ID of the security group to which the Managed Service for Prometheus instance belongs. | sg-mw43***** |
Form | string | No | The method that you want to use to transform events. Default value: CONSTANT. | CONSTANT |
Template | string | No | None. | |
RunOptions | object | No | The configurations of the runtime environment. | |
MaximumTasks | long | No | The maximum number of concurrent threads. | 2 |
ErrorsTolerance | string | No | The exception tolerance policy. Valid values:
| ALL |
RetryStrategy | object | No | The retry policy that you want to use if events fail to be pushed. | |
PushRetryStrategy | string | No | The retry policy. Valid values:
MaximumEventAgeInSeconds | long | No | The maximum timeout period for a retry. | 512 |
MaximumRetryAttempts | long | No | The maximum number of retries. | 2 |
DeadLetterQueue | object | No | Indicates whether dead-letter queues are enabled. By default, dead-letter queues are disabled. Events that fail to be pushed are discarded after the maximum number of retries that is specified by the retry policy is reached. | |
Arn | string | No | The Alibaba Cloud Resource Name (ARN) of the dead-letter queue. | acs:ram::1317334647812936:role/rdstoecsassumekms |
BatchWindow | object | No | The batch window. | |
CountBasedWindow | integer | No | The maximum number of events that is allowed in the batch window. When this threshold is reached, data in the window is pushed to the downstream service. When multiple batch windows exist, data is pushed if triggering conditions are met in one of the windows. | 100 |
TimeBasedWindow | integer | No | The maximum period of time during which events are allowed in the batch window. Unit: seconds. When this threshold is reached, data in the window is pushed to the downstream service. When multiple batch windows exist, data is pushed if triggering conditions are met in one of the windows. | 10 |
Response parameters
Sample success responses
"Message": "The name [xxxx] of event streaming in request is already exist!",
"RequestId": "B896B484-F16D-59DE-9E23-DD0E5C361108",
"Data": {
"EventStreamingARN": "acs:eventbridge:cn-hangzhou:164901546557****:eventstreaming/myeventstreaming"
"Code": "200",
"Success": true
Error codes
HTTP status code | Error code | Error message |
HTTP status code | Error code | Error message |
403 | ServiceNotEnable | Service not enable |
For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.
Change history
Change time | Summary of changes | Operation |
Change time | Summary of changes | Operation |
2024-09-10 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2024-09-09 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2024-08-19 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2024-07-12 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2024-05-31 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2024-04-09 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2024-02-21 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2024-02-19 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2024-01-25 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2023-12-28 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2023-11-22 | The Error code has changed. The request parameters of the API has changed | View Change Details |
2023-09-13 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2023-04-21 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2023-04-06 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |