Advanced Database & Application Migration (ADAM) allows multiple users to migrate schemas. You can configure a rule to specify separate users. This allows you to manage the permissions of users to migrate and revise specific schemas.

  1. Configure a migration rule.
    1. User-specific Schema Migration
      Note If you configure separate users, you must ensure that these users are consistent with the users of the source Oracle database and specify corresponding schemas for the users.
      • Unified User
      • Separate Users
        1. Enter the password of the account.
          • If you have created a user, enter the password of the account.
          • If you have not created a user, ADAM automatically creates a user in the destination database. Then, you must specify a password. Otherwise, the password of the account used to log on to the destination database is specified by default.
        2. Add or remove schemas of users as needed.
        3. Click Save.
        4. In the message that appears, click OK.
        Rule Configuration
    2. Add an owner to an SQL statement in the trigger
      PolarDB cannot automatically identify the owner of the trigger. You must add the owner to an SQL statement in the trigger before you migrate schemas to PolarDB.Add a ower
      • Do Not Add Owner
      • Add Owner: In the dialog box that appears, click Start. Then, click OK. ADAM automatically adds the owner to an SQL statement in the trigger. To stop adding Owner, click Stop.
  2. In the Schema Migration section, click Start Schema Migration.
    • If you start the schema migration, all schema objects in the destination database are deleted. Make sure that no important schema objects exist in the destination database in advance.
    • If you migrate schemas to a PolarDB-X V1.0 database, the migration may consume much time due to the constraint of foreign keys.
    In the message that appears, click OK.schem moveClick ok
  3. View the migration result.
    view result

What to do next

  • Click Remigrate All Schemas to re-migrate data definition language (DDL) statements. All the DDL statements will be re-migrated.
  • Click Remigrate Failed Schemas to migrate the DDL statements that fail to be migrated.
  • Click Stop Migration to stop migrating the current DDL statement.
  • Click Start Schema Migration to customize migration. For more information, see Customize schema migration.