Field | Description |
SCHEDULE_STATUS | Indicates whether the scheduled cleanup job is enabled. Valid values: |
SCHEDULE_EXPR | The schedule on which the cleanup job runs. You can modify the schedule. For more information, see the "Modify the execution schedule of the cleanup job" section of the Definition and creation of TTL tables topic. |
SCHEDULE_COMMENT | The description of the value of the SCHEDULE_EXPR field. |
SCHEDULE_TIMEZONE | The time zone for scheduling the cleanup job. |
SCHEDULE_LAST_FIRE_TIME | The time when automatic scheduling was last triggered. The initial value is 1970-01-01 08:00:00, which indicates that automatic scheduling is not triggered. |
SCHEDULE_NEXT_FIRE_TIME | The time when automatic scheduling is triggered next time. The initial value is 1970-01-01 08:00:00, which indicates that automatic scheduling is not triggered. |
TTL_CURR_TTL_COL_MIN_VAL | The minimum value in the time column specified in the TTL definition of the cleanup job. |
TTL_CURR_JOB_STAGE | The current phase of the cleanup job. |
TTL_CURR_CLEANUP_BOUND | The value in the time column that is being cleaned up by the cleanup job. |
TTL_CURR_CLEANUP_UPPER_BOUND | The upper bound of the cleanup job. The time values of historical data to be cleaned up are earlier than the upper bound. |
TTL_CURR_NEW_DATETIME_VAL | The current time. |
TTL_CURR_DN_ROWS_SPEED_LIMIT | The speed limit of the cleanup job, which is the speed at which the DELETE statement is executed on each storage node. The value is the number of rows that are cleaned up per second. |
TTL_CURR_CLEANUP_ROWS | The total number of rows that are cleaned up by the cleanup job. |
TTL_CURR_CLEANUP_ROWS_SPEED | The real-time cleanup speed of the cleanup job. The value is the number of rows that are cleaned up per second. |
TTL_CURR_CLEANUP_DATA_LENGTH | The estimated total number of bytes that are cleaned up by the cleanup job. |
TTL_CURR_CLEANUP_SPEED | The real-time cleanup speed of the cleanup job. The value is the number of estimated bytes that are cleaned up per second. |
TTL_CURR_SELECT_SQL_AVG_RT | The average response time of the SELECT statement executed by the cleanup job. Unit: milliseconds. |
TTL_CURR_DELETE_SQL_AVG_RT | The average response time of the DELETE statement executed by the cleanup job. Unit: milliseconds. |
TTL_CURR_JOB_PERCENT | The completion percentage of the cleanup job. |
TTL_CURR_CLEANED_PHY_PART_COUNT | The number of physical partitions that are cleaned up by the cleanup job. |
TTL_CURR_TOTAL_PHY_PART_COUNT | The total number of physical partitions that need to be cleaned up by the cleanup job. |