This topic describes how to prepare a development environment when you integrate Link SDK for C with a device.
Hardware environment
Link SDK for C of Alibaba Cloud supports various operating systems and hardware devices. To integrate or port the SDK, make sure that your device meets the following requirements:
The device supports the TCP/IP protocol stack or supports the protocol stack by integrating external modules.
The device has at least 20 KB of ROM and 2 KB of RAM.
No limit is set on the operating system of the device.
The sample code file in Link SDK for C is developed based on the Linux operating system. You can run the code on Linux.
For more information, see Port Link SDK for C.
Development environment
You can port Link SDK for C across platforms. Take note of the following requirements when you prepare the development environment:
Development language: C programming language of the C99 standard.
Development tool: a tool that supports compilation of the C programming language.
Compilation method: Makefile-based compilation.
Compilation and running
In the Linux and macOS operating systems, you can compile and run the sample code in Link SDK for C after you configure the SDK. To compile and run the sample code, go to the root directory of the SDK and perform the following steps:
Run the make command to compile the SDK.
The executable sample code file is generated in the ./output/ directory.
To establish a Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) connection, you can run the ./output/mqtt-basic-demo command to run the executable file.
If the operating system of your device is not Linux, use a compilation tool that is supported by your operating system to compile the SDK.