When you create a rule based on a managed rule or create a custom rule, you can configure custom remediation for the rule to use Function Compute to remediate non-compliant resources. If a resource that is associated with this rule is evaluated as Non-compliant, the template takes effect and the resource is remediated quickly.
Background information
This topic describes how to configure and execute custom remediation. The ecs-running-instance-no-public-ip managed rule is used in this example.
You can use the ecs-running-instance-no-public-ip managed rule to check whether a public IPv4 address or elastic IP address (EIP) is associated with a running Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance. If a public IPv4 address or EIP is associated with an ECS instance, the evaluation result is Non-compliant. The ECS instances with which public IPv4 addresses or EIPs are associated are stopped.
Log on to the Cloud Config console.
Optional. In the upper-left corner, select an account group.
This operation is required only if you are using a management account of a resource directory. Otherwise, you do not need to perform the operation.
In the left-side navigation pane, choose .
On the Rules page, click Create Rule.
In the Select Create Method step, select Based on managed rule, select ecs-running-instance-no-public-ip from the template list, and then click Next.
In the Set Basic Properties step, use the default values for the parameters and click Next.
In the Set Effective Scope step, use the default values for the parameters and click Next.
In the Set Remediation step, turn on Set Remediation, select Function Compute, set the Invoke Type parameter to Manual Remediation. Then, specify the remediation function in the Function ARN section and click Submit.
If you set Invoke Type to Automatic Remediation, Cloud Config automatically remediates configurations of non-compliant resources based on your settings. This may affect business continuity. Therefore, Invoke Type is set to Manual Remediation by default. We recommend that you retain the default setting.
If the remediation does not affect your business, you can set Invoke Type to Automatic Remediation. In this case, Cloud Config automatically remediates configurations of non-compliant resources based on your settings.
Click Create New Function to create a service and a remediation function in the Function Compute console. For more information, see Quickly create a function.
When you create a remediation function, set the Function Type parameter to Event Function and the Runtime parameter to Python 3. You can configure other parameters based on your business requirements. Sample code:
import json
from aliyunsdkcore.client import AcsClient
from aliyunsdkcore.acs_exception.exceptions import ClientException
from aliyunsdkcore.acs_exception.exceptions import ServerException
from aliyunsdkcore.auth.credentials import AccessKeyCredential
from aliyunsdkcore.auth.credentials import StsTokenCredential
from aliyunsdkecs.request.v20140526.StopInstanceRequest import StopInstanceRequest
from aliyunsdkcore.auth.credentials import AccessKeyCredential
from aliyunsdkcore.auth.credentials import StsTokenCredential
from aliyunsdkkms.request.v20160120.DecryptRequest import DecryptRequest
import logging
import json
logger = logging.getLogger()
def handler(event, context):
get_resources_non_compliant(event, context)
def get_resources_non_compliant(event, context):
resources = parse_json(event)
for resource in resources:
remediation(resource, context)
def parse_json(content):
Parse string to json object
:param content: json string content
:return: Json object
return json.loads(content)
except Exception as e:
logger.error('Parse content:{} to json error:{}.'.format(content, e))
return None
def remediation(resource, context):
region_id = resource['regionId']
account_id = resource['accountId']
resource_id = resource['resourceId']
resource_type = resource['resourceType']
config_rule_id = resource['configRuleId']
if resource_type == 'ACS::ECS::Instance' and config_rule_id == 'cr-f8a1626622af005d****':
print(region_id, account_id, resource_id, resource_type, config_rule_id)
stop_ecs_instance(context, region_id, resource_id)
def stop_ecs_instance(context, resource_region_id, resource_id):
logger.info("Note: Start to stop the ECS instance.{}{}".format(resource_region_id, resource_id))
creds = context.credentials
client = AcsClient(creds.access_key_id, creds.access_key_secret, region_id=resource_region_id)
request = StopInstanceRequest()
request.add_query_param('SecurityToken', creds.security_token)
response = client.do_action_with_exception(request)
The remediation function contains the following main subfunctions:
handler: the default entry to the remediation function. The subfunction is invoked when Cloud Config triggers custom remediation. You must define handler
when you create the remediation function.
: the parser of the non-compliant resource.
: the entry to the custom remediation setting. You can configure this subfunction based on your business requirements. For example, if an ECS instance is evaluated as non-compliant against the ecs-running-instance-no-public-ip managed rule, the ECS instance is stopped based on the custom remediation setting.
Execute remediation manually.
On the Rules page, find the rule that you want to manage, and click Remediation Detail in the Remediation Template column.
On the Remediation Detail tab, click Perform Manual Remediation next to Remediation Detail.
In the Execution Result List section, you can view the remediation results. You can also view the reason why a resource fails to be remediated.
On the Remediation Detail tab, click the function ARN next to Remediation Template to go to the Code tab of the remediation function in the Function Compute console.