This topic describes how to use Resource Access Management (RAM) policies to authorize RAM users to call specific API operations. If the provided system policies cannot meet your business requirements, you can create custom policies.

Authorization granularities

  • By service: grants a RAM user the permissions on the Alibaba Cloud DNS (DNS) service. For example, the AliyunDNSFullAccess and AliyunDNSReadyOnlyAccess system policies provided by DNS are used to implement service-level authorization.
  • By action: grants a RAM user the permissions to call specific DNS API operations. If you implement this type of authorization, the RAM user can perform specific operations on a type of DNS resource.
  • By resource: grants a RAM user the permissions on a specific resource. Supported DNS resource types are domain, instance, and group.

DNS resource types

The following table describes the types of DNS resources supported in RAM authorization and the formats in which they can be specified.

Resource type Resource format in a policy Description
Domain acs:alidns:*:$accountid:domain/*


Management permissions on the domain names of an Alibaba Cloud account can be granted to its RAM users. For example, an authorized RAM user can add domain names, remove domain names, create DNS records, delete DNS records, or enable the secondary DNS feature.
instance acs:alidns:*:$accountid:instance/*


Management permissions on the paid DNS instances of an Alibaba Cloud account can be granted to its RAM users. For example, an authorized RAM user can query the paid DNS instances or change the domain names.
group acs:alidns:*:$accountid:group/*


Management permissions on the domain name groups of an Alibaba Cloud account can be granted to its RAM users. For example, an authorized RAM user can create, modify, or delete domain name groups.

The following sample policy can be used to grant full permissions on a domain name to a RAM user. The Resource parameter specifies the DNS resource type.

    "Version": "1",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": "*",
            "Resource": "acs:alidns:*:*:domain/",
            "Effect": "Allow"
            "Action": "*",
            "Resource": "acs:alidns:*:*:instance/alidns-cn-o400uxz3701",
            "Effect": "Allow"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "acs:alidns:*:*:*",
            "Effect": "Allow"

Authorization for API operations

API operation Description Resource format in a policy
AddDomain Adds a domain name. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/*
DeleteDomain Deletes a domain name. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/{#domainName}
DescribeDomains Queries domain names. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/*
ModifyHichinaDomainDNS Updates the DNS servers of a domain name. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/{#domainName}
GetMainDomainName Queries the top-level domain name. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/*
DescribeDomainLogs Queries the operation logs of a domain name. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/*
UpdateDomainRemark Modifies the description of a domain name. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/{#domainName}
DescribeDomainInfo Queries the details of a domain name. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/{#domainName}
RetrieveDomain Retrieves a domain name. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/*
GetTxtRecordForVerify Creates a TXT record. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/*
TransferDomain Transfers one or more domain names to another Alibaba Cloud account. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/*
DescribeDomainNs Queries the DNS servers of a domain name. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/{#domainName}
DescribeTransferDomains Queries the domain names that are transferred between the current account and another account. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/*
DescribeDnsProductInstances Queries paid DNS instances. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:instance/*
BindInstanceDomains Binds a domain name to a paid DNS instance. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:instance/{#instanceId}
DescribeDnsProductInstance Queries the details of a paid DNS instance. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:instance/{#instanceId}
UnbindInstanceDomains Unbinds a domain name from a paid DNS instance. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:instance/{#instanceId}
DescribeDomainGroups Queries domain name groups. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:group/*
AddDomainGroup Creates a domain name group. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:group/*
DeleteDomainGroup Deletes a domain name group. acs:alidns:*{#accountId}:group/{#groupId}
UpdateDomainGroup Changes the name of a domain name group. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:group/{#groupId}
ChangeDomainGroup Moves a domain name to another domain name group. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/{#domainName} acs:alidns::{#accountId}:group/{#groupId}
AddDomainRecord Creates a DNS record. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/{#domainName}
DeleteDomainRecord Deletes a DNS record. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/{#domainName}
UpdateDomainRecord Modifies a DNS record. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/{#domainName}
DescribeDomainRecords Queries DNS records. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/{#domainName}
DescribeDomainRecordInfo Queries the details of a DNS record. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/{#domainName}
DescribeSubDomainRecords Queries the DNS records of a subdomain. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/{#domainName}
DeleteSubDomainRecords Deletes the DNS records corresponding to a host record. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/{#domainName}
SetDomainRecordStatus Sets the DNS resolution status. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/{#domainName}
DescribeRecordLogs Queries the operation logs of a DNS record. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/{#domainName}
DescribeSupportLines Queries resolution lines. acs:alidns:*:$accountid:*
UpdateDomainRecordRemark Modifies the description of a DNS record. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/{#domainName}
AddDomainBackup Creates a domain name backup task. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/*
DescribeDomainStatistics Obtains the real-time query volume of a top-level domain name. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/{#domainName}
DescribeDomainStatisticsSummary Obtains the query volume of all domain names within the current Alibaba Cloud account. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/*
DescribeRecordStatistics Obtains the real-time query volume of a subdomain. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/{#domainName}
DescribeRecordStatisticsSummary Obtains the query volume of all subdomains of a domain name. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/{#domainName}
SetDNSSLBStatus Specifies whether to enable or disable weighted round-robin. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/{#domainName}
UpdateDNSSLBWeight Modifies the weight of a DNS record. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/{#domainName}
DescribeDNSSLBSubDomains Queries the subdomains for which weighted round-robin is enabled. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/{#domainName}
AddCustomLine Adds a custom line. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/{#domainName}
UpdateCustomLine Updates a custom line. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/{#domainName}
DescribeCustomLines Queries custom lines. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/{#domainName}
DescribeCustomLine Queries the details of a custom line. acs:alidns::{#accountId}:domain/{#domainName}