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Edge Security Acceleration:Add an application for TCP/UDP acceleration

Last Updated:Sep 19, 2024

If your application establishes connections with the origin server over the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or User Datagram Protocol (UDP), you can enable the TCP/UDP acceleration feature to improve application performance and security. The most common TCP or UDP-based scenarios include real-time combat gaming and real-time interactive audio and video streaming.

Usage notes

  • TCP/UDP acceleration is available only in Enterprise plans.

  • If you set the edge port and origin server port to different port ranges, map the edge ports to the corresponding origin server ports and configure request forwarding rules. For example, if you set the edge port to 3000-4000 and the origin server port to 5000-6000, and configure port mapping, requests that are sent to port 3050 are forwarded to port 5050.

  • The following table describes the edge ports and origin server ports supported for Secure Shell (SSH), Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), and Minecraft applications.









  • Domains for which TCP/UDP acceleration is enabled can defend against Tbit/s-scale DDoS attacks, except for the following domains:

    • Domains for which you have enabled the proxy protocol (PP)

    • Domains whose POP IP addresses are of the IPv6+IPv4 dual-stack type

    • Additional domains that exceed the maximum number of domains with DDoS protection capabilities in Enterprise plans

    Domains that do not support Tbit/s-scale DDoS protection are marked with the image icon, and those supported ones are marked with the image icon.


  1. In the left-side navigation pane, click Websites.

  2. On the Websites page, find the website that you want to manage, and click the website name or View Details in the Actions column.

  3. In the left-side navigation tree, click TCP/UDP.

  4. Click Settings.

  5. Click Add Application and configure parameters based on your business requirements.




    The protocol that your application uses at Layer 4. Valid values: TCP, UDP, HTTP, SSH, RDP, HTTPS, and Minecraft.

    Domain Name

    The domain name or hostname that clients access. The system resolves the domain name to the IP address assigned by Edge Security Acceleration (ESA) for clients to access over the Layer 4 protocol.

    Edge IP Version

    The type of the IP address provided for the hostname. The type of the IP address provided for the ESA POP. Valid values: IPv4 + IPv6 and IPv4 Only.

    Edge Port

    The port or port range used by clients to access ESA. Examples: 8080 and 1000-2000. Ports ranging from 1 to 65535 are supported. If you specify a port range for this parameter, the number of ports included in the origin server port range and the edge port range must be the same.

    Origin Server

    The IP address or domain name of the origin server from which ESA pulls content. You can specify an IP address, domain name, or address of an origin pool or load balancer.

    Origin Port

    The port or port range of the origin server. Examples: 8080 and 1000-2000. Ports ranging from 1 to 65535 are supported. If you specify a port range for this parameter, the number of ports included in the origin server port range and the edge port range must be the same.

    Edge TLS Termination

    This feature is supported only for TCP-based applications. After you enable this feature, Transport Layer Security (TLS) termination is automatically supported on POPs. You can also specify one of the following TLS validation modes:

    1. Disable: Traffic to the origin is not SSL/TLS-encrypted.

    2. Enable: Traffic to the origin is SSL/TLS-encrypted, without validation of the origin certificate.

    3. Enable and Force Validation: Traffic to the origin is SSL/TLS-encrypted, with forcible validation of the origin certificate.

    Pass Client IP

    The proxy protocol over which the originating IP addresses and port information of clients are passed to the origin server. If you enable Proxy Protocol, you can select TOA, PROXY Protocol v1 or, PROXY Protocol v2.

  6. Click OK.

Feature availability







