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Built-in storage and OSS

Updated at: 2025-02-17 09:57

Database Backup (DBS) allows you to back up and restore databases. You can restore backup data to cloud storage including built-in storage and Object Storage Service (OSS).

ItemDBS built-in storageOSS
ItemDBS built-in storageOSS
  • You cannot directly access backup sets in DBS built-in storage.
  • DBS is integrated with Resource Access Management (RAM).
  • You can directly access backup sets in OSS.
  • To ensure security, you must manually manage backup sets.
  • DBS uses Apsara Distributed File System to provide a distributed storage service with high reliability.
  • OSS uses Apsara Distributed File System to provide a distributed storage service with high reliability.
Low costs
  • You do not have to pay to call OSS API operations. You pay for only the amount of data that is backed up on a pay-as-you-go basis.
  • You must pay to call OSS API operations. For more information, see Overview.
Ease of use
  • You do not need to manage OSS buckets.
  • You must manage the names and upper limit of OSS buckets.
Value-added services
  • You must manage the lifecycle of backup sets.
  • You can enable automatic download of CSV-formatted backup sets.
  • You must manage the lifecycle of backup sets.
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