DataWorks API operations (2024-05-18) support multiple types of data sources. This topic describes the supported types of data sources.
Data source labels for display and data source values for storage
Big data and analytics
Data source label | Data source value |
MaxCompute | maxcompute |
Hive | hive |
Hologres | hologres |
Lightning | lightning |
ClickHouse | clickhouse |
StarRocks | starrocks |
SelectDB | selectdb |
AnalyticDB MySQL 3.0 | analyticdb_for_mysql |
AnalyticDB for MySQL 2.0 | ads |
AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL | analyticdb_for_postgresql |
Peta Data | hybriddb_for_mysql |
Graph Compute | maxgraph |
Data Lake Analytics | dla |
Amazon Redshift | redshift |
Doris | doris |
BigQuery | bigquery |
Phoenix | phoenix |
CDH | cdh |
Flink | flink |
EMR | emr |
Blink | blink |
Relational databases
Data source label | Data source value |
MySQL | mysql |
SQL Server | sqlserver |
PolarDB | polardb |
Oracle | oracle |
PostgreSQL | postgresql |
ApsaraDB for OceanBase | apsaradb_for_oceanbase |
DRDS | drds |
DM | dm |
Vertica | vertica |
Sap Hana | saphana |
Gbase8a | gbase8a |
DB2 | db2 |
KingbaseES | kingbasees |
MariaDB | mariadb |
PolarDB-O | polardbo |
PolarDB-X 2.0 | polardbx20 |
Object storage services and file systems
Data source label | Data source value |
Aliyun OSS | oss |
FTP | ftp |
HDFS | hdfs |
Amazon S3 | s3 |
Azure Blob | azureblob |
OSS-HDFS | oss_hdfs |
Message queues
Data source label | Data source value |
LogHub | loghub |
DataHub | datahub |
kafka | kafka |
Data source label | Data source value |
Elasticsearch | elasticsearch |
HBase | hbase |
Cassandra | cassandra |
MongoDB | mongodb |
Tablestore | tablestore |
Redis | redis |
Memcache | memcache |
Graph Database | graph_database |
Lindorm | lindorm |
IOT | iot |
Kudu | kudu |
Data source label | Data source value |
RestAPI | restapi |
Salesforce | salesforce |
Data source label | Data source value |
SSH | ssh |
HttpFile | httpFile |
Morse | morse |
PAI ECS | pai_ecs |
PAI LINGJUN | pai_lingjun |
PAI DLC | dlc |
Sa | sa |