This product(
) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts. Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.
API | Title | Description |
ListCalcEngines | ListCalcEngines | Queries a list of compute engines that are associated with a DataWorks workspace. |
CreateDataSource | CreateDataSource | Adds a data source to DataWorks. |
ListDataSources | ListDataSources | Queries the data sources added to a DataWorks workspace. |
UpdateDataSource | UpdateDataSource | Updates a data source. |
DeleteDataSource | DeleteDataSource | Removes a data source. |
ListResourceGroups | ListResourceGroups | Queries a list of resource groups of a specific type. |
GetProject | GetProject | Queries the information about a DataWorks workspace. |
AddProjectMemberToRole | AddProjectMemberToRole | Assigns a role to a member of a DataWorks workspace. Before you call this operation, you must add your account to a DataWorks workspace as a member. |
CreateProjectMember | CreateProjectMember | Adds a user to a DataWorks workspace. |
DeleteProjectMember | DeleteProjectMember | Removes a user from a DataWorks workspace. |
ListProjectRoles | ListProjectRoles | Queries a list of roles in a DataWorks workspace. |
RemoveProjectMemberFromRole | RemoveProjectMemberFromRole | Removes a role from a user in a DataWorks workspace. |
ListProjectMembers | ListProjectMembers | Queries a list of existing members in a DataWorks workspace. |
ListProjects | ListProjects | Queries a list of DataWorks workspaces of the tenant to which a user belongs. |
ListProjectIds | ListProjectIds | Queries the IDs of the workspaces on which a specific Alibaba Cloud account or RAM user has permissions in a specific region. |
CreateProject | CreateProject | Creates a DataWorks workspace. |
ChangeResourceManagerResourceGroup | ChangeResourceManagerResourceGroup | Changes the resource group to which a resource belongs. |
ListMeasureData | ListMeasureData | Queries the statistics on the number of phone call-based alerts or text message-based alerts reported within the tenant to which your account belongs during the previous 30 days. |
API | Title | Description |
GetMetaDBInfo | GetMetaDBInfo | Queries the basic metadata information about a compute engine instance. |
GetMetaDBTableList | GetMetaDBTableList | Queries metatables in a compute engine instance. |
CheckMetaTable | CheckMetaTable | Checks whether a metatable exists. |
CheckMetaPartition | CheckMetaPartition | Checks whether a partition in a MaxCompute metatable exists. |
SearchMetaTables | SearchMetaTables | Queries metatables based on specific conditions. |
GetMetaTableBasicInfo | GetMetaTableBasicInfo | Queries the basic information about a metatable. |
GetMetaTableColumn | GetMetaTableColumn | Queries the field information of a metatable. |
GetMetaTablePartition | GetMetaTablePartition | Obtains a list of partitions in a metatable. |
GetMetaTableOutput | GetMetaTableOutput | Queries the output information of a metatable. |
GetMetaTableChangeLog | GetMetaTableChangeLog | Queries the change logs of a metatable. |
GetMetaTableIntroWiki | GetMetaTableIntroWiki | Queries the instructions on how to use a table. |
CreateMetaCategory | CreateMetaCategory | Creates a category. |
DeleteMetaCategory | DeleteMetaCategory | Deletes a category. |
UpdateMetaCategory | UpdateMetaCategory | Updates a category. |
GetMetaCategory | GetMetaCategory | Queries the information about a category tree. |
GetMetaTableListByCategory | GetMetaTableListByCategory | Queries metatables in a specified category. |
AddToMetaCategory | AddToMetaCategory | Adds a metatable to a specified category. |
DeleteFromMetaCategory | DeleteFromMetaCategory | Removes a table from a specified category. |
UpdateMetaTable | UpdateMetaTable | Updates the metadata information about a table. Only MaxCompute tables are supported. |
UpdateMetaTableIntroWiki | UpdateMetaTableIntroWiki | Updates the instructions on how to use a table. If no instruction on how to use the table is available, the instructions that are configured by calling this operation are added. |
ListMetaDB | ListMetaDB | Queries a list of metadatabases. |
UpdateTableModelInfo | UpdateTableModelInfo | Modifies the information about a table, such as the table folder, level, and category. |
CreateTableTheme | CreateTableTheme | Creates a table theme. This operation will be replaced soon. We recommend that you do not call this operation. |
DeleteTableTheme | DeleteTableTheme | Deletes a table theme. This operation will be replaced soon. We recommend that you do not call this operation. |
UpdateTableTheme | UpdateTableTheme | Updates a table theme. This operation will be replaced soon. We recommend that you do not call this operation. |
ListTableTheme | ListTableTheme | Queries a list of table themes. This operation will be replaced soon. We recommend that you do not call this operation. |
GetMetaTableThemeLevel | GetMetaTableThemeLevel | Queries the information about the themes and levels of a metatable. |
CreateTableLevel | CreateTableLevel | Creates a table level. This operation will be replaced soon. We recommend that you do not call this operation. |
UpdateTableLevel | UpdateTableLevel | Updates a table level. This operation will be replaced soon. We recommend that you do not call this operation. |
DeleteTableLevel | DeleteTableLevel | Deletes a table level. This operation will be replaced soon. We recommend that you do not call this operation. |
ListTableLevel | ListTableLevel | Queries a list of table levels. This operation will be replaced soon. We recommend that you do not call this operation. |
UpdateMetaCollection | UpdateMetaCollection | Updates the name and comment of a collection. |
ListMetaCollections | ListMetaCollections | Queries information about collections. Collections include data albums that are displayed on the Data Map page and categories that are created in the data albums. You can call this API operation to query collections by type. |
ListMetaCollectionEntities | ListMetaCollectionEntities | Queries the entities in a collection. |
DeleteMetaCollection | DeleteMetaCollection | Deletes a collection. |
GetMetaCollectionDetail | GetMetaCollectionDetail | Queries the information about a collection. |
DeleteMetaCollectionEntity | DeleteMetaCollectionEntity | Deletes an entity from a collection. |
AddMetaCollectionEntity | AddMetaCollectionEntity | Adds an entity to a collection. |
CreateMetaCollection | CreateMetaCollection | Creates a collection. |
ListLineage | ListLineage | Queries the ancestor or descendant lineage of an entity. |
DeleteLineageRelation | DeleteLineageRelation | Delete lineage, supports deleting user-defined lineage relationships |
RegisterLineageRelation | RegisterLineageRelation | Registers the lineage between self-managed entities to DataWorks. |
Data Development
API | Title | Description |
CreateFile | CreateFile | Creates a file in DataStudio. You cannot call this operation to create files for Data Integration nodes. |
CreateUdfFile | CreateUdfFile | Creates a file for a function in DataStudio. |
CreateBusiness | CreateBusiness | Creates a workflow in DataStudio. |
DeleteBusiness | DeleteBusiness | Deletes a workflow. |
CreateFolder | CreateFolder | The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to \\*\\*CreateFolder\\*\\*. |
UpdateBusiness | UpdateBusiness | Updates a workflow. |
ListFiles | ListFiles | Queries a list of files. |
EstablishRelationTableToBusiness | EstablishRelationTableToBusiness | Imports a table to a workflow. The call to this API operation is equivalent to performing the following operations: Go to the DataStudio page, find the desired workflow, and then click the workflow name. Right-click Table under the desired folder and select Import Table. |
SubmitFile | SubmitFile | Commits a file to the development environment of the scheduling system to generate a task. |
ListBusiness | ListBusiness | Queries a list of workflows. |
GetFileVersion | GetFileVersion | Queries the information about a file version. |
DeleteFolder | DeleteFolder | Deletes a folder from DataStudio. |
DeleteFile | DeleteFile | Deletes a file from DataStudio. If the file has been committed, an asynchronous process is triggered to delete the file in the scheduling system. The value of the DeploymentId parameter returned is used to call the GetDeployment operation to poll the status of the asynchronous process. |
GetDeployment | GetDeployment | Queries the information about a deployment package. |
UpdateFile | UpdateFile | Updates a file. |
GetFolder | GetFolder | Queries the information about a folder. |
ListFileVersions | ListFileVersions | Queries a list of file versions. |
GetFile | GetFile | Queries the information about a file. |
ListFolders | ListFolders | Queries a list of folders. |
DeployFile | DeployFile | Deploys a file to the production environment. |
UpdateUdfFile | UpdateUdfFile | Updates the file information about a function. |
GetBusiness | GetBusiness | Queries the information about a workflow. |
UpdateFolder | UpdateFolder | Updates a folder. |
ListDeployments | ListDeployments | Queries a list of deployment packages. This operation is equivalent to viewing a list of deployment packages on the Deployment Packages page of the DataWorks console. |
UpdateIDEEventResult | UpdateIDEEventResult | Returns the check result of an extension point event to DataStudio after the extension point event is triggered during data development and checked by an extension. |
GetIDEEventDetail | GetIDEEventDetail | Queries the data snapshot of an extension point based on the ID of a message in DataWorks OpenEvent when the related extension point event is triggered. |
CreateResourceFile | CreateResourceFile | Creates or uploads a resource file in DataStudio. The feature that is implemented by calling this operation is the same as the resource creation feature provided in the integrated development environment (IDE). |
Data Integration
API | Title | Description |
CreateDISyncTask | CreateDISyncTask | Creates a data synchronization task. |
DeleteDISyncTask | DeleteDISyncTask | Deletes a synchronization task. You can call this operation to delete only a real-time synchronization task. |
UpdateDISyncTask | UpdateDISyncTask | Updates a data synchronization task. |
TestNetworkConnection | TestNetworkConnection | Tests the network connectivity between a data source and a resource group. |
GetDataSourceMeta | GetDataSourceMeta | Queries the metadata of a specified data source. |
ListDIProjectConfig | ListDIProjectConfig | Queries the default global configurations of synchronization solutions in a specified DataWorks workspace. |
UpdateDIProjectConfig | UpdateDIProjectConfig | Modifies the default global configuration of synchronization solutions in a DataWorks workspace. |
GetDISyncTask | GetDISyncTask | Queries the details of a real-time synchronization task or a data synchronization solution. |
DeployDISyncTask | DeployDISyncTask | Deploys a real-time synchronization task. |
GetDISyncInstanceInfo | GetDISyncInstanceInfo | Queries the status of a real-time synchronization task or a data synchronization solution. |
TerminateDISyncInstance | TerminateDISyncInstance | Undeploys a real-time synchronization task. |
GenerateDISyncTaskConfigForCreating | GenerateDISyncTaskConfigForCreating | Generates an ID for an asynchronous thread that is used to create a synchronization task in Data Integration. |
GenerateDISyncTaskConfigForUpdating | GenerateDISyncTaskConfigForUpdating | Generates the JSON for an asynchronous thread that is used to update a real-time synchronization task in Data Integration. |
StartDISyncInstance | StartDISyncInstance | Starts a real-time synchronization task or a synchronization solution. |
StopDISyncInstance | StopDISyncInstance | Stops a real-time synchronization task. |
QueryDISyncTaskConfigProcessResult | QueryDISyncTaskConfigProcessResult | Queries the execution results of an asynchronous task. |
CreateDIJob | CreateDIJob | Creates a new-version synchronization task. The following types of synchronization tasks are supported: real-time synchronization of all data in a MySQL database to Hologres and batch synchronization of all data in a MySQL database to Hive. |
DeleteDIJob | DeleteDIJob | Deletes a Data Integration task of a new version. Only the following type of task is supported: real-time data synchronization from a MySQL database to Hologres. |
GetDIJob | GetDIJob | Queries the information about a new-version synchronization task created in Data Integration. The following types of synchronization tasks are supported: real-time synchronization of all data in a MySQL database to Hologres. |
ListDIJobs | ListDIJobs | Queries a list of new-version synchronization tasks. The following type of task is supported: real-time data synchronization from a MySQL database to Hologres. |
StartDIJob | StartDIJob | Starts a synchronization task of a new version. Only the following type of task is supported: real-time data synchronization from a MySQL database to Hologres. |
StopDIJob | StopDIJob | Stops a new-version synchronization task. The following type of synchronization task is supported: real-time synchronization of all data in a MySQL database to Hologres. |
UpdateDIJob | UpdateDIJob | Updates a new-version synchronization task. The following type of task is supported: real-time synchronization of all data in a MySQL database to Hologres. |
CreateDIAlarmRule | CreateDIAlarmRule | Creates an alert rule for a Data Integration task of a new version. Only the following type of task is supported: real-time data synchronization from a MySQL database to Hologres. |
DeleteDIAlarmRule | DeleteDIAlarmRule | Deletes an alert rule for a Data Integration task of a new version. Only the following type of task is supported: real-time data synchronization from a MySQL database to Hologres. |
GetDIAlarmRule | GetDIAlarmRule | Queries the details of an alert rule configured for a new-version synchronization task. Only the following types of tasks are supported: real-time data synchronization from a MySQL database to Hologres. |
ListDIAlarmRules | ListDIAlarmRules | Queries a list of alert rules configured for a new-version synchronization task. The following type of task is supported: real-time data synchronization from a MySQL database to Hologres. |
UpdateDIAlarmRule | UpdateDIAlarmRule | Updates an alert rule for a new-version synchronization task. The following type of task is supported: real-time synchronization of all data in a MySQL database to Hologres. |
Data Modeling
API | Title | Description |
QueryPublicModelEngine | QueryPublicModelEngine | Queries information about objects that are created in Data Modeling by using fast modeling language (FML) statements. |
Operation Center
API | Title | Description |
GetAlertMessage | GetAlertMessage | Queries alert information based on the alert ID that is specified by the AlertId parameter. |
ListAlertMessages | ListAlertMessages | Queries a list of alerts. |
GetBaselineConfig | GetBaselineConfig | Queries the configurations of a baseline. |
ListNodesByBaseline | ListNodesByBaseline | Queries nodes in a baseline. |
ListBaselineConfigs | ListBaselineConfigs | Queries a list of baselines. |
GetBaselineKeyPath | GetBaselineKeyPath | The information about the events that are associated with the instance. |
GetBaselineStatus | GetBaselineStatus | Queries the details of a baseline instance. |
ListBaselineStatuses | ListBaselineStatuses | Queries a list of baseline instances. |
DeleteRemind | DeleteRemind | Deletes a custom alert rule. |
UpdateRemind | UpdateRemind | Modifies a custom alert rule. |
CreateRemind | CreateRemind | Creates a custom alert rule. |
GetRemind | GetRemind | Queries the information about a custom alert rule. |
ListReminds | ListReminds | Queries a list of custom alert rules. |
ListTopics | ListTopics | Queries events. |
GetTopic | GetTopic | Queries the information about an event. |
GetNode | GetNode | Indicates whether the request is successful. |
ListNodeInputOrOutput | ListNodeInputOrOutput | Queries the input or output information of a node. |
ListNodes | ListNodes | The ID of the workspace. |
GetNodeCode | GetNodeCode | Queries the code of a node. |
GetInstance | GetInstance | Queries the information about an instance. |
ListInstances | ListInstances | Queries a list of instances. |
GetInstanceLog | GetInstanceLog | Queries the logs of an instance. |
StopInstance | StopInstance | Terminates an instance. |
RestartInstance | RestartInstance | Restarts an instance. |
SetSuccessInstance | SetSuccessInstance | Sets the state of a failed instance to successful. |
SuspendInstance | SuspendInstance | Suspends an instance. |
ResumeInstance | ResumeInstance | Resumes a suspended instance. |
RunCycleDagNodes | RunCycleDagNodes | Creates a workflow to backfill data. |
RunSmokeTest | RunSmokeTest | Creates a workflow to perform smoke testing. |
ListSuccessInstanceAmount | ListSuccessInstanceAmount | Queries the trend of the number of auto triggered node instances that are successfully run every hour on the hour of the current day. |
ListInstanceAmount | ListInstanceAmount | Queries the trend of the number of auto triggered node instances within a specified period of time. |
TopTenElapsedTimeInstance | TopTenElapsedTimeInstance | Queries the ranking of the running durations of instances. |
TopTenErrorTimesInstance | TopTenErrorTimesInstance | Queries the ranking of nodes on which errors occur within the previous month. |
GetFileTypeStatistic | GetFileTypeStatistic | Queries the distribution of node types. |
GetInstanceStatusStatistic | GetInstanceStatusStatistic | Queries the number of instances that are in each state. |
ListFileType | ListFileType | Queries the information about node types, such as the code and name. |
RunManualDagNodes | RunManualDagNodes | Runs nodes in a manually triggered workflow. Before you call this operation, make sure that the manually triggered workflow is committed and deployed. You can find a manually triggered workflow in Operation Center only after the manually triggered workflow is committed and deployed. |
ListManualDagInstances | ListManualDagInstances | Queries the information about instances in a manually triggered workflow. |
GetDag | GetDag | Queries the information about a directed acyclic graph (DAG). You can call the GetDag operation to query the information about the DAG for a manually triggered workflow, a manually triggered node, or a data backfill instance. However, you cannot query the information about the DAG for an auto triggered node or an auto triggered workflow. |
ListDags | ListDags | Queries the details of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) for a single data backfill instance based on OpSeq. |
ListNodesByOutput | ListNodesByOutput | Queries nodes based on the output of the nodes. |
RunTriggerNode | RunTriggerNode | Runs a manually triggered node. |
GetNodeParents | GetNodeParents | Queries a list of ancestor nodes of a node. |
GetNodeChildren | GetNodeChildren | Queries a list of instances. |
UpdateNodeRunMode | UpdateNodeRunMode | Freezes or unfreezes a node. |
UpdateNodeOwner | UpdateNodeOwner | Changes the owner of a node. |
UpdateWorkbenchEventResult | UpdateWorkbenchEventResult | Returns the processing result sent by an extension after a process in Operation Center is blocked by the extension. |
ListShiftPersonnels | ListShiftPersonnels | Queries a list of on-duty engineers in a shift schedule. |
ListShiftSchedules | ListShiftSchedules | Queries a list of shift schedules in Operation Center. |
ListInstanceHistory | ListInstanceHistory | Queries information about the historical records of all instances. One historical record is generated if an instance is rerun once. |
ListInnerNodes | ListInnerNodes | Queries information about inner nodes. For example, you can call this operation to query the inner nodes of a node group or a do-while node. You cannot call this operation to query the inner nodes of a PAI node. |
OfflineNode | OfflineNode | Undeploys a node. |
GetBaseline | GetBaseline | Queries the information about a baseline based on its ID. |
DeleteBaseline | DeleteBaseline | Deletes a baseline based on its ID. You can delete a baseline only if the nodes in the baseline does not have ancestor nodes. You can call the UpdateBaseline operation to delete the relationships between the nodes and their ancestor nodes. |
ListBaselines | ListBaselines | Obtains a list of baselines. |
CreateBaseline | CreateBaseline | Creates a baseline. |
UpdateBaseline | UpdateBaseline | Updates a baseline. |
Data Quality
API | Title | Description |
UpdateQualityFollower | UpdateQualityFollower | Updates a subscription relationship. |
UpdateQualityRule | UpdateQualityRule | Updates a monitoring rule. |
GetQualityRule | GetQualityRule | Queries the information about a monitoring rule. |
ListQualityRules | ListQualityRules | Queries monitoring rules based on a partition filter expression. |
CreateQualityRule | CreateQualityRule | Creates a monitoring rule. |
DeleteQualityFollower | DeleteQualityFollower | Deletes a subscriber of a partition filter expression. |
DeleteQualityRule | DeleteQualityRule | Deletes a monitoring rule. |
CreateQualityFollower | CreateQualityFollower | Creates a subscriber for a partition filter expression. |
DeleteQualityEntity | DeleteQualityEntity | Deletes a partition filter expression. |
GetQualityEntity | GetQualityEntity | Queries the information about a partition filter expression. |
CreateQualityEntity | CreateQualityEntity | Creates a partition filter expression. |
CreateQualityRelativeNode | CreateQualityRelativeNode | Associates a node with a partition filter expression. |
DeleteQualityRelativeNode | DeleteQualityRelativeNode | Disassociates a node from a partition filter expression. |
ListQualityResultsByEntity | ListQualityResultsByEntity | Queries a list of historical check results based on a partition filter expression. |
ListQualityResultsByRule | ListQualityResultsByRule | Queries monitoring results after the data quality of a data source or a compute engine is monitored based on monitoring rules. |
DataService Studio
API | Title | Description |
CreateDataServiceApi | CreateDataServiceApi | Creates an API. |
PublishDataServiceApi | PublishDataServiceApi | Publishes an API. |
DeleteDataServiceApi | DeleteDataServiceApi | Deletes an API in DataService Studio. |
ListDataServiceApis | ListDataServiceApis | Queries a list of APIs in the development state. |
GetDataServiceApi | GetDataServiceApi | Queries the details of a DataService Studio API in the development state. |
UpdateDataServiceApi | UpdateDataServiceApi | Updates the information about an API in the development state in DataService Studio. |
GetDataServicePublishedApi | GetDataServicePublishedApi | Queries the information about a DataService Studio API in the published state. |
ListDataServicePublishedApis | ListDataServicePublishedApis | Queries a list of APIs in the published state. |
ListDataServiceApiAuthorities | ListDataServiceApiAuthorities | Queries the APIs on which other users are granted the access permissions. |
ListDataServiceAuthorizedApis | ListDataServiceAuthorizedApis | Queries the APIs that you are authorized to access. |
AbolishDataServiceApi | AbolishDataServiceApi | Unpublishes a DataService Studio API. |
GetDataServiceApplication | GetDataServiceApplication | Queries the details of an application. |
ListDataServiceApplications | ListDataServiceApplications | Queries the basic information of applications. |
CreateDataServiceFolder | CreateDataServiceFolder | Creates a folder in DataService Studio. |
GetDataServiceFolder | GetDataServiceFolder | Queries a folder. |
ListDataServiceFolders | ListDataServiceFolders | Queries folders. |
CreateDataServiceGroup | CreateDataServiceGroup | Creates a business process. |
GetDataServiceGroup | GetDataServiceGroup | Queries a business process. |
ListDataServiceGroups | ListDataServiceGroups | Queries business processes. |
CreateDataServiceApiAuthority | CreateDataServiceApiAuthority | Grants the access permissions on an API in DataService Studio. |
DeleteDataServiceApiAuthority | DeleteDataServiceApiAuthority | Revokes the access permissions on an API. |
ListDataServiceApiTest | ListDataServiceApiTest | Queries the test records of a DataService Studio API. This API operation allows you to query only the test records that are generated within the previous month. |
TestDataServiceApi | TestDataServiceApi | Tests a DataService Studio API in asynchronous mode. You can call the GetDataServiceApiTest operation to query the test result. |
SubmitDataServiceApi | SubmitDataServiceApi | Submits an API in DataService Studio. |
SaveDataServiceApiTestResult | SaveDataServiceApiTestResult | Saves the test results of an API. |
API | Title | Description |
UmountDirectory | UmountDirectory | Removes a directory from the left-side navigation pane of DataAnalysis. |
MountDirectory | MountDirectory | Adds a directory to the left-side navigation pane of DataAnalysis. |
Data Security Guard
API | Title | Description |
GetOpSensitiveData | GetOpSensitiveData | Queries the records that are generated on a specified date for access to sensitive data in all the DataWorks workspaces of a tenant. |
DesensitizeData | DesensitizeData | Masks data. |
GetOpRiskData | GetOpRiskData | Queries the records that are generated on a specified date for access to the high-risk sensitive data in all the DataWorks workspaces of a tenant. |
GetSensitiveData | GetSensitiveData | Queries the latest sensitive data in all the DataWorks workspaces of a tenant. |
ScanSensitiveData | ScanSensitiveData | Checks whether input data contains sensitive data. |
DsgQuerySensResult | DsgQuerySensResult | Queries the identification results of sensitive data. |
QueryDefaultTemplate | QueryDefaultTemplate | Queries the default data category and data sensitivity level template defined by Data Security Guard. |
DsgStopSensIdentify | DsgStopSensIdentify | Stops a sensitive data identification task. |
QuerySensClassification | QuerySensClassification | Queries data categories. |
QuerySensLevel | QuerySensLevel | Queries data sensitivity levels in Data Security Guard. |
QueryRecognizeRulesType | QueryRecognizeRulesType | Queries the built-in sensitive data identification rule that is used to configure a sensitive field. |
DsgRunSensIdentify | DsgRunSensIdentify | Starts a sensitive data identification task in Data Security Guard. |
DeleteRecognizeRule | DeleteRecognizeRule | Deletes sensitive field types. |
QuerySensNodeInfo | QuerySensNodeInfo | Queries sensitive data identification rules. |
AddRecognizeRule | AddRecognizeRule | Adds a sensitive field that is defined based on the category and sensitivity level of data in Data Security Guard. |
EditRecognizeRule | EditRecognizeRule | Edits a sensitive field that is defined based on the category and sensitivity level of data in Data Security Guard. |
QueryRecognizeDataByRuleType | QueryRecognizeDataByRuleType | Queries the type of a sensitive data identification rule. |
QueryRecognizeRuleDetail | QueryRecognizeRuleDetail | Queries the details of a specified sensitive field in Data Security Guard. |
DsgUserGroupGetOdpsRoleGroups | DsgUserGroupGetOdpsRoleGroups | Queries a list of MaxCompute roles that can be selected by the members of a user group when the user group is created or modified by the tenant in Data Security Guard. |
DsgDesensPlanAddOrUpdate | DsgDesensPlanAddOrUpdate | Adds or modifies a data masking rule. |
DsgPlatformQueryProjectsAndSchemaFromMeta | DsgPlatformQueryProjectsAndSchemaFromMeta | Queries a list of compute engines of different types in the current tenant. |
DsgUserGroupDelete | DsgUserGroupDelete | Deletes a user group configured in Data Security Guard. |
DsgWhiteListDeleteList | DsgWhiteListDeleteList | Deletes a data masking whitelist configured in Data Security Guard. |
DsgScenedDeleteScene | DsgScenedDeleteScene | Deletes a level-2 data masking scenario created in Data Security Guard. |
DsgDesensPlanDelete | DsgDesensPlanDelete | Deletes a data masking rule created in Data Security Guard. |
DsgDesensPlanUpdateStatus | DsgDesensPlanUpdateStatus | Modifies the status of a data masking rule. |
DsgWhiteListQueryList | DsgWhiteListQueryList | Queries a data masking whitelist. |
DsgSceneAddOrUpdateScene | DsgSceneAddOrUpdateScene | Adds or modifies a level-2 data masking scenario. |
DsgSceneQuerySceneListByName | DsgSceneQuerySceneListByName | Queries a list of data masking scenarios. |
DsgUserGroupAddOrUpdate | DsgUserGroupAddOrUpdate | Adds or modifies a user group. |
DsgUserGroupQueryList | DsgUserGroupQueryList | Queries a list of user groups in Data Security Guard. |
DsgUserGroupQueryUserList | DsgUserGroupQueryUserList | Queries a list of users or roles of the current tenant. |
DsgDesensPlanQueryList | DsgDesensPlanQueryList | Queries a list of data masking rules. |
DsgWhiteListAddOrUpdate | DsgWhiteListAddOrUpdate | Adds or modifies a data masking whitelist. |
DsgQueryDefaultTemplates | DsgQueryDefaultTemplates | Queries a list of available sensitive field type templates and the data masking rules supported by the templates. You can refer to the response parameters of this operation to configure a data masking rule. |
Migration Assistant
API | Title | Description |
CreateImportMigration | CreateImportMigration | Creates an import task. The import task contains the import packages of data sources, nodes, and tables. |
GetMigrationProcess | GetMigrationProcess | Queries the progress of a migration task. |
StartMigration | StartMigration | Starts a migration task. |
CreateExportMigration | CreateExportMigration | Creates an export task. You can use this operation to create an export task but cannot use this operation to start the created export task. |
GetMigrationSummary | GetMigrationSummary | Queries the information about a migration task. |
ListMigrations | ListMigrations | Queries a list of migration tasks. |
Security Center
API | Title | Description |
CreatePermissionApplyOrder | CreatePermissionApplyOrder | Creates a permission request order. |
GetPermissionApplyOrderDetail | GetPermissionApplyOrderDetail | Queries the details of a permission request order. |
ListPermissionApplyOrders | ListPermissionApplyOrders | Queries a list of permission request orders. |
ApprovePermissionApplyOrder | ApprovePermissionApplyOrder | Processes a permission request order. |
RevokeColumnPermission | RevokeColumnPermission | Revokes permissions on table fields from a user. |
RevokeTablePermission | RevokeTablePermission | Revokes permissions on a table from a user. |
RevokeTablePermission | RevokeTablePermission |
Open platform
API | Title | Description |
ListExtensions | ListExtensions | Queries a list of extensions. |
GetExtension | GetExtension | Queries the details of an extension. |
GetOptionValueForProject | GetOptionValueForProject | Queries the option settings of an extension in a workspace. |
ListEnabledExtensionsForProject | ListEnabledExtensionsForProject | Queries a list of built-in and custom extensions that are enabled in a workspace. |
CallbackExtension | CallbackExtension | Sends the processing result of an extension point event by an extension to DataWorks. |
API | Title | Description |
UpdateClusterConfigs | UpdateClusterConfigs | Updates the configurations of submodules in a workspace. You can configure SPARK parameters. |
ListClusterConfigs | ListClusterConfigs | Queries the configurations of submodules in a workspace. You can query information about SPARK parameters. |
ListClusters | ListClusters | Queries clusters that are registered in DataWorks. E-MapReduce (EMR) clusters and Cloudera's Distribution Including Apache Hadoop (CDH) clusters are supported. |
Abandoned API
API | Title | Description |
ListEntitiesByTags | ListEntitiesByTags | Queries a list of entities by tag. Only entities of the maxcompute-table type are supported. |
RemoveEntityTags | RemoveEntityTags | Removes tags from an entity. Only entities of the maxcompute-table type are supported. |
SetEntityTags | SetEntityTags | Configures tags for an entity. Only entities of the maxcompute-table type are supported. |
ListEntityTags | ListEntityTags | Queries a list of tags of an entity. Only entities of the maxcompute-table type are supported. |