Updates a data source.
Authorization information
There is currently no authorization information disclosed in the API.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
Description | string | No | The description of the data source. | xxx |
EnvType | integer | Yes | The environment in which the data source resides. Valid values:
| 1 |
Content | string | Yes | The details about the data source. You are not allowed to change the type of the data source. For example, you are not allowed to change the data source type from MaxCompute to MySQL. Examples of details of some common data sources:
| {"accessId":"xssssss","accessKey":"xsaxsaxsa","authType":2,"endpoint":"http://service.odps.aliyun.com/api","project":"xsaxsax","tag":"public"} |
Status | string | No | The status of the data source. This parameter is deprecated. Do not use this parameter. | ENABLED |
DataSourceId | long | Yes | The ID of the data source. You can call the ListDataSources operation to query the ID. | 1 |
Response parameters
Sample success responses
"HttpStatusCode": "200",
"Data": true,
"RequestId": "0bc14115159376359****",
"Success": true
Error codes
HTTP status code | Error code | Error message | Description |
400 | Invalid.Tenant.ConnectionNotExists | The connection does not exist. | The connection does not exist. |
400 | Invalid.Tenant.ProjectNotExists | The project does not exist. | The project does not exist. |
400 | Invalid.Tenant.UserNotInProject | The user is not in the project. | The user is not in the project. |
400 | MissingParam.ConnectionStr.Property | You must specify property %s required by the data source connection string. | The data source connection str required property missing. |
400 | DataSource.CheckRamRoleFailure | Failed to check the RAM role. AccountId %s. roleArn %s. | - |
400 | DataSource.ConnectionStrProperty.PatternNotMatch | The pattern value %s is invalid. The correct pattern is %s. | - |
400 | DataSource.NotFound | The specified data source ID %s does not exist. | - |
400 | Invalid.Connection.Empty | You must specify the connection parameter. | Connection param is empty. |
400 | Invalid.DataSource.DataSourceTypeNotExist | The data source type %s does not exist. | The dataSource type %s are not exist. |
400 | Invalid.DataSource.DataSourceTypeNotSupport | The dataSourceType %s and subType %s are not supported. | DataSource type not support yet. |
400 | Invalid.Operation | You cannot delete the bindingCalcEngine that is bound to the data source. | Can not delete datasource bindingCalcEngine. |
400 | Invalid.Param.Odps.EngineIdOrConnectStrEmpty | Either the compute engine ID or the connection string must be specified when data source type is ODPS. | - |
400 | Required.Parameter.Empty | You must specify the parameter %s. | - |
403 | Invalid.Tenant.UserIsNotProjectOwnerOrAdmin | The user is not a project administrator or owner. | The user is not a project administrator or owner. |
403 | Invalid.Tenant.UserNotInTenant | The user is not in tenant. | The user is not in tenant. |
For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.
Change history
Change time | Summary of changes | Operation |
No change history