Authorization information
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
BaselineId | long | Yes | The baseline ID. You can call the ListBaselines operation to query the ID. | 1000010800007 |
ProjectId | long | Yes | The workspace ID. You can call the ListBaselines operation to query the ID. | 2043 |
BaselineName | string | No | The name of the baseline. | BaselineName |
Owner | string | No | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account used by the baseline owner. | 3726346**** |
Priority | integer | No | The priority of the baseline. Valid values: {1,3,5,7,8}. | 7 |
NodeIds | string | No | The ancestor nodes of nodes in the baseline. Separate the ancestor nodes with commas (,). If a large number of ancestor nodes exist, we recommend that you create a zero load node and configure the zero load node as the descendant node of nodes in the baseline to facilitate node management. | 1,2,3 |
OvertimeSettings | array<object> | No | The settings of the committed completion time of the baseline. | |
OvertimeSetting | object | No | ||
Cycle | integer | No | The cycle that corresponds to the committed completion time. For a day-level baseline, set this parameter to 1. For an hour-level baseline, set this parameter to a value that does not exceed 24. | 1 |
Time | string | No | The committed completion time in the hh:mm format. Valid values of hh: [0,47]. Valid values of mm: [0,59]. | 00:00 |
AlertMarginThreshold | integer | No | The alert margin threshold of the baseline. Unit: minutes. | 30 |
BaselineType | string | No | The type of the baseline. Valid values: DAILY and HOURLY. | DAILY |
Enabled | boolean | No | Specifies whether to enable the baseline. Valid values: true and false. | true |
AlertEnabled | boolean | No | Specifies whether to enable the alerting feature. Valid values: true and false. | true |
AlertSettings | array<object> | No | The alert settings of the baseline. | |
AlertSetting | object | No | ||
AlertType | string | No | The type of the alert. Valid values: BASELINE and TOPIC. The value BASELINE indicates a baseline alert. The value TOPIC indicates an event alert. | BASELINE |
AlertMethods | array | No | The alert notification methods. Valid values: MAIL, SMS, PHONE, DINGROBOTS, and Webhooks. The value MAIL indicates that alert notifications are sent by email. The value SMS indicates that alert notifications are sent by text message. The value PHONE indicates that alert notifications are sent by phone call. You can use this notification method only in DataWorks Professional Edition or a more advanced edition. The value DINGROBOTS indicates that alert notifications are sent by using a DingTalk chatbot. You can use this notification method only if the RobotUrls parameter is configured. The value Webhooks indicates that alert notifications are sent by WeCom or Lark. You can use this notification method only if the Webhooks parameter is configured. | |
AlertMethod | string | No | The alert notification method. | SMS |
SilenceStartTime | string | No | The start time of silence. | 00:00:00 |
SilenceEndTime | string | No | The end time of silence. | 00:00:00 |
AlertInterval | integer | No | The interval at which an event alert notification is sent. Unit: seconds. Minimum value: 900. | 1800 |
AlertMaximum | integer | No | The maximum number of times an event alert notification is sent. Maximum value: 24. | 1 |
DingRobots | array<object> | No | The DingTalk chatbots. | |
DingRobot | object | No | ||
WebUrl | string | No | The webhook URL of the DingTalk chatbot. | |
AtAll | boolean | No | Specifies whether to remind all members by using the at sign (@). Valid values: true and false. | false |
Webhooks | array | No | The webhook URLs. | |
Webhook | string | No | The webhook URL of the WeCom or Lark chatbot. You can specify multiple webhook URLs. Separate multiple webhook URLs with commas (,). You must specify WEBHOOKS for AlertMethods. If this parameter is set to undefined, the specified webhook URLs are cleared. Only DataWorks Enterprise Edition supports this parameter. The webhook URL-based alerting feature is supported in the following regions: China (Shanghai), China (Chengdu), China (Zhangjiakou), China (Beijing), China (Hangzhou), China (Shenzhen), China (Hong Kong), Germany (Frankfurt), and Singapore. | |
TopicTypes | array | No | The types of event alerts, which are event-specific configurations. | |
TopicType | string | No | The type of the event. Valid values: SLOW and ERROR. The value SLOW indicates that the running duration of a specific node in the current scheduling cycle is significantly longer than the average running duration of the node in previous scheduling cycles. The value ERROR indicates that a specific node fails to run. You can specify multiple event types. Separate multiple event types with commas (,). | SLOW |
BaselineAlertEnabled | boolean | No | Specifies whether to enable the baseline alerting feature. This feature is specific to baselines. Valid values: true and false. | true |
AlertRecipientType | string | No | The type of the alert recipient. Valid values: OWNER, OTHER, and SHIFT_SCHEDULE. The value OWNER indicates the node owner. The value OTHER indicates specified personnel. The value SHIFT_SCHEDULE indicates personnel in a shift schedule. | OWNER |
AlertRecipient | string | No | The details of the alert recipient. If you set AlertRecipientType to OWNER, leave this parameter empty. If you set AlertRecipientType to SHIFT_SCHEDULE, set this parameter to the name of the shift schedule. If you set AlertRecipientType to OTHER, set this parameter to the employee IDs of specified personnel. | 123123 |
RemoveNodeIds | string | No | The ID of the node that you want to disassociate from the baseline. You can specify multiple node IDs. Separate multiple node IDs with commas (,). | 123,456 |
Response parameters
Sample success responses
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": "401",
"ErrorMessage": "The specified parameters are invalid.",
"HttpStatusCode": 200,
"Data": true,
"RequestId": "6E07E90B-D9BC-5D6B-896A-82BA41A34AE1"
Error codes
For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.