Grants permissions to a specific user.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | GrantPrivileges |
The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to GrantPrivileges. |
PrivilegeBag | Object | Yes |
The information about the permission. |
HiveObjectPrivilege | Array | Yes |
The array of the permission information. |
HiveObjectRef | Object | Yes |
The scope of the permissions that you want to grant to the user. |
DbName | String | No | db001 |
The name of the database. This parameter is required if you want to grant permissions on a database or table to the user. |
HiveObjectType | String | Yes | GLOBAL |
The scope of the permissions that you want to grant to the user. Valid values: GLOBAL, DATABASE, and TABLE. GLOBAL indicates the permissions on all databases. DATABASE indicates the permissions on a database. TABLE indicates the permissions on a table. |
TableName | String | No | tbl001 |
The name of the table. This parameter is required if you want to grant permissions on a table to the user. |
PrincipalName | String | Yes | user001 |
The user to be authorized. |
PrincipalType | String | No | USER |
Set the value to USER. |
PrivilegeGrantInfo | Object | Yes |
The authorization information. |
GrantOption | Boolean | No | false |
Specifies whether the user to be authorized can grant the obtained permissions to other users. |
Grantor | String | Yes | user002 |
The DLA username that is used to grant permissions to the user. |
PrincipalType | String | No | USER |
Set the value to USER. |
Privilege | String | Yes | CREATE |
The permissions that you want to grant to the user. |
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Code | String | NO_PRIVILEGE |
The error code returned. |
Data | Boolean | false |
Indicates whether the authorization was successful. |
Message | String | Access denied for user 'user002' to grant 'CREATE,SHOW' to user001 |
The error message returned. |
RequestId | String | 9BEAC206-0795-4DE3-B1FD-964BEF432B23 |
The ID of the request. |
Success | Boolean | false |
Indicates whether the request was successful. |
Sample requests
&<Common request parameters>
Sample responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<Message>Access denied for user 'user002' to grant 'CREATE,SHOW' to user001</Message>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"Message" : "Access denied for user 'user002' to grant 'CREATE,SHOW' to user001",
"RequestId" : "9BEAC206-0795-4DE3-B1FD-964BEF432B23",
"Data" : "false",
"Code" : "NO_PRIVILEGE",
"Success" : "false"
Error codes
For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.