CSG overviewWhat services does CSG provide? What protocols does CSG support? Working principlesHow do file gateways map files between OSS and local clients? What are the cache replacement policies of file gateways? What does file gateway cache do? Cloud deploymentHow do I handle issues where no switch is available when I create a gateway? How do I handle upgrade errors? On-premises deploymentHow can I check the network connectivity of a gateway? How do I deploy a gateway in a data center? How do I handle upgrade errors? How do I handle creation errors when I try to create shares in the console? How do I configure the gateway IP address when I install an OVA image?How do I log on to the on-premises gateway console? How do I download and install the CSG image? File gatewaysData cache: How do I scale up the cache disks of a file gateway? Reverse synchronization and express synchronization:How do I view the synchronization list of gateway files in the Log Service console? How do I configure and use reverse synchronization? Others:What can I do if I cannot mount an SMB share on Windows Server 2019? What character sets are supported by file gateways? How do I configure and use sync delay? Why is data on my CSG instance not uploaded to the OSS bucket? How do I configure NFSv4 shares? How do I configure and use ignore deletions? How do I add a file gateway to an Active Directory domain? Block gatewaysHow do I use block gateways to create file systems and synchronize data to iSCSI volumes? What considerations do I need to pay close attention when a block gateway transmits data? What are the limits on mounting iSCSI volumes? Gateway limitsWhich storage classes in OSS are supported by file gateways? Which storage classes in OSS are supported by block gateways?