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CloudMonitor:Create an alert template

Last Updated:Jul 09, 2024

If you want to monitor a large number of resources, you can use the alert template feature. This feature helps you save multiple alert rules on the metrics of various cloud services as a template. You can create or modify alert rules by using alert templates. This way, you do not need to configure each alert rule.

Background information

  • Alert templates must be used together with application groups. You can create an application group, and then create and apply an alert template to the application group. This simplifies the process to create and maintain alert rules. For information about how to create an application group, see Create an application group.

  • Before you create alert templates, take note of the following limits:

    • A maximum of 100 alert templates can be created for each Alibaba Cloud account.

    • A maximum of 30 metrics can be specified in each alert template.


  1. Log on to the CloudMonitor console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Alerts > Alert Templates.

  3. On the Alert Templates page, click Create Alert Template.

  4. In the Create Alert Template panel, specify a name for the template and select the cloud service that you want to monitor.

  5. Click Add Rule below the cloud service that you select to configure an alert rule.

    CloudMonitor supports the following alert templates:

    • Metric template

      The following tables describe the parameters of a threshold-triggered alert rule.



      Rule Name

      The name of the threshold-triggered alert rule.

      Metric Type

      The metric type of the threshold-triggered alert rule. Valid values:

      • Single Metric: The alert rule applies to only one metric.

      • Multiple Metrics: The alert rule applies to multiple metrics.

      Metric Name

      The name of the metric that you want to monitor. For information about how to obtain the metrics for an Alibaba Cloud service, see Appendix 1: Metrics.


      This parameter is displayed only if you set the Metric Type parameter to Single Metric.

      Threshold and Alert Level

      The alert level and the corresponding threshold.

      The notification method for alerts of the Info level is Email + Webhook.

      You also need to select the number of times that the metric to be monitored reaches the alert threshold before an alert notification is sent. Valid values: 1 Consecutive Cycle, 3 Consecutive Cycles, 5 Consecutive Cycles, 10 Consecutive Cycles, 15 Consecutive Cycles, 30 Consecutive Cycles, 60 Consecutive Cycles, 70 Consecutive Cycles, 90 Consecutive Cycles, 120 Consecutive Cycles, and 180 Consecutive Cycles.


      This parameter is displayed only if you set the Metric Type parameter to Single Metric.

      Alert Level

      The alert level and the corresponding alert notification methods. Valid values:

      Info: Email + Webhook


      This parameter is displayed only if you set the Metric Type parameter to Multiple Metrics.

      Metric Type

      The method that you want to use to specify metrics and conditions. Valid values:

      • Standard Creation: Select multiple metrics and specify conditions.

      • Expression-based Creation: Enter an expression to specify multiple metrics and conditions.


      This parameter is displayed only if you set the Metric Type parameter to Multiple Metrics.

      Multi-metric Alert Expression

      The alert rule that is created for multiple metrics.


      This parameter is displayed only if you set the Metric Type parameter to Multiple Metrics and the Metric Type parameter to Standard Creation.

      Relationship Between Metrics

      The relationship between multiple metrics. Valid values:

      • Generate alerts if all metrics meet the conditions (&&)

      • Generate alerts if one of the conditions is met (||)


      This parameter is displayed only if you set the Metric Type parameter to Multiple Metrics and the Metric Type parameter to Standard Creation.

      Multi-metric Alert Expression

      The expression that is used to specify multiple metrics and conditions.

      For more information about how to configure multi-metric alert rule expressions, see Alert rule expressions.


      This parameter is displayed only if you set the Metric Type parameter to Multiple Metrics and the Metric Type parameter to Expression-based Creation.

      Select the number of times the threshold is reached before an alert is triggered

      The number of consecutive triggers. If the number of times that the metric values meet the trigger conditions reaches the value of this parameter, CloudMonitor sends alert notifications. Valid values: 1 Consecutive Cycle, 3 Consecutive Cycles, 5 Consecutive Cycles, 10 Consecutive Cycles, 15 Consecutive Cycles, 30 Consecutive Cycles, 60 Consecutive Cycles, 70 Consecutive Cycles, 90 Consecutive Cycles, 120 Consecutive Cycles, and 180 Consecutive Cycles.

      Method to handle alerts when no monitoring data is found

      The method that is used to handle alerts when no monitoring data is found. Valid values:

      • Do not do anything

      • Send alert notifications

      • Treated as normal


      The tags of the alert template. The specified tags are automatically added to the alert content.

      Alert Callback

      The callback URL that can be accessed over the Internet. CloudMonitor sends HTTP POST requests to push alert notifications to the specified URL. Only the HTTP protocol is supported. For more information about how to configure alert callback, see Use the alert callback feature to send notifications about threshold-triggered alerts.

      To test the connectivity of an alert callback URL, perform the following steps:

      1. Click Test next to the callback URL.

        In the Webhook Test panel, you can check and troubleshoot the connectivity of the alert callback URL based on the returned status code and test result details.


        To obtain the details of the test result, configure the Test Template Type and Language parameters and click Test.

      2. Click Close.

    • Event template

      Event-triggered alert rules support only system events. The following table describes the parameters of an event-triggered alert rule.



      Rule Name

      The name of the event-triggered alert rule.

      Event Type

      The type of the event that triggers alerts. For more information about the types of events that are supported by each Alibaba Cloud service, see Appendix 2: System events.

      Event Level

      The severity level of the event that triggers alerts. For more information about the severity levels of the events that are supported by each Alibaba Cloud service, see Appendix 2: System events.

      Event Name

      The name of the event that triggers alerts. For more information about the names of the events that are supported by each Alibaba Cloud service, see Appendix 2: System events.

      Notification Method

      The notification method of the event-triggered alert. Valid values:

      • Alert Notification: Select the alert notification methods. Valid values:

        Info (Email + Aliwangwang + DingTalk Chatbot)

        • Message Service - Queue: The Message Service (MNS) queue to which the event alert is delivered.

        • Function Compute: The Function Compute function to which the event alert is delivered.

        • URL Callback: The callback URL that can be accessed over the Internet. CloudMonitor sends a POST request to push an alert notification to the specified callback URL. You can enter only an HTTP URL. For more information about how to configure alert callbacks, see Configure callbacks for system event-triggered alerts.

        • Log Service: The Simple Log Service Logstore to which the event alert is delivered.

      • Group process template

        You can configure alert rules of the group process type only for Elastic Compute Service (ECS) resources. The following table describes the parameters of an alert rule of the group process type.



        Process Name

        The name of the alert rule of the group process type.

        Matching Rule

        The rule that is used to match processes. Valid values:

        • All: The alert rule applies to all instances in an application group. If one of the processes on an instance in the application group meets the conditions, an alert is triggered.

        • All Rules: If the processes on the instances in an application group meet all conditions, an alert is triggered.

        • Any Rule: If the processes on the instances in an application group meet one of the conditions, an alert is triggered.

        Match Express

        The dynamic rule that is used to match processes. The alert rule can be applied to all instances in the specified application group or to instances of a specific type.


        This parameter is required only if you set the Match Rule parameter to All Rules or Any Rule.

        Number of Processes

        The threshold of the number of processes.

      • Host availability template

        You can configure alert rules of the host availability type only for ECS resources. The following table describes the parameters of an alert rule of the host availability type.



        Task Name

        The name of the availability monitoring task.

        Detection Type

        The method that you want to use to monitor the object. Valid values:

        • HTTP(S): If you select this option, enter the URL of the object that you want to monitor.

        • TELNET: If you select this option, enter the IP address of the object that you want to monitor.

        • PING: If you select this option, enter the IP address of the object that you want to monitor.


        The URL or IP address of the object that you want to monitor. The type of the value of this parameter varies based on the value of the Detection Type parameter.

        Matching Rule

        The method that you want to use to send a monitoring request. Valid values:

        • HEAD

        • GET

        • POST

        Match Response Content

        The response content that you want to match and the method used to match the response content.

        If you specify response content, the monitoring task checks whether the first 64 KB of the HTTP response body contains the response content that you specify. Valid values:

        • Generate Alerts If Response Contains

        • Generate Alerts If Response Does Not Contain


        This parameter is required only if you set the Detection Type parameter to HTTP(S).

        Status Code

        The range of the status codes that you want to match. If the status code that is returned meets the condition, CloudMonitor generates an alert.

        If the value of the Status Code parameter or the Response Time parameter reaches the corresponding threshold, an alert is triggered. CloudMonitor sends alert notifications to the alert contact group of a specified application group.

        Response Time

        The threshold of the response time. If the response time reaches the threshold specified by this parameter, CloudMonitor generates an alert.

        If the value of the Status Code parameter or the Response Time parameter reaches the corresponding threshold, an alert is triggered. CloudMonitor sends alert notifications to the alert contact group of a specified application group.

    • Click OK.

    • Click OK.

    • In the Alert Template Created/Modified message, click Confirm.


      If you click Cancel, the alert template is created but not applied to application groups. For more information, see Apply alert templates to application groups.

    • In the Apply Templates to Groups dialog box, select one or more application groups and set the Mute For, Effective From, Alert Callback, and Priority parameters.

    • Click Confirm.

    • In the Apply Templates to Groups message, click Confirm.