Queries the information about hosts in a dedicated cluster.
Operation description
After hosts are created in a dedicated cluster, you can query the information about the hosts such as performance metrics, total number of CPU cores, total memory size, and total storage.
Authorization information
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
RegionId | string | Yes | cn-hangzhou | |
DedicatedHostGroupId | string | Yes | The dedicated cluster ID. You can log on to the ApsaraDB for MyBase console and go to the Dedicated Clusters page to view the dedicated cluster ID. | dhg-h5i4p331f509**** |
OrderId | long | No | The order ID. You can log on to the Billing Management console and go to the Orders page to view the order ID. | 123456789 |
HostType | string | No | The storage type of the host. Valid values:
| dhg_cloud_ssd |
HostStatus | string | No | The state of the host. Valid values:
When a host fails, the host is disabled. Before the host is disabled, the data of the instances that run on the host is migrated to another host.
| 1 |
AllocationStatus | string | No | Specifies whether instances can be deployed on the host. Valid values:
| Allocatable |
ZoneId | string | No | The zone ID. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the most recent zone list. | ap-southeast-1a |
DedicatedHostId | string | No | The ID of the host in the dedicated cluster. You can log on to the ApsaraDB for MyBase console and go to the Hosts page to view the host ID. | ch-bp10a5id3boqi**** |
PageNumbers | integer | No | The page number. | 50 |
PageSize | integer | No | The number of entries per page. | 20 |
Tags | string | No | The tags that are added to the host. Each tag is a key-value pair that consists of TagKey and TagValue. You can specify a maximum of five tags in the following format for each request: {"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"...}. Note
If you want to filter hosts based on tags, do not specify the DedicatedHostId parameter. Otherwise, the DedicatedHostId parameter is used to filter hosts.
| {"key1":"value1"} |
Response parameters
Sample success responses
"TotalRecords": 40,
"PageSize": 20,
"RequestId": "D6E068C3-25BC-455A-85FE-45F0B22EASER",
"PageNumbers": 2,
"DedicatedHostGroupId": "dhg-6w7q18iwt5jo****",
"DedicatedHosts": {
"DedicatedHosts": [
"HostType": "dhg_cloud_ssd",
"HostStorage": "1234",
"MemoryUsed": "24576",
"DedicatedHostGroupId": "dhg-6w7q18iwt5jo****",
"AllocationStatus": "Suspended",
"StorageUsed": "588800",
"EcsClassCode": "ecs.r5.16xlarge",
"DedicatedHostId": "ch-bp10a5id3boqi****",
"MemAllocationRatio": "90",
"CreatedTime": "2020-10-16 16:30:19",
"IPAddress": "192.168.XX.XX",
"HostStatus": "1",
"HostName": "ch-bp15xfnp706tl****",
"HostCPU": "16",
"CpuUsed": "10",
"InstanceNumber": "1",
"OpenPermission": "3",
"DistributionSymbol": "0",
"VPCId": "vpc-bp1roz55mrbj3ka1s****",
"HostClass": "rds.g6.4xlarge",
"EndTime": "2021-10-16 16:30:19",
"VSwitchId": "vsw-bp133c8ifzxd3iv6q****",
"ZoneId": "ap-southeast-1a",
"CPUAllocationRatio": "10",
"ImageCategory": "ALinux",
"Engine": "mysql",
"DiskAllocationRatio": "10",
"HostMem": "65536",
"BastionInstanceId": "bastionhost-cn-i7m2fgw****",
"AccountName": "test",
"AccountType": "Normal",
"DistributionTag": "t4n9uz07h3r1tmcejtxf:1",
"Category": "Standard",
"EcsId": "i-2zec7l031p0jtru3pn7a",
"DiskInfo": "{\\\"SystemDiskSize\\\":20,\\\"DataDiskCount\\\":0,\\\"DataDiskSize\\\":0,\\\"DataDiskCategory\\\":[\\\"\\\"],\\\"SystemDiskCategory\\\":\\\"cloud_essd\\\"}",
"ChargeType": "PREPAY",
"MssqlSupportVersion": "2012_std_ha,2012_std,2016_std_ha,2016_std,2017_std_ha,2017_std,2019_std_ha,2019_std"
"MaxAutoScaleHostStorage": 3661824
Error codes
HTTP status code | Error code | Error message | Description |
400 | Tag.InvalidTagsParameter | tags parameter is invalid | - |
400 | InvalidUserId.NotSupport | The userid have no permission. | - |
403 | Forbidden.RAM | User not authorized to operate on the specified resource, or this API does not support RAM. | The user is not authorized to operate on the specified resource. |
404 | InvalidDedicatedHostGroup.NotFound | Specified DedicatedHostGroup does not exists. | - |
For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.
Change history
Change time | Summary of changes | Operation |