Server integration

Updated at: 2025-03-14 03:14

This topic describes how to deploy an AppServer.

How it works


To quickly set up intelligent agents based on the AUI Kits framework, intelligent agent capabilities must be integrated into scenario-specific SDKs. AppServers encapsulate the capabilities into a set of standardized HTTP APIs. This helps reduce the development costs.


You need to deploy and maintain an AppServer by yourself.

Project framework

Build a framework based on the mainstream Java 8 and Spring Boot 2.

Deploy a project


  • Java 8 is installed in your environment.

Deploy the AppServer by using the source code

For more information, see Source code.

Configure the project

  1. Download the source code.

  2. Open the application.yml file in the Server\Java\src\main\resources directory and configure the parameters described in the following table.





          key: "*******"
          secret: "*******"

    The AccessKey pair used for identity authentication when you call API operations of Alibaba Cloud services. An AccessKey pair consists of an AccessKey ID and an AccessKey secret.

    • The AccessKey ID is used to identify a user.

    • The AccessKey secret is used to verify the identity of a user. You must keep your AccessKey secret confidential.

    For more information, see Create an AccessKey pair.

    # The information about the co-streaming application.
        app_id: "*******"
        app_key: "*******"

    The application ID and application key of the ApsaraVideo Real-time Communication (ARTC) application. You can view the application ID and application key in the ApsaraVideo Live console.

    # The configurations of intelligent agents.
        # The ID of the voice agent.
        voice_chat_ai_agent_id: "*******"
        # The ID of the digital human agent.
        avatar_ai_chat_3d_agent_id: "*******"
        # The ID of the visual understanding agent.
        vision_chat_ai_agent_id: "******"
        region: "cn-shanghai"

    The agent IDs created by using the IMS console.

    • voice_chat_ai_agent_id: the ID of the voice agent.

    • avatar_ai_chat_3d_agent_id: the ID of the digital human agent.

    • vision_chat_ai_agent_id: the ID of the visual understanding agent.

    Set the region parameter to the ID of the region that you selected in the console.

Supported regions

Region name

Region ID

Region name

Region ID

China (Hangzhou)


China (Shanghai)


China (Beijing)


China (Shenzhen)




Package and run the project

Package the project

  1. Run the following command in the Server\Java path to invoke Maven to package the project code into a JAR package:

    mvn package -DskipTests
  2. Send the JAR package in the target directory to the server.

    scp xxx.jar root@ip:/root

Run the project

Start the terminal in the directory in which the JAR package is stored on the server.

  1. Export logs to the terminal.

    java -jar ***.jar
  2. Write the logs to the nohup.out file.

    nohup java -jar ***.jar &
Previous:NoneNext: Apsara Video SDK
  • On this page (1, M)
  • How it works
  • Project framework
  • Deploy a project
  • Prerequisites
  • Deploy the AppServer by using the source code
  • Configure the project
  • Supported regions
  • Package and run the project
  • Package the project
  • Run the project
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