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:What do I do if the I404NF error is reported?

Last Updated:Aug 28, 2023

This error is reported because the path or method in the request is different from that in the API definition. You must construct a request based on the API definition. You can troubleshoot the issue by using one of the following methods based on the scenario:

  • If the API group has a BasePath configuration, you must add the BasePath value to the front of the path in the API request. For example, the BasePath value is /test and the path is /nameid, then the path in the request must be /test/nameid.

  • If an HTTP method that is different from what is defined in the API is used, you must change the HTTP method in the request according to the API configuration. For example, if POST is configured in the API definition, you must use POST as the HTTP method in the request.

  • If your domain name is bound to multiple instances, you must check the DNS records on your client to see whether the request is routed to other instances.

  • If the API is published to a non-production environment, you must specify the environment in which you want to call the API.

    • To call the API in the test environment, add the X-Ca-Stage:TEST header to the request.

    • To call the API in the staging environment, add the X-Ca-Stage:PRE header to the request.