Short Message Service (SMS) is integrated with ActionTrail. In the ActionTrail console, you can query the management events that are generated when you manage SMS resources. ActionTrail can deliver management events to Logstores in Log Service or Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. This way, you can audit the events in real time and locate the causes of issues.
ActionTrail generates management events when you manage cloud resources by using APIs or the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. The following table describes the management events of SMS that you can query in the ActionTrail console.
Event name | Description |
AddShortUrl | Creates a short URL. |
AddSmsSign | Creates a signature. |
AddSmsTemplate | Creates a message template. |
ApplyExportSmsSendDetails | Applies for exporting of message sending records. |
BatchSendMessageToGlobe | Sends messages to multiple mobile phone numbers outside the Chinese mainland at a time. |
CalculateSmsLength | Calculates the length of a message. |
CancelSmsSign | Cancels the review of a signature. |
CancelTask | Cancels a mass messaging task. |
CheckMobilesCardSupport | Checks whether mobile numbers support card messages. |
CheckServiceLinkedRoleForDeleting | Checks whether the service-linked role can be deleted. |
CheckSmsSign | Checks a signature. |
ConversionData | Queries the conversion rate. |
Create | Purchases SMS on the buy page. |
CreateAuthorization | Performs an authorization operation. |
CreateCardMessageCallback | Creates a callback configuration for card messages. |
CreateCardMessageQueue | Creates a Message Service (MNS) queue. |
CreateCardSmsSaasTask | Creates a task to send card messages. |
CreateCardSmsTemplate | Creates a card message template. |
CreateDigitalSmsTemplate | Creates a multimedia message template. |
CreateOrderInstance | Creates an order. |
CreateProduct | Activates SMS. |
CreateShortParam | Generates a short parameter. |
CreateSmsSign | Creates a signature. |
CreateSmsSignNew | Creates a signature. |
CreateSmsTemplate | Creates a message template. |
CreateSmsTemplateNew | Creates a message template. |
CreateUserFlowLimit | Configures the message sending frequency. |
CreateWarningThreshold | Configures an alert or throttling threshold. |
CreateWarningThresholdNew | Configures an alert or throttling threshold. |
DeleteApplyExportRecord | Deletes application records of exporting message sending records. |
DeleteCardMessageCallback | Deletes a callback configuration for card messages. |
DeleteMessageCallback | Deletes a message callback configuration. |
DeleteMessageCallbackNew | Deletes a message callback configuration. |
DeleteShortUrl | Deletes a short URL. |
DeleteSmsSign | Deletes a signature. |
DeleteSmsTemplate | Deletes a message template. |
DeleteTask | Deletes a task. |
DingGroupGetLink | Queries the URL of the DingTalk group to which you want to join. |
DingGroupMessageCallBack | Queries the status of the DingTalk message callback feature. |
DoDingRequestRoute | Authenticates request routing of DingTalk. |
EapiCreateAPi | Creates an API. |
EapiCreateAPiS | Creates APIs. |
GenerateBillMonthDownloadTask | Generates a bill download task. |
GeneratePersonalizedBillMonthDownloadTask | Downloads a custom bill. |
GetAuditTypeForCPaaS | Queries a review type. |
GetBillMonthDownloadTaskResult | Queries the result of a bill download task. |
GetBillUpgradeLayerInfo | Queries the data of a bill. |
GetBillViewDescription | Queries the description of the new view of a bill. |
GetCardSmsLink | Queries the short URL of card messages. |
GetExtCodeForCPaaS | Queries a template. |
GetIndustryTypeForCPaaS | Queries a service type. |
GetLetterOfAuthorization | Downloads a letter of authorization. |
GetMediaResourceId | Queries the ID of a card message resource. |
GetOrderInstance | Queries the information about an order. |
GetOSSInfoForCardTemplate | Queries the configuration for uploading card message resources to Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. |
GetOssInfoForUploadFile | Queries the configuration for uploading files to OSS buckets. |
GetPersonalizedBillConfig | Queries the configuration of a custom bill template. |
GetPersonalizedBillMonthDownloadTaskResult | Queries the result of a custom bill download task. |
GetSceneTypeForCPaaS | Queries a scenario type. |
GetSearchTreeData | Queries the information about a search tree. |
GetToken | Queries an access token. |
GetUserBill | Queries a user bill. |
ListCustomBillTab | Queries custom bills. |
ListDayUseDetail | Queries details of daily usage. |
ListMccMnc | Queries Internet service providers (ISPs). |
ListTagResources | Queries template tags. |
ListUserBillDetail | Queries the details of a user bill. |
ModifySmsSign | Modifies the support files of a signature that failed to be approved. |
ModifySmsTemplate | Modifies a message template that failed to be approved. |
OpenSmsProduct | Activates SMS. |
PagePersonalizedBill | Queries a custom bill. |
QueryAccountList | Queries available accounts. |
QueryApplyExportRecordList | Queries application records of exporting message sending records. |
QueryAuthorization | Queries the authorization status. |
QueryCardSmsTemplate | Queries the status of a card message template. |
QueryCardSmsTemplateReport | Queries sending details of card messages. |
QueryInterSmsIsoInfo | Queries the information about a message that is sent to mobile phone numbers outside the Chinese mainland. |
QueryMessage | Queries the status of a message. |
QueryPhoneStatus | Queries the status of a mobile number. |
QuerySendDetails | Queries the sending details and status of messages. |
QuerySendStatistics | Queries the statistics on message sending records. |
QueryShortUrl | Queries the status of a short URL. |
QueryShortUrlStatistics | Queries the statistics on short URLs. |
QuerySignatureList | Queries signatures. |
QuerySmsProdStatus | Queries the status of SMS. |
QuerySmsSign | Queries the review status of a signature. |
QuerySmsSignList | Queries signatures. |
QuerySmsSignValid | Queries valid signatures. |
QuerySmsStatistics | Queries the statistics on messages. |
QuerySmsStatisticsUrl | Queries the statistics on the usage of messages. |
QuerySmsTaskRecordList | Queries the details of a mass messaging task. |
QuerySmsTemplate | Queries the review status of a message template. |
QuerySmsTemplateList | Queries message templates. |
QueryTemplateList | Queries templates. |
QueryUserFlowLimit | Queries the message sending frequency. |
QueryUserMonthlyActiveStatus | Queries the active users within the last month. |
QueryWarningThreshold | Queries the alert or throttling threshold. |
SendBatchCardSms | Sends multiple card messages at a time. |
SendBatchSms | Sends multiple messages at a time. |
SendCardSms | Sends a card message. |
SendInterSms | Sends a message to mobile phone numbers outside the Chinese mainland. |
SendMediaMessage | Sends a rich media message. |
SendMessageToGlobe | Sends a message to mobile phone numbers outside the Chinese mainland. |
SendMessageWithTemplate | Sends a message by using a message template. |
SendSms | Sends a message. |
SendSmsSmart | Sends a message without conversion. |
SendSmsWithAdvertisement | Sends a message based on configurations. |
SendSmsWithIdentification | Sends a message that is used for two-factor authentication. |
SetDingGroupCallBack | Enables or disables the DingTalk group message callback feature. |
SmartSmsByModel | Sends messages in smart mode. |
SmsConversion | Converts a message. |
TagResources | Adds a template tag. |
UntagResources | Removes a template tag. |
UpdatePersonalizedBillConfig | Saves the configurations of a custom bill. |