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Container Service for Kubernetes:Use a Simple Log Service CRD to collect application logs

Last Updated:Jan 22, 2025

This topic describes how to configure a Simple Log Service CustomResourceDefinition (CRD) in an ACK Serverless cluster and use it to collect and manage application logs.


Usage notes

The log collection feature that is enabled by using Simple Log Service CRDs is valid only for the Elastic Container Instance pods that are created after the CRDs are created. If you want to collect logs of existing pods, you must perform a rolling release for the existing pods.

Configure log collection

After you deploy the alibaba-log-controller component in a cluster, you can use an AliyunLogConfig CRD (CRD for log collection configurations) to configure log collection.

Deploy the alibaba-log-controller component in the cluster.

  1. Log on to the ACK console.

  2. On the Clusters page, find the cluster that you want to manage and click the cluster name. The details page of the cluster appears.

  3. Deploy the alibaba-log-controller component in the cluster.

    1. In the left-side navigation pane of the details page, choose Operations > Add-ons.

    2. Click the Logs and Monitoring tab, find the card of the Alibaba-log-controller component, and then click Install.

    3. In the message that appears, click OK.

      After alibaba-log-controller is installed, the characters "Installed" are displayed in the upper-right corner of the card of alibaba-log-controller.

Create an AliyunLogConfig CRD

  1. Connect to the ACK Serverless cluster.

  2. Compile the YAML configuration file of AliyunLogConfig CRD.


    After you create an AliyunLogConfig CRD, you can view the generated Logstore and Logtail configuration in the Simple Log Service console. If you use a CRD to create a Logtail configuration and modify the configuration in the Simple Log Service console, the modification is not synchronized to the CRD. If you want to update the Logtail configuration, modify the AliyunLogConfig CRD resource. Do not perform operations in the Simple Log Service console to prevent configuration inconsistency.

    AliyunLogConfig CRD YAML template

    kind: AliyunLogConfig                         
      name: simple-stdout-example                 
      project: k8s-my-project                      
      logstore: k8s-stdout                         
      logstoreMode: standard                       
      shardCount: 2                               
      lifeCycle: 90                               
        inputType: plugin                          
        configName: simple-stdout-example          
    • Basic parameters








      The name of the project. The default value is the name of the project that you use to install the Logtail components.

      If you want to create a project, specify a name for the project. If the project does not exist, the system automatically creates the project.




      The name of the Logstore. If the specified Logstore does not exist, the system automatically creates a Logstore.




      The type of the Logstore. This parameter takes effect only when you create a Logstore. Valid values:

      • query: Logstore for query

      • standard: Standard Logstore

      For more information, see Manage a Logstore.




      The number of shards. Valid values: 1 to 10. Default value: 2.




      The retention period of data in the Logstore. Valid values: 1 to 3650. Default value: 90. Unit: days. The value 3650 specifies that data is permanently stored in the Logstore. This parameter takes effect only when you create a Logstore.




      The machine group. When you install Logtail components, Simple Log Service automatically creates a machine group named k8s-group-${your_k8s_cluster_id}.




      The Logtail configuration. The configuration includes the following parameters:

      • configName: the name of the Logtail configuration. The name must be the same as the name specified in

      • inputType: the type of log inputs. Valid values:

        • plugin: uses the Logtail plug-in to collect logs such as MySQL binary logs.

        • file: collects text logs in a fixed mode, such as the regular expression mode and delimiter mode.

      • inputDetail: the configurations for log inputs.

      • outputType: the type of log outputs. Set the value to LogService. Logs can be uploaded only to Simple Log Service.

      • outputDetail: the configurations for log outputs.

      • logSample: a sample log.

      For more information about parameter settings, see Logtail configurations.

    • Container filtering

      • If you use Logtail earlier than v1.0.34, you can filter containers only by using environment variables and container labels.

        A namespace of a Kubernetes cluster and the name of a container in a Kubernetes cluster can be mapped to container labels. The value of the Label Name parameter for a namespace is io.kubernetes.pod.namespace. The value of the Label Name parameter for a container name is We recommend that you use the two container labels to filter containers. If the container labels do not meet your business requirements, you can use the environment variable whitelist or the environment variable blacklist to filter containers.

      • If you use Logtail 1.0.34 or a later version, you can filter containers based on the Kubernetes-level information, such as a pod name, namespace, container name, and container label.

        Container filtering parameters must be configured in the logtailConfig.inputDetail.advanced.k8s field. Supported parameters:

        • IncludeK8sLabel: the Kubernetes label whitelist that specifies the containers from which you want to collect data.

        • ExcludeK8sLabel: the Kubernetes label blacklist that specifies the containers from which you do not collect data.

        • K8sNamespaceRegex: the namespace.

        • K8sPodRegex: the name of the pod.

        • K8sContainerRegex: the container name.

    For more information, see Collect text logs from Kubernetes containers in DaemonSet mode and Collect stdout and stderr from Kubernetes containers in DaemonSet mode (old version).

    Sample YAML configuration file for AliyunLogConfig CRDs

    Sample YAML configuration file for CRDs that are used to collect text logs

    Create a file named log-file.yaml and copy the following template into the file.

    apiVersion:  # Use the default value. You do not need to modify this parameter. 
    kind: AliyunLogConfig                      # Use the default value. You do not need to modify this parameter. 
      name: test-file                  # The resource name, which is unique in the current Kubernetes cluster. 
      project: k8s-log-c326bc86****    # Optional. The project name. If the project does not exist, the system automatically creates the project.
      logstore: test-file              # Required. The Logstore name. If the Logstore does not exist, the system automatically creates a Logstore.   
      logtailConfig:                   # The Logtail configuration.
        inputType: file                # The type of the data source. The value file specifies text logs, and the value plugin specifies stdout logs.
        configName: test-file          # The name of the Logtail configuration. The name must be the same as the resource name that is specified in 
        inputDetail:                   # The details of the Logtail configuration.
          logType: common_reg_log      # Collect text logs in simple mode.
          logPath: /log/               # The path of the log file.
          filePattern: "*.log"         # The name of the log file. The name can contain asterisks (*) and question marks (?). Example: log_*.log. 
          dockerFile: true             # Specify whether to collect logs from docker containers.
          advanced:                    # Configure filter conditions for containers.
              K8sNamespaceRegex: ^(default)$
              K8sPodRegex: '^(eci-sls-demo.*)$'

    Sample YAML configuration file for CRDs that are used to collect stdout logs

    Create a file named log-stdout.yaml and copy the following template into the file.

    apiVersion:   # Use the default value. You do not need to modify this parameter. 
    kind: AliyunLogConfig                       # Use the default value. You do not need to modify this parameter. 
      name: test-stdout               # The resource name. The name must be unique in the current Kubernetes cluster. 
      project: k8s-log-c326bc86****   # Optional. The project name. If the project does not exist, the system automatically creates the project.
      logstore: test-stdout           # Required. The Logstore name. If the Logstore does not exist, the system automatically creates a Logstore.                  
      shardCount: 2                   # Optional. The number of shards. Default value: 2. Valid values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.                         
      lifeCycle: 90                   # Optional. The retention period of logs in the Logstore. This parameter takes effect only when you create a Logstore. Valid values: 1 to 3650. Default value: 90. Unit: days. The value of 3650 indicates that logs are permanently reserved.
      logtailConfig:                  # The Logtail configuration.
        inputType: plugin             # The type of the data source. The value file specifies text logs. The value plugin specifies stdout logs.                                
        configName: test-stdout       # The name of the Logtail configuration. The name must be the same as the resource name that is specified in 
        inputDetail:                  # The details of the Logtail configuration.
              - type: service_docker_stdout
                  Stdout: true
                  Stderr: true
    #              IncludeEnv:
    #                aliyun_logs_test-stdout: "stdout"
  3. Create an AliyunLogConfig CRD.

    The following code provides sample commands. After the Logtail configuration is applied, Logtail collects stdout or text logs from each container, and then sends the collected logs to Simple Log Service.

    kubectl apply -f log-file.yaml
    kubectl apply -f log-stdout.yaml

    After logs are collected, you must create indexes. Then, you can query and analyze the logs in the Logstore. For more information, see Create indexes.

Test log collection

After you create the AliyunLogConfig CRD, Simple Log Service automatically collects logs of pods that are created later. You can create the following application to test the log collection effect.

  1. Create an application.

    The following sample YAML file describes how to create a Deployment. In the example, relevant commands are run to continuously display the stdout and log files after the container is started.

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: eci-sls-demo
        app: sls
      replicas: 1
          app: sls
          name: sls-test
            app: sls
          - args:
            - -c
            - mkdir -p /log;while true; do echo hello world; date; echo hello sls >> /log/busy.log; sleep 1;done
            - /bin/sh
            imagePullPolicy: Always
            name: busybox

    Create a file named test-sls-crd.yaml and copy the preceding YAML file template into the file. Run the following commands to create an application:

    kubectl create -f test-sls-crd.yaml
  2. Check the status of the application.

    kubetcl get pod

    Expected output:

    NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    eci-sls-demo-7bf8849b9f-cgpbn   1/1     Running   0          2m14s
  3. View logs.

    1. Log on to the Simple Log Service console.

    2. Click the name of the project.

    3. Find the Logstore in which the logs of your containers are stored. Click the name of the Logstore to view the logs.

      Collection of text logs


      Collection of stdout logs


Disable log collection

After you create an AliyunLogConfig CRD, the system automatically collects logs of all pods that meet the conditions. If you do not want to collect logs of specific pods, you can add the "false" annotation to the metadata section of the pods to disable log collection. This prevents waste of resources caused by auto-creation of Logtail configurations.

  • Annotations must be added to the metadata in the configuration file of the pod. For example, when you create a Deployment, you must add annotations in the spec.template.metadata section.

  • To use features of Elastic Container Instance, you can add annotations only when you create Elastic Container Instance-based pods. If you add or modify annotations when you update pods, these annotations do not take effect.

The following code provides sample configurations:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: eci-sls-demo2
    app: sls
  replicas: 1
      app: sls
      name: sls-test
        app: sls "true"
      annotations: "false"    # Disables log collection.
      - args:
        - -c
        - mkdir -p /log;while true; do echo hello world; date; echo hello sls >> /log/busy.log; sleep 1;
        - /bin/sh
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        name: busybox