Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) Serverless clusters are a container service provided by Alibaba Cloud to allow you to deploy workloads without the need to purchase nodes. ACK Serverless clusters can scale within seconds and schedule resources based on the predefined CPU and memory requests of application pods. These on-demand resource scheduling capabilities can greatly reduce the computing costs of fluctuating workloads. ACK Serverless clusters provide comprehensive Kubernetes-compatible capabilities to narrow the technical gap for beginners. You can focus on application development without the need to worry about infrastructure management. This topic describes how to create an ACK Serverless cluster in the ACK console.
ACK is activated and authorized to access Alibaba Cloud services.
Elastic Container Instance is activated in the Elastic Container Instance console.
Step 1: Log on to the ACK console
Log on to the ACK console. In the left-side navigation pane, click Clusters.
Move the pointer over All Resources at the top of the page and select the resource group that you want to use. After you select a resource group, virtual private clouds (VPCs) and vSwitches that belong to the resource group are displayed. When you create a cluster, only VPCs and vSwitches that belong to the specified resource group are displayed.
On the Clusters page, click Create Kubernetes Cluster.
Step 2: Create a cluster
Click the ACK Serverless tab and configure the cluster.
Basic settings
Parameter | Description |
Cluster Name | The name of the cluster. The name must be 1 to 63 characters in length, and can contain digits, letters, hyphens (-), and underscores (_). The name must start with a letter or digit. |
Cluster Specification | Select a cluster type. You can select Professional or Basic. We recommend that you use Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) Pro clusters in the production environment and test environment. ACK Basic clusters can meet the learning and testing needs of individual users. For more information about the differences between cluster specifications, see Comparison. |
Region | The region of the cluster. |
Kubernetes Version | The supported Kubernetes versions. For more information, see Kubernetes versions supported by ACK. |
Automatic Update | Enable the auto update feature for the cluster to ensure periodic automatic updates of control plane components. ACK automatically updates the cluster within the maintenance window based on your configurations. For more information about the auto update policy and usage method, see Automatically update a cluster. |
Maintenance Window | ACK automatically updates the cluster within the maintenance window based on your configurations. You can click Set to configure the detailed maintenance policies. |
Network settings
Parameter | Description |
IPv6 Dual-stack | This feature is in public preview. To use it, submit an application in the Quota Center console. If you enable IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack, a dual-stack cluster will be created. Important
VPC | Configure the VPC of the cluster. You can specify a zone to automatically create a VPC. You can also select an existing VPC in the VPC list. |
Configure SNAT | If the VPC that you created or selected cannot access the Internet, you can select this check box. This way, ACK automatically creates a NAT gateway and configures SNAT rules. If you do not select this check box, you can manually configure a NAT gateway and configure SNAT rules to ensure that instances in the VPC can access the Internet. For more information, see Create and manage an Internet NAT gateway. |
vSwitch | Select an existing vSwitch from the vSwitch list or click Create vSwitch to create a vSwitch. The control plane and the default node pool use the vSwitch that you select. We recommend that you select multiple vSwitches in different zones to ensure high availability. |
Security Group | Only users in the whitelist can select the Select Existing Security Group option. To apply to be added to the whitelist, log on to the Quota Center console and submit an application. You can select Create Basic Security Group, Create Advanced Security Group, or Select Existing Security Group.
Access to API Server | Create a pay-as-you-go internal-facing Classic Load Balancer (CLB) instance for the API server to serve as the internal endpoint of the API server in the cluster. Important
You can select or clear Expose API server with EIP. The API server provides multiple HTTP-based RESTful APIs, which can be used to create, delete, modify, query, and monitor resources such as pods and Services.
Service CIDR | The Service CIDR block must not overlap with the CIDR block of the VPC, the CIDR blocks of the ACK clusters in the VPC, or the pod CIDR block. The Service CIDR block cannot be modified after it is specified. For more information about how to plan CIDR blocks for a cluster, see Plan the network of an ACK cluster. |
IPv6 Service CIDR Block | Configure this parameter only if you enable IPv4/IPv6 dual stack. Configure an IPv6 CIDR block for Services. You must specify a Unique Local Unicast Address (ULA) space within the address range For more information about how to plan CIDR blocks for a cluster, see Plan the network of an ACK cluster. |
Advanced settings
Parameter | Description |
Deletion Protection | We recommend that you enable deletion protection in the console or by using API to prevent clusters from being accidentally released. |
Resource Group | The resource group to which the cluster belongs. Each resource can belong to only one resource group. You can regard a resource group as a project, an application, or an organization based on your business scenarios. |
Labels | Enter a key and a value to add a label to the cluster. Keys are required and must be unique. A key must not exceed 64 characters in length. Values are optional. A value must not exceed 128 characters in length.
Cluster Domain | Configure the cluster domain. The default domain name is |
Time Zone | The time zone of the cluster. By default, the time zone of your browser is selected. |
Step 3: Configure components
Click Next: Component Configurations to configure components.
Parameter | Description |
Service Discovery | Configure service discovery for the cluster. You can select Disable, PrivateZone, or CoreDNS.
Ingress | Specify whether to install an Ingress controller. You can select Do Not Install, Nginx Ingress, ALB Ingress, or MSE Ingress.
Monitor containers | You can view predefined dashboards and performance metrics by using Managed Service for Prometheus. For more information, see Managed Service for Prometheus. You can also install the metrics-server component. The metrics-server component is an offline monitoring data component that is modified and enhanced based on open source monitoring components. The component allows you to view the offline monitoring data of clusters. |
Log Service | Specify whether to enable Simple Log Service. You can select an existing project or create a project. If Simple Log Service is disabled, you cannot use the cluster auditing feature. For more information about Simple Log Service, see Getting Started. |
Knative | Specify whether to enable Knative. Knative is a Kubernetes-based serverless framework that supports request-based auto scaling, scaling to zero, version management, and canary release. |
Step 4: Confirm the configuration
Click Next: Confirm Order to confirm the configuration and terms of service. Read carefully and click Create Cluster.
After the cluster is created, you can find the cluster on the Clusters page in the ACK console.
It requires approximately 10 minutes to create a cluster.
What to do next
View the basic information about the cluster
On the Clusters page, find the cluster that you created and click Details in the Actions column. On the details page, click the Basic Information tab to view basic information about the cluster and click the Connection Information tab to view information about how to connect to the cluster. The following information is displayed:
API server Public Endpoint: the IP address and port that the Kubernetes API Server uses to provide services over the Internet. It allows you to manage the cluster by using kubectl or other tools on the client.
Only ACK managed clusters support the Associate EIP and Disassociate EIP features.
Associate EIP: You can select an existing EIP or create an EIP.
The API server restarts after you associate an EIP with the API server. We recommend that you do not perform operations during the restart process.
Disassociate EIP: After you disassociate the EIP, you can no longer access the API server over the Internet.
The API server restarts after you disassociate the EIP from the API Server. We recommend that you do not perform operations on the cluster during the restart process.
API server Internal Endpoint: the IP address and port that the API server uses to provide services within the cluster. The IP address belongs to the SLB instance that is associated with the cluster.
View cluster logs
Click the Cluster Logs tab to view the logs of the cluster.