This product(
) OpenAPI adopts ROA Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts. Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.
System Management
API | Title | Description |
DeleteRole | DeleteRole | Deletes a Resource Access Management (RAM) role. |
UpdateRole | UpdateRole | Modifies a role. |
UpdateAccountInfo | UpdateAccountInfo | Modifies the information about an account. |
ListRole | ListRole | Queries roles. |
ListSubAccount | ListSubAccount | Queries a list of Resource Access Management (RAM) users. |
ListAuthority | ListAuthority | Queries all permissions. |
GetPackageStorageCredential | GetPackageStorageCredential | Queries the Security Token Service (STS) tokens that are required for temporary storage. |
InsertRole | InsertRole | Creates a role. |
AuthorizeRole | AuthorizeRole | Grant permissions to RAM roles. |
AuthorizeApplication | AuthorizeApplication | Grants a Resource Access Management (RAM) user the permissions on a specified application. |
AuthorizeResourceGroup | AuthorizeResourceGroup | Grants a Resource Access Management (RAM) user the permissions on a resource group. |
Resource Management
API | Title | Description |
ECS & K8s Clusters | ECS & K8s Clusters | |
DeleteUserDefineRegion | DeleteUserDefineRegion | Deletes a specified custom namespace. |
DeleteCluster | DeleteCluster | Deletes an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) cluster or cancels the import of a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster. |
ListAliyunRegion | ListAliyunRegion | Queries Alibaba Cloud regions supported by Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS). |
QueryMigrateRegionList | QueryMigrateRegionList | Queries the namespaces to which an instance can be migrated. |
ListCluster | ListCluster | Queries clusters. |
GetCluster | GetCluster | Queries a specific cluster. |
ListVpc | ListVpc | Queries virtual private clouds (VPCs). This operation is applicable to Elastic Compute Service (ECS) clusters and Kubernetes clusters. |
QueryRegionConfig | QueryRegionConfig | Queries the configurations of different regions that are supported by Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS). |
ListApplicationEcu | ListApplicationEcu | Queries elastic compute units (ECUs). |
ListResourceGroup | ListResourceGroup | Queries resource groups. |
ListTagResources | ListTagResources | Queries the tags that are added to resources. |
TagResources | TagResources | Creates tags and adds the tags to resources at a time. |
UntagResources | UntagResources | Removes one or more tags from one or more resources. |
ECS Clusters | ECS Clusters | |
CreateIDCImportCommand | CreateIDCImportCommand | Generates a command that is used to import instances to a hybrid cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) cluster. |
DeleteClusterMember | DeleteClusterMember | Removes an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance from a cluster. |
DeleteEcu | DeleteEcu | Deletes an Elastic Compute Unit (ECU). |
ListClusterMembers | ListClusterMembers | Queries Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances in a cluster. |
ListEcuByRegion | ListEcuByRegion | Queries the available elastic compute units (ECUs) in a specified namespace. |
ListConvertableEcu | ListConvertableEcu | Queries the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances that can be imported to a specified cluster. This operation is applicable to ECS clusters. |
ListEcsNotInCluster | ListEcsNotInCluster | Queries all Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances that have not been imported to clusters. |
QueryMigrateEcuList | QueryMigrateEcuList | Queries the elastic compute units (ECUs) that can be migrated. |
ListScaleOutEcu | ListScaleOutEcu | Queries elastic compute units (ECUs) available for scaling out an application in a specified cluster or the cluster where the application is deployed. This operation is applicable to Elastic Compute Service (ECS) clusters. |
ListSlb | ListSlb | Queries Server Load Balancer (SLB) instances. |
BindSlb | BindSlb | Binds a Server Load Balancer (SLB) instance to an application in Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS). |
InsertCluster | InsertCluster | Creates a cluster. |
InsertClusterMember | InsertClusterMember | Imports Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances into an ECS cluster. |
InstallAgent | InstallAgent | Uses the Cloud Assistant provided by Elastic Compute Service (ECS) to install Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS) Agent and imports ECS instances to EDAS. |
TransformClusterMember | TransformClusterMember | Imports or migrates one or more Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances to a cluster. |
MigrateEcu | MigrateEcu | Migrates an elastic compute unit (ECU) to the default cluster in a specified namespace. |
SynchronizeResource | SynchronizeResource | Synchronizes the basic Alibaba Cloud resources that belong to your account to Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS). This operation is applicable to Elastic Compute Service (ECS) clusters. |
K8s Clusters | K8s Clusters | |
UpdateK8sResource | UpdateK8sResource | Updates a specified resource in a Kubernetes cluster. |
GetK8sCluster | GetK8sCluster | Queries Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) clusters or Serverless Kubernetes clusters in a specified region. |
ListK8sNamespaces | ListK8sNamespaces | Queries namespaces for a Kubernetes cluster. |
ImportK8sCluster | ImportK8sCluster | Imports a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster or a serverless Kubernetes cluster to Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS). |
Application Management
API | Title | Description |
ECS & K8s Clusters | ECS & K8s Clusters | |
UpdateHealthCheckUrl | UpdateHealthCheckUrl | Changes the health check URL for an application. |
GetChangeOrderInfo | GetChangeOrderInfo | Queries the details about a change process. |
GetSecureToken | GetSecureToken | Queries the security token information of a namespace. You can call this operation to query information, such as the AccessKey ID, AccessKey secret, tenant ID, and the domain name of Address Server, for the specified namespace. |
QueryEccInfo | QueryEccInfo | Queries details about an elastic compute container (ECC). This operation is applicable to Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) clusters. |
GetScalingRules | GetScalingRules | Queries scaling rules. |
ListUserDefineRegion | ListUserDefineRegion | Queries custom namespaces. |
GetContainerConfiguration | GetContainerConfiguration | Queries the Tomcat configuration of an application or an instance group in which an application is deployed. |
ListApplication | ListApplication | Queries a list of applications. |
ListDeployGroup | ListDeployGroup | Queries the instance groups to which an application is deployed. |
ListHistoryDeployVersion | ListHistoryDeployVersion | Queries historical deployment packages of an application. |
ListRecentChangeOrder | ListRecentChangeOrder | Queries the change processes of an application. |
ListBuildPack | ListBuildPack | Queries Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS) Container versions. |
InsertOrUpdateRegion | InsertOrUpdateRegion | Creates or edits a custom namespace. |
SwitchAdvancedMonitoring | SwitchAdvancedMonitoring | Queries the status of the advanced application monitoring feature or configures this feature for an application that is deployed in an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) or Kubernetes cluster. |
ContinuePipeline | ContinuePipeline | Manually confirms the release of the next batch. |
AbortChangeOrder | AbortChangeOrder | Terminates a change process. |
RollbackChangeOrder | RollbackChangeOrder | Terminates an application change process and rolls back the application. This operation is applicable to applications that are deployed in Elastic Compute Service (ECS) clusters. |
ECS Clusters | ECS Clusters | |
UpdateApplicationBaseInfo | UpdateApplicationBaseInfo | Updates the basic information such as the description and owner of an application. |
AddLogPath | AddLogPath | Adds a log directory to an application. This operation is applicable to applications that are deployed in Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) clusters and hybrid cloud ECS clusters. |
DeleteApplication | DeleteApplication | Deletes an application. |
DeleteLogPath | DeleteLogPath | Removes a log directory from an application. This operation is applicable to applications that are deployed in Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) clusters and hybrid cloud ECS clusters. |
DeleteDeployGroup | DeleteDeployGroup | Deletes an instance group for an application. |
UpdateHookConfiguration | UpdateHookConfiguration | Mounts a script to an application or application instance group. |
ModifyScalingRule | ModifyScalingRule | Modifies the scaling rule for an application. |
StartApplication | StartApplication | Starts an application. |
StopApplication | StopApplication | Stops an application. |
UpdateContainer | UpdateContainer | Updates the Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS) Container version of a High-Speed Service Framework (HSF) application. EDAS Container includes Ali-Tomcat and Pandora. |
UpdateContainerConfiguration | UpdateContainerConfiguration | Configures the Tomcat container for an application or application instance group in an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) cluster. |
ChangeDeployGroup | ChangeDeployGroup | Changes the application instance group for an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance in an ECS cluster. |
UpdateJvmConfiguration | UpdateJvmConfiguration | Configures the Java virtual machine (JVM) parameters for an application or an instance group where the application is deployed. |
GetJvmConfiguration | GetJvmConfiguration | Queries the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) configuration of an application or an instance group in which an application is deployed. |
GetApplication | GetApplication | Queries the details about a specified application in an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) cluster. |
ListComponents | ListComponents | Queries the components that are related to applications in Elastic Compute Service (ECS) clusters. |
QueryApplicationStatus | QueryApplicationStatus | Queries the status of an application. |
InsertDeployGroup | InsertDeployGroup | Creates an instance group for a specified application. |
BindEcsSlb | BindEcsSlb | Binds a Server Load Balancer (SLB) instance to an application that is deployed in an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) cluster. |
UnbindSlb | UnbindSlb | Unbinds a Server Load Balancer (SLB) instance from an application. |
RollbackApplication | RollbackApplication | Rolls back an application. |
InsertApplication | InsertApplication | Creates an application in an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) cluster. |
DeployApplication | DeployApplication | Deploys an application in an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) cluster. |
ScaleoutApplicationWithNewInstances | ScaleoutApplicationWithNewInstances | Purchases Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances in the Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS) console and adds the purchased ECS instances to the specified instance group of an application. |
ScaleOutApplication | ScaleOutApplication | Scales out an application. |
ScaleInApplication | ScaleInApplication | Scales in an application. |
ResetApplication | ResetApplication | Resets an application. |
RestartApplication | RestartApplication | Restarts an application. This operation is applicable to applications that are deployed in Elastic Compute Service (ECS) clusters. |
K8s Clusters | K8s Clusters | |
CreateK8sService | CreateK8sService | Creates an application service in a Kubernetes cluster. |
DeleteK8sApplication | DeleteK8sApplication | Deletes an application from a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster. |
DeleteK8sService | DeleteK8sService | Deletes an application service from a Kubernetes cluster. |
UpdateK8sApplicationBaseInfo | UpdateK8sApplicationBaseInfo | Modifies basic information about an application that is deployed in a Kubernetes cluster. |
UpdateK8sApplicationConfig | UpdateK8sApplicationConfig | Updates the configuration of an application in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) or Serverless Kubernetes cluster. |
StartK8sApplication | StartK8sApplication | Starts an application in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster or Serverless Kubernetes cluster. |
StopK8sApplication | StopK8sApplication | Stops an application in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster or a Serverless Kubernetes cluster. |
UpdateK8sSlb | UpdateK8sSlb | Updates the Server Load Balancer (SLB) instance bound to an application that is deployed in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster. |
UpdateK8sService | UpdateK8sService | Updates an application service in a Kubernetes cluster. |
UpdateSlsLogStore | UpdateSlsLogStore | Configures a Logstore for an application. |
StartK8sAppPrecheck | StartK8sAppPrecheck | Starts precheck for Kubernetes application changes. |
GetK8sApplication | GetK8sApplication | Queries the information about applications deployed in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster or a serverless Kubernetes cluster. |
GetK8sServices | GetK8sServices | Queries application services that are deployed in a Kubernetes cluster. |
QuerySlsLogStoreList | QuerySlsLogStoreList | Queries the configuration details of Log Service for an application. |
GetAppDeployment | GetAppDeployment | Queries the information about the Deployment of a Kubernetes application. |
DescribeAppInstanceList | DescribeAppInstanceList | Queries Kubernetes application instances. |
GetK8sAppPrecheckResult | GetK8sAppPrecheckResult | Queries the precheck result of a Kubernetes application. |
BindK8sSlb | BindK8sSlb | Binds a Server Load Balancer (SLB) instance to an application that is deployed in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster. |
UnbindK8sSlb | UnbindK8sSlb | Unbinds a Server Load Balancer (SLB) instance from an application that is deployed in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster. |
InsertK8sApplication | InsertK8sApplication | Creates an application in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster or serverless Kubernetes cluster. |
DeployK8sApplication | DeployK8sApplication | Deploys an application in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster or a serverless Kubernetes cluster. |
ScaleK8sApplication | ScaleK8sApplication | Scales out or in an application that is deployed in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster. |
RestartK8sApplication | RestartK8sApplication | Restarts an application that is deployed in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster or a serverless Kubernetes cluster. |
ConvertK8sResource | ConvertK8sResource | Converts a Deployment into an application. |
AbortAndRollbackChangeOrder | AbortAndRollbackChangeOrder | Terminates a change process and rolls back the application. This operation is applicable to applications that are deployed in Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) clusters. |
Service Management
API | Title | Description |
DeleteServiceGroup | DeleteServiceGroup | Deletes a service group. |
GetServiceConsumersPage | GetServiceConsumersPage | Queries service consumers. |
GetServiceListPage | GetServiceListPage | Queries services. |
GetServiceMethodPage | GetServiceMethodPage | Queries service methods. |
GetServiceProvidersPage | GetServiceProvidersPage | Queries service providers. |
ListConsumedServices | ListConsumedServices | Queries the services that are consumed by an application. |
ListPublishedServices | ListPublishedServices | Queries the services that are published by an application. |
GetServiceDetail | GetServiceDetail | Queries service details. |
ListMethods | ListMethods | Queries service methods. |
ListServiceGroups | ListServiceGroups | Queries the service groups of a High-Speed Service Framework (HSF) application. |
InsertServiceGroup | InsertServiceGroup | Creates a service group. |
Application Route
API | Title | Description |
CreateK8sIngressRule | CreateK8sIngressRule | Creates an Ingress. |
DeleteK8sIngressRule | DeleteK8sIngressRule | Deletes an ingress. |
UpdateK8sIngressRule | UpdateK8sIngressRule | Updates an ingress. |
ListK8sIngressRules | ListK8sIngressRules | Queries ingresses. |
Configuration Management
API | Title | Description |
CreateConfigTemplate | CreateConfigTemplate | Creates a configuration template. |
CreateK8sConfigMap | CreateK8sConfigMap | Creates a Kubernetes ConfigMap. |
CreateK8sSecret | CreateK8sSecret | Creates a Kubernetes Secret. |
DeleteConfigTemplate | DeleteConfigTemplate | Deletes a configuration template. |
DeleteK8sConfigMap | DeleteK8sConfigMap | Deletes a Kubernetes ConfigMap. |
DeleteK8sSecret | DeleteK8sSecret | Deletes a Kubernetes Secret. |
UpdateConfigTemplate | UpdateConfigTemplate | Updates a configuration template. |
UpdateK8sConfigMap | UpdateK8sConfigMap | Modifies a Kubernetes ConfigMap. |
UpdateK8sSecret | UpdateK8sSecret | Modifies a Kubernetes Secret. |
ListConfigTemplates | ListConfigTemplates | Queries configuration templates. |
GetJavaStartUpConfig | GetJavaStartUpConfig | Queries the configuration of Java startup parameters for an application. |
GetWebContainerConfig | GetWebContainerConfig | Queries the Tomcat configurations of an application. |
ListK8sConfigMaps | ListK8sConfigMaps | Queries Kubernetes ConfigMaps. |
ListK8sSecrets | ListK8sSecrets | Queries Kubernetes Secrets. |
RetryChangeOrderTask | RetryChangeOrderTask | Retries a failed process. |
Elastic Scaling
API | Title | Description |
CreateApplicationScalingRule | CreateApplicationScalingRule | Creates an auto scaling policy for an application. |
DeleteApplicationScalingRule | DeleteApplicationScalingRule | Deletes an auto scaling policy for an application. |
DisableApplicationScalingRule | DisableApplicationScalingRule | Disables an auto scaling policy for an application. |
EnableApplicationScalingRule | EnableApplicationScalingRule | Enables an auto scaling policy for an application. |
UpdateApplicationScalingRule | UpdateApplicationScalingRule | Modifies an auto scaling policy for an application. |
DescribeApplicationScalingRules | DescribeApplicationScalingRules | Queries the auto scaling policies of an application. |
Swimming Lane
API | Title | Description |
InsertSwimmingLaneGroup | InsertSwimmingLaneGroup | Creates a lane group. |
InsertSwimmingLane | InsertSwimmingLane | Creates a lane. |
DeleteSwimmingLane | DeleteSwimmingLane | Deletes a lane. |
UpdateSwimmingLaneGroup | UpdateSwimmingLaneGroup | Updates a lane group. |
UpdateSwimmingLane | UpdateSwimmingLane | |
ListSwimmingLaneGroup | ListSwimmingLaneGroup | Queries lane groups. |
ListSwimmingLane | ListSwimmingLane | Queries lanes in a lane group. |