Create an SCC instance

Updated at: 2024-03-15 09:32

Super Computing Cluster (SCC) is developed based on Elastic Compute Service (ECS) Bare Metal Instance to significantly improve the network performance and acceleration ratio of large-scale clusters by using high-speed Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA)-based interconnections. This topic describes how to create an SCC instance.

Background information

This topic describes the basic configuration items you must pay attention to when you create an SCC instance. For information about other general configuration items, see Create an instance on the Custom Launch tab.

If you want to use RDMA, the High Performance Computing (HPC) scheduler, and the cluster resizing feature, create an SCC and then an SCC instance in the Elastic High Performance Computing (E-HPC) console. For more information, see Create a cluster by using the wizard.


  1. Log on to the ECS console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Instances & Images > Instances.

  3. Click Create Instance.

  4. Configure the parameters in the Basic Configurations step and then click Next.

    The following table describes the parameters in the Basic Configurations step.





    Billing Method

    Different billing and charging rules apply to the instance based on the selected billing method. The status changes of instance resources also vary based on the billing method. Valid values:


    SCC instance families and types are available in specific regions and zones. For information about the regions and zones where SCC instance families and types are available, go to the Instance Types Available for Each Region page. You can view the instance types that are available to your account on the instance buy page.


    For information about what to do if only subscription instance types are available when you purchase instances, see Instance FAQ.

    Instance Type

    Select Super Computing Cluster and select an SCC instance type. For more information, see Overview of instance families. After you select an SCC instance type, you must specify the SCC name and the number of instances that you want to purchase. You can enter a description for the instance based on your business requirements.


    Images contain information that is required to run instances. Alibaba Cloud provides a variety of images for purchase. All available images are displayed in the Image section of the instance buy page.


    SCC images support RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) drivers and OpenFabrics Enterprise Distribution (OFED) stacks. You can use SCC RDMA by using the IB Verbs API and manage RDMA communication by using Message Passing Interface (MPI).


    Up to 16 data disks can be attached to an SCC instance. You can attach data disks to SCC instances when you create the instances. You can also create disks and then attach the disks to existing SCC instances. For more information, see Create a disk and Attach a data disk.

  5. Configure the parameters in the Networking step and then click Next.

    Network Type: Only VPC is supported.

  6. Configure the parameters in the System Configurations (Optional) step and then click Next.

  7. Configure the parameters in the Grouping (Optional) step and then click Next.

  8. Check your configurations and read and select ECS Terms of Service and Product Terms of Service.

  9. In the lower part of the page, view the total fees for the instance, confirm the order, and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the payment.



  • On this page (1, T)
  • Background information
  • Procedure
  • References
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