spring-cloud-starter-acm won't be maintained any more. Therefore, we recommend that you use spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-config from Nacos instead.

Steps for using the Spring Cloud ACM SDK are as follows.

  1. Add Maven dependency.
  2. Configure the application name and the application group.

    Configure application.properties in Spring Boot, and configure spring.application.group and spring.application.name.

  3. Configure the ACM environment and authentication information.

    Edit the application.properties file in Spring Boot, and configure alibaba.acm.endpoint, alibaba.acm.namespace, alibaba.acm.accessKey, and alibaba.acm.secretKey:

    # Namespace ID
    # Access ACM with instance RAM role
    # alibaba.acm.ramRoleName=xxx
    # If it is an encrypted configuration, then add the following two lines for automatic decryption.
    # alibaba.acm.openKMSFilter=true
    # Regionid can be obtained by the Zone ID in the namespace details
    # alibaba.acm.regionId=xxx
    # If group is not DEFAULT_GROUP, then set alibaba.acm.group manually.
    # alibaba.acm.group=xxx
    # Options include properties, yaml, and yml, where properties is the default (only version 1.0.8 and above)
  4. Add application configuration in the ACM console.

    Log on to the ACM console and create a new configuration under the corresponding namespace.

    • Write the Data ID in the following format:


      For example: com.alibaba.cloud.acm:sample-app.properties

    • Select Properties for the configuration format, and put the specific key-value pairs in the configuration body:

      user.id = 001
      user.name = juven2
      user.age = 88


  • spring-cloud-starter-acm 1.0.7 and higher version now supports Spring Boot 2.x.
  • spring-cloud-starter-acm 1.0.8 and higher version now supports YAML.
  • We recommend that you use 2.0.1. RELEASE and higher version of Spring Boot 2.x. 2.0.0. RELEASE has a bug that prevents it from reading old data.
  • To download the complete sample code, click: spring-cloud-acm-sample.zip.

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