Metadata | Description | Example |
dns-conf/nameservers | The Domain Name System (DNS) configurations of the instance. | 100.100.XX.XX |
hostname | The hostname of the instance. | iZbp13znx0m0me8cquu**** |
instance/instance-type | The instance type. | ecs.g6e.large |
instance/instance-name | The instance name. | iZbp1bfqfsvqzxhmnd5**** |
image-id | The ID of the image that is used to create the instance. | aliyun_3_x64_20G_alibase_20210425.vhd |
image/market-place/product-code | The product code of the Alibaba Cloud Marketplace image. | cmjj01**** |
image/market-place/charge-type | The billing method of the Alibaba Cloud Marketplace image. | PrePaid |
instance-id | The ID of the instance. | i-bp13znx0m0me8cquu**** |
mac | The media access control (MAC) address of the instance. If the instance has multiple NICs, only the MAC address of the eth0 NIC is displayed. | 00:16:3e:0f:XX:XX |
network-type | The network type of the instance. Only instances that are deployed in VPCs support this metadata item. | vpc |
network/interfaces/macs/[mac]/network-interface-id | The ID of the NIC. The [mac] parameter must be replaced with the MAC address of the instance. | eni-bp1b2c0jvnj0g17b**** |
network/interfaces/macs/[mac]/netmask | The subnet mask of the NIC. | 255.255.XX.XX |
network/interfaces/macs/[mac]/vswitch-cidr-block | The IPv4 CIDR block of the vSwitch to which the NIC is connected. | 192.168.XX.XX/24 |
network/interfaces/macs/[mac]/vpc-cidr-block | The IPv4 CIDR block of the VPC to which the NIC belongs. | 192.168.XX.XX/16 |
network/interfaces/macs/[mac]/private-ipv4s | The private IPv4 addresses that are assigned to the NIC. | ["192.168.XX.XX"] |
network/interfaces/macs/[mac]/vswitch-id | The ID of the vSwitch to which the NIC belongs. | vsw-bp1ygryo03m39xhsy**** |
network/interfaces/macs/[mac]/vpc-id | The ID of the VPC to which the security group of the NIC belongs. | vpc-bp1e0g399hkd7c8q3**** |
network/interfaces/macs/[mac]/primary-ip-address | The primary private IP address of the NIC. | 192.168.XX.XX |
network/interfaces/macs/[mac]/gateway | The IPv4 gateway address of the NIC. | 192.168.XX.XX |
instance/max-netbw-egress | The maximum outbound internal bandwidth of the instance. Unit: Kbit/s. | 1228800 |
network/interfaces/macs/[mac]/ipv4-prefixes | The private IPv4 prefix lists that are assigned to the NIC. | 192.168.XX.XX/28 |
network/interfaces/macs/[mac]/ipv6-prefixes | The private IPv6 prefix lists that are assigned to the NIC. | 2001:db8:1234:1a00:XXXX::/80 |
disks/ | The serial number of the disk. | bp131n0q38u3a4zi**** |
disks/[disk-serial]/id | The ID of the disk. | d-bp131n0q38u3a4zi**** |
disks/[disk-serial]/name | The name of the disk. | testDiskName |
private-ipv4 | The private IPv4 address of the primary NIC. | 192.168.XX.XX |
public-ipv4 | The public IPv4 address of the primary NIC. | 120.55.XX.XX |
eipv4 | This metadata item is used to obtain the following information: | 120.55.XX.XX |
ntp-conf/ntp-servers | The NTP server address. | |
owner-account-id | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the instance belongs. | 1609**** |
region-id | The region ID of the instance. | cn-hangzhou |
zone-id | The zone ID of the instance. | cn-hangzhou-i |
public-keys/[keypair-id]/openssh-key | The public key. This metadata item is available only if a public key is bound to an instance during instance creation. | ssh-rsa ****3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDLNbE7pS****@****.com |
serial-number | The serial number of the instance. | 4acd2b47-b328-4762-852f-998**** |
source-address | The address of the YUM or APT image repository. The package management software of a Linux instance can obtain updates from the image repository. | |
kms-server | The Key Management Service (KMS) server that is used by the Windows instance to activate Windows. | |
wsus-server/wu-server | The update server of the Windows instance. | |
wsus-server/wu-status-server | The server that monitors the update status of the Windows instance. | |
vpc-id | The ID of the VPC to which the instance belongs. | vpc-bp1e0g399hkd7c8q**** |
vpc-cidr-block | The CIDR block of the VPC to which the instance belongs. | 192.168.XX.XX/16 |
vswitch-cidr-block | The CIDR block of the vSwitch to which the instance is connected. | 192.168.XX.XX/24 |
vswitch-id | The ID of the vSwitch to which the instance is connected. | vsw-bp1ygryo03m39xhsy**** |
ram/security-credentials/[role-name] | If a RAM role is attached to the instance, role-name is the name of the role, and the response contains the temporary security credentials that are associated with the role-name role. The credentials expire at the time specified in the Expiration field. You must call the operation again to obtain new credentials. |
"AccessKeyId" : "****",
"AccessKeySecret" : "****",
"Expiration" : "2024-11-08T09:44:50Z",
"SecurityToken" : "****",
"LastUpdated" : "2024-11-08T03:44:50Z",
"Code" : "Success"
instance/spot/termination-time | The stop time and release time that are configured in the operating system of the preemptible instance. The time is in the yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. | 2020-04-07T17:03:00Z |
instance/virtualization-solution | The ECS virtualization solution. Virt 1.0 and Virt 2.0 are supported. | ECS Virt |
instance/virtualization-solution-version | The version of the ECS virtualization solution. | 2.0 |