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:The error message returned when ecs api creation fails because the specified disk type is not supported in the zone

Last Updated:May 20, 2022

Problem description

When you use an ecs api to create an instance, the following error message is displayed.

"Code": "InvalidDataDiskCategory.NotSupported",
"Message": "diskCategory is CLOUD_SSD, but the iz supported diskCategory is [io1, io4, io3].", 



An error is reported when you create an instance because the specified disk type is not supported in the zone.



You can run the following command to specify or adjust the zone through the ZoneId parameter, and then recreate the instance.

aliyun ecs RunInstances --ImageId win2008_64_ent_r2_cn_40G_alibase_20150429.vhd --InstanceType ecs.g5.large --SecurityGroupId <TheSecuriytyGroupId> --SystemDiskCategory cloud_efficiency --ZoneId cn-hangzhou-c


Application scope

  • ECS