Metric | Description | Unit | MetricName | Dimensions | Statistics |
(ECS) CPU Utilization | CPU utilization | % | CPUUtilization | userId and instanceId | Maximum, Minimum, and Average |
(ECS)InternetInRate(Classic Network) | Average rate of inbound traffic over the Internet | bit/s | InternetInRate | userId and instanceId | Maximum, Minimum, and Average |
(ECS)IntranetInRate | Average rate of inbound traffic over the internal network | bit/s | IntranetInRate | userId and instanceId | Maximum, Minimum, and Average |
(ECS)InternetOutRate(Classic Network) | Average rate of outbound traffic over the Internet | bit/s | InternetOutRate | userId and instanceId | Maximum, Minimum, and Average |
(ECS)IntranetOutRate | Average rate of outbound traffic over the internal network | bit/s | IntranetOutRate | userId and instanceId | Maximum, Minimum, and Average |
(ECS)DiskReadBPS | Number of bytes that are read from the system disk per second | Byte/s | DiskReadBPS | userId and instanceId | Maximum, Minimum, and Average |
(ECS)DiskWriteBPS | Number of bytes that are written to the system disk per second | Byte/s | DiskWriteBPS | userId and instanceId | Maximum, Minimum, and Average |
(ECS)DiskReadIOPS | Number of read operations that are performed on the system disk per second | Count/s | DiskReadIOPS | userId and instanceId | Maximum, Minimum, and Average |
(ECS)DiskWriteIOPS | Number of write operations that are performed on the system disk per second | Count/s | DiskWriteIOPS | userId and instanceId | Average, Minimum, and Maximum |
(ECS)InternetInRate_IP | Inbound bandwidth over the Internet | bit/s | VPC_PublicIP_InternetInRate | userId, instanceId, and ip | Maximum, Minimum, and Average |
(ECS)InternetOutRate_IP | Outbound bandwidth over the Internet | bit/s | VPC_PublicIP_InternetOutRate | userId, instanceId, and ip | Maximum, Minimum, and Average |
(ECS)InternetOutRatePercent_IP | Utilization of the outbound bandwidth over the Internet | % | VPC_PublicIP_InternetOutRate_Percent | userId, instanceId, and ip | Average |
(ECS)InternetIn(Classic Network) | Inbound traffic over the Internet | Byte | InternetIn | userId and instanceId | Average, Minimum, Maximum, and Sum |
(ECS)InternetOut(Classic Network) | Outbound traffic over the Internet | Byte | InternetOut | userId and instanceId | Maximum, Minimum, and Average |
(ECS)IntranetInRate | Inbound traffic over the internal network | Byte | IntranetInRate | userId and instanceId | Maximum, Minimum, and Average |