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Prepare an Alibaba Cloud account

Updated at: 2024-10-25 09:41

This topic describes how to create an Alibaba Cloud account and create an AccessKey pair for the account.


1. Create an Alibaba Cloud account. Go to the Alibaba Cloud official website. In the upper-right corner, click Free Trial. On the page that appears, enter the required information to create an Alibaba Cloud account.

  • The Alibaba Cloud account owner has full permissions on all purchased resources. To ensure the security of your account, we recommend that you change your password on a regular basis and do not share your account with other users.

  • You can use only your Alibaba Cloud account to purchase and connect to an OpenSearch instance.

2. Complete real-name verification. Go to the real-name verification page and complete the verification.


3. Create an AccessKey pair. To call the OpenSearch API, you must create an AccessKey pair for your Alibaba Cloud account. An AccessKey pair is different from the username and password that you use to log on to the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. An AccessKey pair is used to connect to development or Business Intelligence (BI) tools. An AccessKey pair consists of an AccessKey ID and an AccessKey secret. To create an AccessKey pair, perform the following steps:

  • After an AccessKey pair is created for your Alibaba Cloud account, keep the AccessKey ID and AccessKey secret confidential. If the AccessKey ID or AccessKey secret is at risk of leakage, change the AccessKey pair at the earliest opportunity.

  • If you do not want to use the Alibaba Cloud account to call the OpenSearch API, you can call the API as a Resource Access Management (RAM) user. Before you call the API, you must create a RAM user and grant permissions to the RAM user. For more information, see Create a RAM user and Grant permissions to a RAM user.

a. Log on to the OpenSearch console. Move the pointer over the profile picture in the upper-right corner, and click AccessKey Management.

b. In the Note message, click Use Current AccessKey Pair.

c. On the AccessKey Pair page, click Create AccessKey. In the Security Verification dialog box, click Verify now next to By Phone Verification, and click Get code.

e. Enter the verification code in the Verification Code field and click Confirm.

f. In the Create AccessKey Pair message, click Save AccessKey Information. The AccessKey pair is created.

What to do next

After the AccessKey pair is created, view the status of the AccessKey pair on the AccessKey Pair page. You can also click Disable or Delete in the Actions column to disable or delete the AccessKey pair.


If you disable the AccessKey pair, all the services that use the AccessKey pair fail to run and report errors. Therefore, when the status of the AccessKey pair changes, you must check the status of services that use the AccessKey pair and recover the services at the earliest opportunity.

  • On this page (1, O)
  • Procedure
  • What to do next
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