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Enterprise Distributed Application Service:List of operations by function

Last Updated:Nov 29, 2024
This product(Edas/2017-08-01) OpenAPI adopts ROA Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts.
Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.

System Management

DeleteRoleDeleteRoleDeletes a Resource Access Management (RAM) role.
UpdateRoleUpdateRoleModifies a role.
UpdateAccountInfoUpdateAccountInfoModifies the information about an account.
ListRoleListRoleQueries roles.
ListSubAccountListSubAccountQueries a list of Resource Access Management (RAM) users.
ListAuthorityListAuthorityQueries all permissions.
GetPackageStorageCredentialGetPackageStorageCredentialQueries the Security Token Service (STS) tokens that are required for temporary storage.
InsertRoleInsertRoleCreates a role.
AuthorizeRoleAuthorizeRoleGrant permissions to RAM roles.
AuthorizeApplicationAuthorizeApplicationGrants a Resource Access Management (RAM) user the permissions on a specified application.
AuthorizeResourceGroupAuthorizeResourceGroupGrants a Resource Access Management (RAM) user the permissions on a resource group.

Resource Management

ECS & K8s ClustersECS & K8s Clusters
DeleteUserDefineRegionDeleteUserDefineRegionDeletes a specified custom namespace.
DeleteClusterDeleteClusterDeletes an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) cluster or cancels the import of a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster.
ListAliyunRegionListAliyunRegionQueries Alibaba Cloud regions supported by Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS).
QueryMigrateRegionListQueryMigrateRegionListQueries the namespaces to which an instance can be migrated.
ListClusterListClusterQueries clusters.
GetClusterGetClusterQueries a specific cluster.
ListVpcListVpcQueries virtual private clouds (VPCs). This operation is applicable to Elastic Compute Service (ECS) clusters and Kubernetes clusters.
QueryRegionConfigQueryRegionConfigQueries the configurations of different regions that are supported by Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS).
ListApplicationEcuListApplicationEcuQueries elastic compute units (ECUs).
ListResourceGroupListResourceGroupQueries resource groups.
ListTagResourcesListTagResourcesQueries the tags that are added to resources.
TagResourcesTagResourcesCreates tags and adds the tags to resources at a time.
UntagResourcesUntagResourcesRemoves one or more tags from one or more resources.
ECS ClustersECS Clusters
CreateIDCImportCommandCreateIDCImportCommandGenerates a command that is used to import instances to a hybrid cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) cluster.
DeleteClusterMemberDeleteClusterMemberRemoves an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance from a cluster.
DeleteEcuDeleteEcuDeletes an Elastic Compute Unit (ECU).
ListClusterMembersListClusterMembersQueries Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances in a cluster.
ListEcuByRegionListEcuByRegionQueries the available elastic compute units (ECUs) in a specified namespace.
ListConvertableEcuListConvertableEcuQueries the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances that can be imported to a specified cluster. This operation is applicable to ECS clusters.
ListEcsNotInClusterListEcsNotInClusterQueries all Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances that have not been imported to clusters.
QueryMigrateEcuListQueryMigrateEcuListQueries the elastic compute units (ECUs) that can be migrated.
ListScaleOutEcuListScaleOutEcuQueries elastic compute units (ECUs) available for scaling out an application in a specified cluster or the cluster where the application is deployed. This operation is applicable to Elastic Compute Service (ECS) clusters.
ListSlbListSlbQueries Server Load Balancer (SLB) instances.
BindSlbBindSlbBinds a Server Load Balancer (SLB) instance to an application in Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS).
InsertClusterInsertClusterCreates a cluster.
InsertClusterMemberInsertClusterMemberImports Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances into an ECS cluster.
InstallAgentInstallAgentUses the Cloud Assistant provided by Elastic Compute Service (ECS) to install Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS) Agent and imports ECS instances to EDAS.
TransformClusterMemberTransformClusterMemberImports or migrates one or more Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances to a cluster.
MigrateEcuMigrateEcuMigrates an elastic compute unit (ECU) to the default cluster in a specified namespace.
SynchronizeResourceSynchronizeResourceSynchronizes the basic Alibaba Cloud resources that belong to your account to Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS). This operation is applicable to Elastic Compute Service (ECS) clusters.
K8s ClustersK8s Clusters
UpdateK8sResourceUpdateK8sResourceUpdates a specified resource in a Kubernetes cluster.
GetK8sClusterGetK8sClusterQueries Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) clusters or Serverless Kubernetes clusters in a specified region.
ListK8sNamespacesListK8sNamespacesQueries namespaces for a Kubernetes cluster.
ImportK8sClusterImportK8sClusterImports a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster or a serverless Kubernetes cluster to Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS).

Application Management

ECS & K8s ClustersECS & K8s Clusters
UpdateHealthCheckUrlUpdateHealthCheckUrlChanges the health check URL for an application.
GetChangeOrderInfoGetChangeOrderInfoQueries the details about a change process.
GetSecureTokenGetSecureTokenQueries the security token information of a namespace. You can call this operation to query information, such as the AccessKey ID, AccessKey secret, tenant ID, and the domain name of Address Server, for the specified namespace.
QueryEccInfoQueryEccInfoQueries details about an elastic compute container (ECC). This operation is applicable to Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) clusters.
GetScalingRulesGetScalingRulesQueries scaling rules.
ListUserDefineRegionListUserDefineRegionQueries custom namespaces.
GetContainerConfigurationGetContainerConfigurationQueries the Tomcat configuration of an application or an instance group in which an application is deployed.
ListApplicationListApplicationQueries a list of applications.
ListDeployGroupListDeployGroupQueries the instance groups to which an application is deployed.
ListHistoryDeployVersionListHistoryDeployVersionQueries historical deployment packages of an application.
ListRecentChangeOrderListRecentChangeOrderQueries the change processes of an application.
ListBuildPackListBuildPackQueries Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS) Container versions.
InsertOrUpdateRegionInsertOrUpdateRegionCreates or edits a custom namespace.
SwitchAdvancedMonitoringSwitchAdvancedMonitoringQueries the status of the advanced application monitoring feature or configures this feature for an application that is deployed in an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) or Kubernetes cluster.
ContinuePipelineContinuePipelineManually confirms the release of the next batch.
AbortChangeOrderAbortChangeOrderTerminates a change process.
RollbackChangeOrderRollbackChangeOrderTerminates an application change process and rolls back the application. This operation is applicable to applications that are deployed in Elastic Compute Service (ECS) clusters.
ECS ClustersECS Clusters
UpdateApplicationBaseInfoUpdateApplicationBaseInfoUpdates the basic information such as the description and owner of an application.
AddLogPathAddLogPathAdds a log directory to an application. This operation is applicable to applications that are deployed in Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) clusters and hybrid cloud ECS clusters.
DeleteApplicationDeleteApplicationDeletes an application.
DeleteLogPathDeleteLogPathRemoves a log directory from an application. This operation is applicable to applications that are deployed in Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) clusters and hybrid cloud ECS clusters.
DeleteDeployGroupDeleteDeployGroupDeletes an instance group for an application.
UpdateHookConfigurationUpdateHookConfigurationMounts a script to an application or application instance group.
ModifyScalingRuleModifyScalingRuleModifies the scaling rule for an application.
StartApplicationStartApplicationStarts an application.
StopApplicationStopApplicationStops an application.
UpdateContainerUpdateContainerUpdates the Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS) Container version of a High-Speed Service Framework (HSF) application. EDAS Container includes Ali-Tomcat and Pandora.
UpdateContainerConfigurationUpdateContainerConfigurationConfigures the Tomcat container for an application or application instance group in an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) cluster.
ChangeDeployGroupChangeDeployGroupChanges the application instance group for an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance in an ECS cluster.
UpdateJvmConfigurationUpdateJvmConfigurationConfigures the Java virtual machine (JVM) parameters for an application or an instance group where the application is deployed.
GetJvmConfigurationGetJvmConfigurationQueries the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) configuration of an application or an instance group in which an application is deployed.
GetApplicationGetApplicationQueries the details about a specified application in an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) cluster.
ListComponentsListComponentsQueries the components that are related to applications in Elastic Compute Service (ECS) clusters.
QueryApplicationStatusQueryApplicationStatusQueries the status of an application.
InsertDeployGroupInsertDeployGroupCreates an instance group for a specified application.
BindEcsSlbBindEcsSlbBinds a Server Load Balancer (SLB) instance to an application that is deployed in an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) cluster.
UnbindSlbUnbindSlbUnbinds a Server Load Balancer (SLB) instance from an application.
RollbackApplicationRollbackApplicationRolls back an application.
InsertApplicationInsertApplicationCreates an application in an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) cluster.
DeployApplicationDeployApplicationDeploys an application in an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) cluster.
ScaleoutApplicationWithNewInstancesScaleoutApplicationWithNewInstancesPurchases Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances in the Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS) console and adds the purchased ECS instances to the specified instance group of an application.
ScaleOutApplicationScaleOutApplicationScales out an application.
ScaleInApplicationScaleInApplicationScales in an application.
ResetApplicationResetApplicationResets an application.
RestartApplicationRestartApplicationRestarts an application. This operation is applicable to applications that are deployed in Elastic Compute Service (ECS) clusters.
K8s ClustersK8s Clusters
CreateK8sServiceCreateK8sServiceCreates an application service in a Kubernetes cluster.
DeleteK8sApplicationDeleteK8sApplicationDeletes an application from a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster.
DeleteK8sServiceDeleteK8sServiceDeletes an application service from a Kubernetes cluster.
UpdateK8sApplicationBaseInfoUpdateK8sApplicationBaseInfoModifies basic information about an application that is deployed in a Kubernetes cluster.
UpdateK8sApplicationConfigUpdateK8sApplicationConfigUpdates the configuration of an application in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) or Serverless Kubernetes cluster.
StartK8sApplicationStartK8sApplicationStarts an application in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster or Serverless Kubernetes cluster.
StopK8sApplicationStopK8sApplicationStops an application in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster or a Serverless Kubernetes cluster.
UpdateK8sSlbUpdateK8sSlbUpdates the Server Load Balancer (SLB) instance bound to an application that is deployed in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster.
UpdateK8sServiceUpdateK8sServiceUpdates an application service in a Kubernetes cluster.
UpdateSlsLogStoreUpdateSlsLogStoreConfigures a Logstore for an application.
StartK8sAppPrecheckStartK8sAppPrecheckStarts precheck for Kubernetes application changes.
GetK8sApplicationGetK8sApplicationQueries the information about applications deployed in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster or a serverless Kubernetes cluster.
GetK8sServicesGetK8sServicesQueries application services that are deployed in a Kubernetes cluster.
QuerySlsLogStoreListQuerySlsLogStoreListQueries the configuration details of Log Service for an application.
GetAppDeploymentGetAppDeploymentQueries the information about the Deployment of a Kubernetes application.
DescribeAppInstanceListDescribeAppInstanceListQueries Kubernetes application instances.
GetK8sAppPrecheckResultGetK8sAppPrecheckResultQueries the precheck result of a Kubernetes application.
BindK8sSlbBindK8sSlbBinds a Server Load Balancer (SLB) instance to an application that is deployed in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster.
UnbindK8sSlbUnbindK8sSlbUnbinds a Server Load Balancer (SLB) instance from an application that is deployed in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster.
InsertK8sApplicationInsertK8sApplicationCreates an application in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster or serverless Kubernetes cluster.
DeployK8sApplicationDeployK8sApplicationDeploys an application in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster or a serverless Kubernetes cluster.
ScaleK8sApplicationScaleK8sApplicationScales out or in an application that is deployed in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster.
RestartK8sApplicationRestartK8sApplicationRestarts an application that is deployed in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster or a serverless Kubernetes cluster.
ConvertK8sResourceConvertK8sResourceConverts a Deployment into an application.
AbortAndRollbackChangeOrderAbortAndRollbackChangeOrderTerminates a change process and rolls back the application. This operation is applicable to applications that are deployed in Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) clusters.

Service Management

DeleteServiceGroupDeleteServiceGroupDeletes a service group.
GetServiceConsumersPageGetServiceConsumersPageQueries service consumers.
GetServiceListPageGetServiceListPageQueries services.
GetServiceMethodPageGetServiceMethodPageQueries service methods.
GetServiceProvidersPageGetServiceProvidersPageQueries service providers.
ListConsumedServicesListConsumedServicesQueries the services that are consumed by an application.
ListPublishedServicesListPublishedServicesQueries the services that are published by an application.
GetServiceDetailGetServiceDetailQueries service details.
ListMethodsListMethodsQueries service methods.
ListServiceGroupsListServiceGroupsQueries the service groups of a High-Speed Service Framework (HSF) application.
InsertServiceGroupInsertServiceGroupCreates a service group.

Application Route

CreateK8sIngressRuleCreateK8sIngressRuleCreates an Ingress.
DeleteK8sIngressRuleDeleteK8sIngressRuleDeletes an ingress.
UpdateK8sIngressRuleUpdateK8sIngressRuleUpdates an ingress.
ListK8sIngressRulesListK8sIngressRulesQueries ingresses.

Configuration Management

CreateConfigTemplateCreateConfigTemplateCreates a configuration template.
CreateK8sConfigMapCreateK8sConfigMapCreates a Kubernetes ConfigMap.
CreateK8sSecretCreateK8sSecretCreates a Kubernetes Secret.
DeleteConfigTemplateDeleteConfigTemplateDeletes a configuration template.
DeleteK8sConfigMapDeleteK8sConfigMapDeletes a Kubernetes ConfigMap.
DeleteK8sSecretDeleteK8sSecretDeletes a Kubernetes Secret.
UpdateConfigTemplateUpdateConfigTemplateUpdates a configuration template.
UpdateK8sConfigMapUpdateK8sConfigMapModifies a Kubernetes ConfigMap.
UpdateK8sSecretUpdateK8sSecretModifies a Kubernetes Secret.
ListConfigTemplatesListConfigTemplatesQueries configuration templates.
GetJavaStartUpConfigGetJavaStartUpConfigQueries the configuration of Java startup parameters for an application.
GetWebContainerConfigGetWebContainerConfigQueries the Tomcat configurations of an application.
ListK8sConfigMapsListK8sConfigMapsQueries Kubernetes ConfigMaps.
ListK8sSecretsListK8sSecretsQueries Kubernetes Secrets.
RetryChangeOrderTaskRetryChangeOrderTaskRetries a failed process.

Elastic Scaling

CreateApplicationScalingRuleCreateApplicationScalingRuleCreates an auto scaling policy for an application.
DeleteApplicationScalingRuleDeleteApplicationScalingRuleDeletes an auto scaling policy for an application.
DisableApplicationScalingRuleDisableApplicationScalingRuleDisables an auto scaling policy for an application.
EnableApplicationScalingRuleEnableApplicationScalingRuleEnables an auto scaling policy for an application.
UpdateApplicationScalingRuleUpdateApplicationScalingRuleModifies an auto scaling policy for an application.
DescribeApplicationScalingRulesDescribeApplicationScalingRulesQueries the auto scaling policies of an application.

Swimming Lane

InsertSwimmingLaneGroupInsertSwimmingLaneGroupCreates a lane group.
InsertSwimmingLaneInsertSwimmingLaneCreates a lane.
DeleteSwimmingLaneDeleteSwimmingLaneDeletes a lane.
UpdateSwimmingLaneGroupUpdateSwimmingLaneGroupUpdates a lane group.
ListSwimmingLaneGroupListSwimmingLaneGroupQueries lane groups.
ListSwimmingLaneListSwimmingLaneQueries lanes in a lane group.